#package tsdb Base package of TubeDB.
class TsDB: Central class of TubeDB.
class TsDBFactory: Factory to create instance of TsDB.
#package tsdb.component Selfcontained components of TsDB, that do not contain references to TsDB object.
#package tsdb.explorer Desktop GUI of TsDB (no web interface).
class Explorer: Entry point of GUI application.
#package tsdb.graph
Contains nodes of on demand processing graph.
class QueryPlan: Functionality to create default processing graphs based on parameters.
#package tsdb.iterator Iterators which process data. A processing graph node produces iterators.
#package tsdb.loader Converters of logger input formats to database entries.
#package tsdb.remote Interface to TsDB for "external" components like Explorer and web-server. Interface is callable from a remote computer by Java-RMI mechanismus.
Interface RemoteTsDB: The interface to TsDB.
class ServerTsDB: Local implementation of RemoteTsDB.
class StartServerTsDB: Entry point to start a TsDB instance that is callable remotely by Java-RMI.
class ZipExport: Creation of zip-files with data of TsDB (connects to RemoteTsDB).
#package tsdb.run Several entry points for typical running tasks of TsDB.
#package tsdb.streamdb StreamDB is the storage backend of TsDB.
#package tsdb.testing Some functionality checking of TsDB.
#package tsdb.usecase Use cases of data processing with TsDB.
#package tsdb.util Utility functionality and building blocks for TsDB components.
#package tsdb.util.gui Serverside visualisation functionality of TsDB. Creation of diagrams and heatmaps.
#package tsdb.web HTTP web server.
class Main: Entry point to start web server.
class Run: Entry point to start web server and RMI server.
#package tsdb.web.api Handlers for HTTP calls to the web API of TsDB.
#package tsdb.web.util Helper functionality for loggers.
#package tsdb.web.generator Helper classes to generate HTML pages.