A url finder from any text/plain file
The regex used has been blindly copied from GeeksforGeeks' regex example (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/tag/python-regex/)
So, major credit goes to them.
This is just a CLI app for the same.
Only one that Python3 is installed and all the standard Libraries are available.
If not please go ahead and install.
A Note to Windows users: Make sure Python is added to path
(What you are doing: Downloading the files and giving the main file executable status.)
$ git clone https://github.com/t3chn0tr0n/url_sniffer.git && cd url_sniffer && chmod +x setup.py && ./setup.py
From next time just use sniffurl
followed by the "path/to/file" you want to sniff for urls, like:
$ sniffurl path/to/file
You can either save the output in a file, or the result will be displayed anyway!
Sorry, but no installation available for you guys!
Download the zip file.
Now extract it where you want to use/keep!
(You can delete other files, except sniff_in_windows.py
If you have Python3 installed and added to path, open cmd.exe, and type:
> cd path/where/you/extracted/ && python sniff_in_windows.py path/to/file
- Any emoticon symbols may cause error! remove the manually if so!
- Since it was developed over Windows and Linux platform, problems with encoding may arise.
Use a program called 'dos2unix' to fix it! Use:
$ dos2unix ~/.url_sniffer/url_sniffer/sniff.py
This piece of software is still in development!
Expect bugs!
Please comment if any bug is found!