Python library to access Cypress CY7C6521x (CY7C65211, CY7C65213, or CY7C65215) USB-Serial bridge (USB to UART/I2C/SPI/GPIO) chip. Also includes library to access various chips over I2C/SPI. Currently includes driver for
- Nordic nRF24L01 wireless tranceiver (SPI)
- InvenSense MPU-6050 3-axis accelerometer + 3-axis gyroscope (I2C)
- Honeywell HMC5883L 3-axis magnetometer (I2C)
- Si4702 FM radio receiver (I2C for now, additional SPI-mode ongoing)
>>> from ucdev.cy7c65211 import CyUSBSerial, CyGPIO, CySPI
>>> # load DLL provided by Cypress
>>> lib = CyUSBSerial(lib="cyusbserial")
>>> # use first device found
>>> dev = lib.find().next()
>>> # access GPIO
>>> gpio = CyGPIO(dev)
>>> gpio.set(3, 1)
>>> ret = gpio.get(3)
>>> # access each GPIO pin
>>> pin =
>>> pin.set(1)
>>> ret = pin.get()
>>> # access SPI
>>> spi = CySPI(dev)
>>> ret = spi.send("any-data-to-be-clocked-out")
>>> from ucdev.nrf24 import *
>>> tx = nRF24(CySPI(dev), CE=CyGPIO(dev).pin(0))
>>> tx.reset(MODE_SB|DIR_SEND)
>>> tx.TX_ADDR = tx.RX_ADDR_P0 = 0xB3B4B5B6C2
>>> tx.send("some-payload-len-of-max-32-bytes")
>>> print tx.CONFIG
This requires cyusbserial.dll (or library provided by Cypress.
Current development focuses on GPIO and SPI features to use Nordic nRF24 wireless tranceiver chip. See sample scripts under bin/ folder for the detail.