Reference for keyboard shortcuts on macOS
- ⇧⌘. — toggle showing invisible files
- ⌘⇧3 — Capture whole screen(s)
- ⌃⌘⇧3 — same, but copy to Clipboard
- ⌘⇧4 — Take a crosshair-bounded screenshot
- ⇧ — Lock selection area width or height
- ⌥ — Scale selection area from center
- ⇧⌥ — Scale selection area from center, locked by width or height
- hold spacebar — Free-move selection area
- press spacebar — Capture the window under the cursor when clicked
- ⌥-click — capture the window without the shadow around it
- hold ⌘ to target just a sheet attached to a window
- ⌃⌘⇧4 — everything above, but copy to Clipboard
Change the default screenshot save location:
$ defaults write location /path/to/Screenshots/
$ killall SystemUIServer
Change the screenshot capture format from the default PNG. This will accept (png|jpg|pdf|gif|tiff)
$ defaults write type jpg
$ killall SystemUIServer
Change the default screenshot filename prefix:
$ defaults write name "OSXDaily"
$ killall SystemUIServer
Most of these tips from Useful Mac’s The Screenshot Spectacular ⟲.