The main coroutines guide has moved to the docs folder and split up into smaller documents. Table of contents Coroutine basics Your first coroutine Bridging blocking and non-blocking worlds Waiting for a job Structured concurrency Scope builder Extract function refactoring Coroutines ARE light-weight Global coroutines are like daemon threads Cancellation and timeouts Cancelling coroutine execution Cancellation is cooperative Making computation code cancellable Closing resources with finally Run non-cancellable block Timeout Composing suspending functions Sequential by default Concurrent using async Lazily started async Async-style functions Structured concurrency with async Coroutine context and dispatchers Dispatchers and threads Unconfined vs confined dispatcher Debugging coroutines and threads Jumping between threads Job in the context Children of a coroutine Parental responsibilities Naming coroutines for debugging Combining context elements Cancellation via explicit job Thread-local data Exception handling Exception propagation CoroutineExceptionHandler Cancellation and exceptions Exceptions aggregation Supervision Supervision job Supervision scope Exceptions in supervised coroutines Channels (experimental) Channel basics Closing and iteration over channels Building channel producers Pipelines Prime numbers with pipeline Fan-out Fan-in Buffered channels Channels are fair Ticker channels Shared mutable state and concurrency The problem Volatiles are of no help Thread-safe data structures Thread confinement fine-grained Thread confinement coarse-grained Mutual exclusion Actors Select expression (experimental) Selecting from channels Selecting on close Selecting to send Selecting deferred values Switch over a channel of deferred values