A dedicated administration UI to monitor and manage common Kafka administrative tasks.
- Javascript based UI, using the React framework.
- UI implemented using patternfly framework
- Hosted via Express server and backend based on Node.js
- Uses Kafka-node as the Kafka Client
- Producers produces or writes data to Kafka brokers or Kafka topics.
- Consumers, on the other hand, read data or — as the name implies — consume data from Kafka topics or Kafka brokers.
- Kafka client allows you to read, write and process streams of events in parallel.
- Nodejs serves as a backend and reads/writes/updates using Kafka Client. This layer has all the business logic.
- The backend is hosted by Express Server and exposes a REST endpoint (a Graphql endpoint in future).
- The UI reads/writes using this endpoint.
- The latest versions of Node.js and npm installed on your machine
- The latest Java version (JVM) installed on your machine
- Kafka installed on your local machine.