Release early, release often. Don't be lazy.
To use this doc: just replace X.Y.Z with the major.minor.patch version of the release. The sequence of commands below should be good to copy and paste, but please pay attention to details!
update main and run tests to verify all is green
git fetch upstream git merge upstream/main make tests
with only the minor version:git tag X.Y git push --tags
create a new release branch
git checkout -b release-X.Y
create release notes after all main changes from last tag
git log --first-parent main --decorate > release-X.Y.Z.txt
tag the release (using those release notes)
git tag -s X.Y.Z git push --tags
go to the release branch
git checkout release-X.Y
cherry pick the needed commits from main:
git cherry-pick -m 1 COMMIT-HASH ...
create release notes from the selected commits
git log
tag the release (using those release notes)
git tag -s X.Y.Z git push --tags
change the version number in
build a tarball to test
rm -rf dist/ python sdist bdist_wheel
try the tarball
mkdir /tmp/testrelease cp dist/craft-cli-X.Y.Z.tar.gz /tmp/testrelease/ cd /tmp/testrelease/ deactivate # to be sure nothing is picked from a previous virtualenv tar -xf craft-cli-X.Y.Z.tar.gz python3 -m venv env env/bin/pip install file:///tmp/testrelease/craft-cli-X.Y.Z PYTHONPATH=craft-cli-X.Y.Z env/bin/python -c " from craft_cli import EmitterMode, emit emit.init(EmitterMode.BRIEF, 'explorator', 'Greetings earthlings') emit.message('The meaning of life is 42.') " deactivate cd -
release in Github
You should see all project tags, the top one should be this release. In the menu at right of the tag tag you just created, choose 'create release'. Copy the release notes into the release description.
Attach the
filesClick on "Publish release"
release to PyPI
fades -d twine -x twine upload --verbose dist/*
- commit, push, create a PR for the branch