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DOI Python Platform

TBSS repository is developed by Tashrif Billah, Sylvain Bouix, and Ofer Pasternak, Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School).

If this repository is useful in your research, please cite as below:

Billah, Tashrif; Bouix, Sylvain; Pasternak, Ofer; Generalized Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) pipeline,, 2019, DOI:

See installation instruction here

Table of Contents

Table of Contents created by gh-md-toc

Useful commands


See details on ENIGMA TBSS.

 lib/tbss_all -i IMAGELIST.csv \
-c CASELIST.txt \
--modality FA,MD,AD,RD 
--enigma \
-o ~/enigmaTemplateOutput/

IMAGELIST.csv is a list of FA,MD,AD,RD images in separate columns. A particular diffusivity images for all cases need not to be in the same directory. Rather, they can be anywhere in your machine. Just make sure to specify absolute path to the diffusivity image in designated column of IMAGELIST.csv. See details in ENIGMA branch.

NOTE For multi-modality like above, make sure to have FA as the first one.

NOTE If you don't specify a CASELIST.txt, base names for image files are used as caseIDs. However, if you are doing multi-modality TBSS, you wouldn't have the luxury of omitting the caselist.

2. Run user template based TBSS

lib/tbss_all -i FAimageDIR,MDimageDIR \
--modality FA,MD \
-c CASELIST.txt \
--template your_FA.nii.gz \
--skeleton your_skeleton_FA.nii.gz \
-o ~/userTemplateOutput/

Alternative to the IMAGELIST.csv, you can specify a directory corresponding to each modality you want to analyze. However, you have to copy your diffusivity images in a directory. In the very least, the images across FAimageDIR,MDimageDIR should have caseID from CASELIST.txt somewhere in their file names. But it doesn't need to have keyword "FA/MD" in their file names.

On the other hand, your_FA.nii.gz and your_skeleton_FA.nii.gz are the templates you should provide. See details in User template branch.

3. Minimum TBSS

lib/tbss_all -i FAimageDIR \
-o ~/fmribuserTemplateOutput

Voila! The pipeline will create a study specific template. Default --modality is assumed to be FA. See details in study template branch.

4. ROI analysis

With all the above, you may provide an atlas and a space of the atlas defining image. Then, ROI based statistics will be calculated.

--labelMap JHU-ICBM-labels-1mm.nii.gz \
--lut data/ENIGMA_look_up_table.txt \
--space $FSLDIR/standard/FMRIB58_FA*.nii.gz

Even better, ENGIMA branch does ROI based analysis as default.

5. Check progress

If you have a good number of cases to process, and you would like to know how far the pipeline has progressed, do the following:

lib/tbss_all --status --outDir ~/userTemplateOutput/

The --status command uses information from outDir/log/config.ini to collect information about the ongoing TBSS study. It will print a dashboard like below:

Output directory:               ~/my_output_directory
Number of cases to process:     228

Progress of FA TBSS:

origdata obtained:              228
pre-processed:                  228
registered to template space:   228
skeletonized:                   228
roi-based stat calculated:      228

Time taken so far: 2 days, 17 hours, 54 minutes and 3 seconds

Amazing, isn't it!

6. Create summary

Finally, TBSS pipeline can generate an HTML file with skeleton overlaid upon the diffusivity measure for all cases.

lib/ --dir tbss/output/directory


This is Generalized Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) pipeline, encompassing different protocols such as ENIGMA and FSL. It is elegantly designed so you no longer have to deal with naming your folders/files according to a protocol. It uses some command line tools relevant to skeleton creation from FSL while replacing all FSL (i.e flirt, applyWarp etc) registration steps by ANTs. In a nutshell, this pipeline should facilitate an user in running TBSS study by giving more liberty with inputs. Moreover, it harnesses multiprocessing capability from Python making the program significantly faster than any job scheduling framework (i.e lsf).

Step-1: Preprocessing

tbss_1_preproc *.nii.gz pre-processes the FA images. It essentially zeros the end slices and erodes the image a little bit. It also creates caseid_FA_mask.nii.gz that can be used to pre-process non-FA images. tbss_1_preproc puts the given FA images in origdata and pre-processed FA images in FA directory. The pipeline renames the latter to preproc.

As explained above, non-FA images are pre-processed by applying caseid_FA_mask.nii.gz directly.

Step-2: Registration

Each caseid_FA.nii.gz are registered to template space. The caseid_*1Warp.nii.gz and caseid_*0GenericAffine.mat transform files are stored in transform/template directory.

The warp and affine are used to warp caseid_FA.nii.gz to template space: caseid_FA_to_target.nii.gz. The warped images are saved in warped directory. Same warp and affine are used to warp non-FA images.

Step-3: Skeleton creation

If a skeleton is not provided, it is created by tbss_skeleton command. stats/meanFA.nii.gz is used to create skeleton. The stats/meanFA.nii.gz is obtained from all the warped images in warped directory.

Step-4: Projection

Each subject diffusivity image is projected upon provided/created skeleton: {modality}/skeleton/caseid_{modality}_to_target_skel.nii.gz. See tbss_skeleton --help for more details about how FA and non-FA images are projected upon skeleton. Also, read Smith's TBSS 2006 paper to know more about it.

Step-5: View images

TBSS pipeline can generate an HTML file with skeleton overlaid upon the diffusivity measure for all cases.

lib/ --dir tbss/output/directory

The tbss/output/directory is where you have results stored in different subdirectories named after modalities. The above script will create a slicesdir inside each modality directory while slicedir/summary.html file has skeleton overlaid upon the diffusivity image for all the cases in caselist.txt.

Step-6: ROI/Voxelwise analysis

Finally, we would like to do analysis on skeletonized data. ROI-based analysis can be done as noted in the ENIGMA protocol. In brief, each caseid_FA_to_target_skel.nii.gz is compared against an atlas. The atlas has multiple segments. We calculate average diffusivity (FA,MD etc.) of each segment and note them in a csv file: {modality}/roi/caseid_{modality}_roi*.csv.

Summary of ROI analysis is saved in stats/{modality}_combined_roi*csv. The process is detailed in ROI analysis.

On the other hand, skeletonized 4D data stats/all{modality}_skeletonized.nii.gz can be used to do voxelwise analysis.


The pipeline has four branches:

1. --enigma

ENIGMA provided templates are used with this argument:

enigmaDir= pjoin(LIBDIR, 'data', 'enigmaDTI')
args.template = pjoin(enigmaDir, 'ENIGMA_DTI_FA.nii.gz')
args.templateMask = pjoin(enigmaDir, 'ENIGMA_DTI_FA_mask.nii.gz')
args.skeleton = pjoin(enigmaDir, 'ENIGMA_DTI_FA_skeleton.nii.gz')
args.skeletonMask = pjoin(enigmaDir, 'ENIGMA_DTI_FA_skeleton_mask.nii.gz')
args.skeletonMaskDst = pjoin(enigmaDir, 'ENIGMA_DTI_FA_skeleton_mask_dst.nii.gz')
args.lut = pjoin(enigmaDir, 'ENIGMA_look_up_table.txt')

In addition, the following atlas is used for ROI based analysis:

args.labelMap = pjoin(fslDataDir, 'atlases', 'JHU', 'JHU-ICBM-labels-1mm.nii.gz')

2. --fmrib

FSL provided templates are used with this argument:

args.template= pjoin(fslDataDir, 'standard', 'FMRIB58_FA_1mm.nii.gz')
args.skeleton= pjoin(fslDataDir, 'standard', 'FMRIB58_FA-skeleton_1mm.nii.gz')

However, FreeSurferColorLUT.txt is used in this branch.

On the other hand, this branch does not do ROI based analysis by default. If wanted, the user should specify an atlas and corresponding space (if atlas and templates are in different space) as follows:

--labelMap atlas.nii.gz --space MNI.nii.gz

Unlike original TBSS approach, we use the ENIGMA approach that identifies the direction of projection onto the skeleton based on the individual FA maps rather than on the mean FA map.

3. --studyTemplate

With this branch, a study-specific template is created using tbss_1_preproc INPUTDIR/*.nii.gz pre-processes the given FA images. The pre-processed FA images are used in template construction. Again, the use should provide a set of FA images for study specific template construction.

4. User template

Finally, the user can specify any or all of the following:

--template TEMPLATE                 an FA image template (i.e ENIGMA, IIT), 
                                    if not specified, ANTs template will be created from provided images, 
                                    for ANTs template creation, you must provide FA images, 
                                    once ANTs template is created, you can run TBSS on 
                                    non FA images using that template
--templateMask TEMPLATEMASK         mask of the FA template, if not provided, one will be created
--skeleton SKELETON                 skeleton of the FA template, if not provided, one will be created
--skeletonMask SKELETONMASK         mask of the provided skeleton

--skeletonMaskDst SKELETONMASKDST   skeleton mask distance map

** NOTE ** Attributes provided as user templates are mutually exclusive to the ones default with branches specified above. In other words, branch specific templates have precedence over user template. For example, if --enigma is specified, it will override --template, --skeleton etc specified again. However, since --fmrib comes with only --template and --skeleton, you may specify --templateMask, --skeletonMask etc. with it.


Files in each subdirectory start with a caseid obtained from --caselist. If a caselist is not specified, then one is created from the input images. Such caselist comprise the basenames of images without extension. For example, if image path is: /path/to/001/image001.nii.gz, then created caseid would be image001 only.

Input images

The TBSS pipeline requires input images i.e. FA, MD etc. You may specify the input images as a list or as a directory which contains them.

1. With dwi/mask image list

For convenience, TBSS can start by creating diffusivity measures: FA, MD, AD, and RD. To let the pipeline create them, specify your input DWI/Mask in a text file as follows:

-i INPUT.csv            a txt/csv file
                        with dwi1,mask1\ndwi2,mask2\n...

In addition, provide the --generate flag.

Then, FA, MD, AD, RD are created using either DIPY/FSL diffusion tensor models. Then, TBSS is done for specified --modality.

2. With diffusivity image list

Alternatively, you can specify a list of diffusivity images sitting in different directories:

                        a txt/csv file with
-i INPUT.csv            ModImg1\nModImg2\n... ; TBSS will be done for specified Modalities

The pipeline will organize them in proper directory structure.

3. With diffusivity image directory

Finally, to be compatible with FSL/ENGIMA protocols, you may organize your diffusivity images in separate directories. Then, you can provide the directories to run TBSS on:

--modality FA,MD,... dir/of/FA/images,dir/of/MD/images,...

NOTE When specifiying multiple modalities at a time, make sure to correspond your directory to the right modality.


Provided or created template can be projected to a standard space. For human brain, it should be projected to MNI space. However, for rat/other brains, it may be some other standard space.

If ROI based analysis is to be done using a White-Matter atlas, the template should be projected to the space of the atlas.

List of outputs

Several files are created down the pipeline. They are organized with following folder hierarchy and naming:

1. Folders

   |           |             |                |        |       |                   |           |
   |           |             |                |        |       |                   |           |
transform   template        FA                MD       AD      RD                 log        stats
                             |       (same inner file structure as that of FA)
                 |         |         |       |        |
                preproc  origdata  warped  skeleton  roi

copy all FA into FA directory
put all preprocessed data into preproc directory
keep all warp/affine in transform directory
output all warped images in warped directory
output all skeletons in skel directory
output ROI based analysis files in roi directory
save all ROI statistics, mean, and combined images

2. Files

The following directories are created inside user specified output directory. Files residing in the nested directories are explained below:


TBSS run on one or more specified modalities. The FA, MD, .. directories correspond to the modalities. In each modality directory, there are five sub-directories:

 |         |         |       |        |
preproc  origdata  warped  skeleton  roi

copy all FA into FA directory
put all preprocessed data into preproc directory
keep all warp/affine in transform directory
output all warped images in warped directory
output all skeletons in skel directory
output ROI based analysis files in roi directory

Files in each subdirectory start with a caseid obtained from --caselist.

a. preproc

Contains all [tbss_1_preproc] processed data.

b. origdata

Contains raw diffusivity data.

In fact tbss_1_preproc categorizes raw and preprocessed data into origdata and FA directories, respectively. The pipeline renames FA as preproc to be harmonious with the genre of data contained within.

c. warped

Preprocessed data are warped to template/standard space applying warp and affine obtained from registering each subject to the template. warped directory contains warped data.

d. skeleton

Each subject diffusivity image is projected upon provided/created skeleton. This directory contains projected skeletons in subject space.

e. roi

If you choose to do ROI based analysis providing a --labelMap, then a *_roi.csv file is created for each case containing region based statistics. Additionally, if you use --avg flag, RIGHT/LEFT regions in the ROIs are averaged. The averaged statistics are saved in *_roi_avg.csv file.

Several files are created down the pipeline. They are organized with proper folder hierarchy and naming:

   |           |          |       |       |       |        |        |
   |           |          |       |       |       |        |        |
transform   template     FA       MD      AD      RD      log     stats

ii. transform/template

If a template is given, input images are registered with the template. On the other hand, if a template is not given/--studyTemplate branch is specified, a template is created in the pipeline at template directory. Corresponding transform files: *0GenericAffine.mat and *1Warp.nii.gz are created in transform/template directory.

Moreover, same directory is used to store transform files if a template is further registered to another space (i.e. MNI).

iii. log

ANTs registration logs are stored in this directory for each case starting with a caseid. However, the user can print all the outputs to stdout by --verbose option.

iv. stats

As the name suggests, all statistics are saved in this directory. Statistics include mean and combined modality images, csv file containing summary of region based statistics etc.

multi-modality TBSS

Unlike requiring to save FA TBSS files with a particular name as directed by some protocol, this pipeline is capable of running multi-modality TBSS. All you have to do is to make sure, first modality in the specified modalities is FA and corresponding input images are FA.

--modality MODALITY         Modality={FA,MD,AD,RD ...} of images to run TBSS on
                            (i) single modality analysis:
                            you must run --modality FA first, then you can run for other modalities such as --modality AD
                            (ii) multi modality analysis:
                            first modality must be FA, and then the rest i.e --modality FA,MD,AD,RD,...
                            files from FA TBSS analysis are used in rest of the modalities
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
                            (i) DWI images and masks:
                            a txt/csv file with dwi1,mask1\ndwi2,mask2\n... ; TBSS will start by creating FA, MD, AD, and RD;
                            additionally, use --generate flag
                            (ii) single modality analysis:
                            a directory with one particular Modality={FA,MD,AD,RD,...} images, or
                            a txt/csv file with ModImg1\nModImg2\n...
                            TBSS will be done for specified Modality
                            (iii) multi modality analysis:
                            comma-separated multiple input directories corresponding to the sequence of --modality, or
                            a txt/csv file with Mod1_Img1,Mod2_Img1,...\nMod1_Img2,Mod2_Img2,...\n... ;
                            TBSS will be done for FA first, and then for other modalities.

                            (iv) separate nonFA TBSS:
                            if you wish to run TBSS for other modalities in future, files created during FA TBSS will be 
                            integrated into the nonFA TBSS. Provide --xfrmDir, --output from previous FA TBSS. 
                            In addition, provide any templates created during FA TBSS. On the other hand, specification of 
                            --input and --modality are same as above.

However, if you wish to run FA first and then other modalities in future, use option (iv) from above. There, you should provide the directory containing warp/affine obtained during registration of subject FA to the template/standard space. This way, we bypass doing the same non-linear registration once again. In addition, provide any templates created during FA TBSS.Here are a few sample commands for running separate nonFA TBSS:

partial --engima TBSS

$libDir/tbss_all -i MD/origdata,RD/origdata \
-c $CASELIST \                                      # same caselist that was used for FA TBSS
--xfrmDir $testDir/enigmaTemplateOutput/transform \ # transform files are obtained from here
--modality MD,RD --enigma \                         # --enigma tells to use enigma templates
--avg                                               # -o is not required

partial --studyTemplate TBSS

$libDir/tbss_all -i AD/origdata \
--xfrmDir $testDir/studyTemplateOutput/template \
--modality AD \
--template $testDir/studyTemplateOutput/template/template0.nii.gz \     # provide created templates 
--templateMask $testDir/studyTemplateOutput/stats/mean_FA_mask.nii.gz \
--skeleton $testDir/studyTemplateOutput/stats/mean_FA_skeleton.nii.gz \
--skeletonMask $testDir/studyTemplateOutput/stats/mean_FA_skeleton_mask.nii.gz \
--skeletonMaskDst $testDir/studyTemplateOutput/stats/mean_FA_skeleton_mask_dst.nii.gz \
-s $FSLDIR/data/standard/FMRIB58_FA_1mm.nii.gz \                        # provide space defining image if wanted
-l $FSLDIR/data/atlases/JHU/JHU-ICBM-labels-1mm.nii.gz \                # provide atlas if wanted

List creation

1. imagelist

You can easily generate list of your FA images as follows:

cd projectDirectory
ls `pwd`/000????/eddy/FA/*_FA.nii.gz > imagelist.txt

Here, we have a bunch of cases in the project directory whose IDs start with 000 and is followed by four alphanumeric characters. The directory structure to obtain FA images is 000????/eddy/FA/. Inside the directory, we have an FA image ending with _FA.nii.gz.

NOTE: pwd is used to obtain absolute path

Similarly, you can generate a list of your dwis,masks as follows:

cd projectDirectory
touch dwi_mask_list.txt
for i in GT_????
    echo `pwd`/$i/${i}_dwi_xc.nii.gz,`pwd`/$i/${i}_dwi_xc_mask.nii.gz >> dwi_mask_list.txt;

In the above example, we have a bunch of cases with IDs GT_???? having separate folders.
The dwis of the cases follow the pattern ID_dwi_xc.nii.gz and corresponding masks follow the pattern

In the same way, you can define your file structure and file names to obtain an image/case list.

2. caselist

For just caselist, you can do:

cd projectDirectory
ls 000???? > caselist.txt 

Use of ???? is detailed above.


1. ROI analysis

--enigma and --fmrib branch of the pipeline performs ROI based analysis as default. The way it works is, each of the projected skeleton in subject space is superimposed upon a binary label map. The binary label map of each ROI is obtained from each segment in the specified --labelMap (atlas). The segments are labelled with an integer in the atlas. Two information from each ROI is obtained: Average{FA/MD/RD/AD} and number of voxels. Such info from all the ROI for each case is saved in a caseid_roi.csv file. Additionally, if you use --avg flag, RIGHT/LEFT regions in the ROIs are averaged. The averaged statistics are saved in caseid_roi_avg.csv file.

Again, ROI statistics of all the subjects are summarized in {modality}_combined_roi.csv and {modality}_combined_roi_avg.csv files in the stats folder.

Other optional arguments for ROI-based analysis are

i. --lut

A look up table for names of each integer labels in the atlas

ii. --space

If you create a study-specific template or provide a template that is not in the same space of the atlas, you must provide a T1/T2/FA image in the space of the atlas so the subject image can be warped to the same space.

2. Voxelwise analysis

You may perform voxelwise statistics on 4D skeletonised FA image all_FA_skeletonised.nii.gz following this instruction. All 4D data are saved in stats folder.


Another merit of TBSS pipeline is automatic integration of quality checked/registration corrected data. Each diffusivity image is warped to template space. The pipeline lets the user visually check the quality of registration. Enable the --qc flag and the program will halt until you are done with QC-ing.

Warped images are in warped directory. Merged 4D data are in stats directory, corresponding seqFile for index of volumes are also there. You may use fsleyes/fslview to scroll through the volumes.

If re-running registration is required for any case, save the re-registered images in warped directory with the same name as before.

Press Enter, and the program will resume with your corrected data.

For re-registration of any subject, output the transform files to a temporary directory:

mkdir /tmp/badRegistration/ -d 3 \
-m FA/preproc/caseid_FA.nii.gz \
-o /tmp/badRegistration/caseid_FA

antsApplyTransforms -d 3 \
-i FA/preproc/caseid_FA.nii.gz \
-o FA/warped/caseid_{FA/MD/AD/RD}_to_target.nii.gz \
-t /tmp/badRegistration/caseid_FA1Warp.nii.gz /tmp/badRegistration/caseid_FA0GenericAffine.mat

Finally, if needed, you can copy the transform files in the transform directory.

NOTE Replace all the above directories with absolute paths.

Multi threading

Processing can be multi-threaded over the cases. Besides, utilizes multiple threads to speed-up template construction.

--ncpu 8 # default is 4, use -1 for all available

However, multi-threading comes with a price of slowing down other processes that may be running in your system. So, it is advisable to leave out at least two cores for other processes to run smoothly.

NRRD support

The pipeline is written for NIFTI image format. However, NRRD support is incorporated through NIFTI --> NRRD conversion on the fly.

See Billah, Tashrif; Bouix, Sylvain, Rathi, Yogesh; Various MRI Conversion Tools,, 2019, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2584003 for more details on the conversion method.


S.M. Smith, M. Jenkinson, H. Johansen-Berg, D. Rueckert, T.E. Nichols, C.E. Mackay, K.E. Watkins, O. Ciccarelli, M.Z. Cader, P.M. Matthews, and T.E.J. Behrens. Tract-based spatial statistics: Voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data. NeuroImage, 31:1487-1505

E. Garyfallidis, M. Brett, B. Amirbekian, A. Rokem, S. Van Der Walt, M. Descoteaux, I. Nimmo-Smith and DIPY contributors, "DIPY, a library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data", Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, vol. 8, p. 8, Frontiers, 2014.

Billah, Tashrif; Bouix, Sylvain, Rathi, Yogesh; Various MRI Conversion Tools,, 2019, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2584003.