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TH-0007-File Share

File metadata and controls

75 lines (47 loc) · 2.23 KB

TH-0007-File Share Discovery

Creation Date: 2020/07/04

Author: svch0st

Target Platform: Network


  • SMB file access (frequecy analysis) - Network Flow Data

  • Hunting exposed files via SMB - Custom Data Set


An adversary can observe and collect data on the network using SMB shares with poor permissions.


Recent Ransomware crews have been exfiltrating huge amounts of data and holding it ransom. SMB usage is a common trait ransomware. Scanning your environment for open network shares is an easy way to assess what either a malicious insider

ATT&CK Detection

Technique Subtechnique(s) Tactic(s)
Data from Network Shared Drive N/A Collection


SMB file access (frequecy analysis)

Data Source: Network Flow Data

Description: Look for IPs that are creating a large number of SMB reads on the network as your initial investigation point.


cat smb_files.log | zeek-cut id.orig_h | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

Hunting exposed files via SMB

Data Source: Custom Data Set

Description: Proactively find infomation in your organisation before an adversary will. Recommend to harded the access to the shares.


Using Nmap & PowerView – generate a custom dataset.
	1. Get list of reachable hosts with SMB open
      - nmap -vv -Pn -n -p 445 <IP Range> -oA smb_host
      - grep open smb_host.gnmap | awk {'print $2'} > smb_up.txt && cat smb_up.txt
  2. Find shares that you have access to (using a modded Powerview see here)
      - Invoke-ShareFinder -HostList smb_up.txt -NoPing -CheckShareAccess | Out-File -Encoding ascii found_shares.txt
  3. Find files in shares that have potentially interesting names
      - Invoke-FileFinder -ShareList found_shares.txt -Terms password,secret,confidential -OutFile results.csv -Verbose

Atomic Tests

Hunter Notes

Test access to shares using Get-Acl

Hunt Outputs

List of open shares with low permissions Highlight key findings such as password or confidential files
