Managed cluster platform based on the Hadoop framework to run Big Data tools such as Spark, Hive, Flink, Presto. MapReduce is an obsolete programming model from Hadoop.
- Resources are managed be default with YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator)
- Collection of nodes (EC2 instances) with different roles: master, core (host HDFS data) and task (which can be spot instances)
- Provision nodes if core nodes fails and can add task nodes on the fly
- Clusters can be started and scheduled from AWS Data Pipeline
- Spark streaming dataset can be created from a Kineses Data Stream
- Includes notebooks capabilities with Apache Zeppelin
- Offers EMR Notebooks (for free!) as extension of Jupyter notebooks with more AWS integrations
- Backed up to S3
- Provision cluster from the notebook
- Secured through a VPC
- Apart fom IAM, SSH and IAM roles along with notebooks tags, it can integrate Kerberos authentication
- Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): Good performance but it's ephemeral, used only to save intermediate results
- EMR File System (EMRFS): Access data in S3 directly via the
scheme, saves the metadata in Dynamo DB - Local system: default disk in the EC2 instance