All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Nothing
- GitHub PR #84: Voting is now disabled on the current page when unique IP is enforced.
- GitHub PR #83: Trim extra spacing in the legend.
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Bottom margin added when bottom position in effect.
- Ability to reset ratings for individual posts/pages.
- Enable/disable star ratings for individual posts/pages.
- Take manual control of the auto embedded markup to avoid duplication when using in a template.
- Markup is now hidden under AMP.
- Assets are now enqueued when manually/forcefully loading the markup via template function.
- Default colors have been updated.
- Default size is now 22px instead of 24px.
- Structured data now uses ratingCount instead of reviewCount.
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Optionally allow guests to vote.
- Ratings can also be included in publicly accessible custom posts.
- Google rich snippets.
- AJAX call on every load causing high CPU usage.
- Stars are now based on svg.
- Appearance has been simplified.
- Html based structured data has been replaced by json based structured data.
- kk_star_ratings_get function no longer includes the post_title key.
- Labels have been removed.
- Top posts widget has been removed in favor of a future addon.
- Admin table colum has been removed in favor of a future addon.
- Nothing
- Nothing