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Production ready dockerfile
TugBoat CD for Docker
Docker Vs Containerd
Docker is a Platform. To Build, Run and Ship Applications consistently.
Reasons Missing Files. Version Mismatch. Different Configuration settings.
Container is an isolated environment. To run an application.
Virtual Machine is an abstraction of a machine(Physical Hardware)
We can run 2 Virtual Machines( Windows VM, Linux VM) on a Physical Server based on Mac Os using Hypervisor.
Hypervisor is a software. To create and manage Virtual Machines.
Hypervisor Types: Virtual Box(Cross Platform) Vmware(Cross Platform) Hyper-v(Windows Only)
Benefit of VM Run 2 different App versions in isolation on same physical harware but 2 different VMs.
Problem of VM Each VM needs a Full-Blown OS Slow to start Resource intensive
Containers To run multiple applications in isolation LightWeight Use OS of the host Start quickly Need less hardware resources
Docker Architecture
Containers share the OS Kernel of the host whereas VMs have there own OS.
Each OS has its own kernel or engine which uses diff APIs. Due to this, a Windows App cannot be run on Linux.
To check Docker Version run, docker version
Dockerfile is a plain text file. It contains a set of instructions. To package the Application into an Image.
Container is a special process that has its own file system.
Application gets loaded inside the container.
mkdir hello-docker cd hello-docker
apt upgrade apt install nodejs
touch app.js vi app.js console.log("Hello Docker!"); Esc `:x
nodejs app.js
Build Docker Image docker build -t hello-docker .
Check Docker Images docker images docker image ls docker images --all
Run the Docker Image docker run hello-docker
Open Source Case Sensitive Dir / in Linux whereas \ in Windows Everything is a file in Linux
root is the loggedin user after @ is the machine or container id / is for root directory
$ is for limited priveliges
location of the program echo $0
history of activities history
Package Management
apt advanced package tool
to list all the packages whether installed or not installed apt list
to update package database apt update
to install package apt install nano
to uninstall package apt remove nano apt remove nano -y
File System
bin --> binaries or program files boot --> booting files dev --> device files etc --> editable text configuration files home --> home dir for users root --> home for only root users lib --> software library dependancy files var --> variables like log files, frequently updated files proc --> process files of running processes
Print Working Directory pwd
List all the items ls ls -1 (less details) ls -l (more details)
Change directory cd
cd etc/a press tab to see all the dir starting with a
move one level up cd ..
move two level up cd ../..
move from any directory to root directory cd ~
Manipulating files and directories Create a new directory mkdir test
Move or Rename a directory mv test Docker mv a.txt b.txt mv b.txt /home
Create a new file touch hello.txt
Create multiple files touch learn{1..10}.txt
Remove multiple files rm learn* rm file.txt file2.txt file3.txt rm -r (recursively)
Editing and viewing files nano file1.txt
view file contents cat file1.txt
more etc/adduser.conf (Detailed file view with % but cannot move up, only down can be moved)
less etc/adduser.conf (Can move cursor up and down)
head -n 5 etc/adduser.conf
tail -n 5 etc/adduser.conf
stdin represents Keyboard stdout represents Console/Screen
Display content from multiple files cat file1.txt file2.txt cat file1.txt > file2.txt cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt echo "Append Content" >> combined.txt
Docker History
2008 - Founded as DotCloud by Solomon Hykes in Paris.
2010 - Docker Inc was founded by Kamel Founadi, Solomon Hykes, and Sebastien Pahl during the Y Combinator Summer 2010 startup incubator group and launched in 2011
2013 - Docker released in March 2013
Docker is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products.
Uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. VM uses hardware level virtualization.
The service has both free and premium tiers.
The software that hosts the containers is called Docker Engine.
Docker can be installed on any OS.
Docker Engine runs natively on Linux distribution.
Docker is written in Go language.
Advantages of Docker: No pre-allocation of RAM
CI efficiency - same image used across deployment process
Less Cost
Light Weight - Less resource intensive like RAM, CPU
Dis-Advantages of Docker:
Docker is not a good solution for Application that needs a rich UI.
No solution for data recovery & backup.
Difficult to manage large number of containers.
Does not provide cross-platform compatibility. App designed to run on docker container based on Windows, then it cannot run on Linux or vice-versa.
Suitable when development and testing OS are same like, ubuntu --> ubuntu not ubuntu --> centos or rhel or any other linux distro
Dockerfile contains dependencies and required software.
Docker Container is a layered file system. Ubuntu-->Google Chrome-->Directory
Docker Daemon/Engine
It runs on host OS. Responsible for running Docker containers. It can communicate with other daemons.
Docker Client
Users can communicate with Docker Daemon through Docker Client. Uses commands and REST API to communicate with other Daemons. Can communicate with more than one daemon.
Docker Host Used to provide an environment to execute and run apps. It contains the Docker daemon, images, containers, networks and storages.
Docker Registry Stores and manages Docker images. 2 types of registry: Public Registry --> Images in Docker Hub is publicly available. Private Registry --> Images are available within the enterprise.
Docker Images ReadOnly Binary Templates used to create Docker Containers. Contains dependencies and required software/config to run a program.
Take image from Docker Hub Create image from Dockerfile Create image from existing docker container
Docker Container It is a package that is needed to run the application.
It is like a Virtual Machine.
Images becomes containers when run on Docker Engine.
Docker Commands
which docker
To check docker version docker -v or docker --version
To see all docker images present on your local machine docker images
To find out different images in DockerHub docker search nginx
To download image from DockerHub to local machine docker pull nginx
To give name to the container, i--> interactive t--> terminal d-->dettach Run = Create + Start docker run -itd --name testvm ubuntu /bin/bash
To check Service Docker status service docker status docker info
To start Docker Service service docker start
To start Container docker start testvm
To get inside the container docker attach testvm
cat /etc/os-release
To list all the containers docker ps -a
To list only running containers docker ps
To stop container docker stop testvm
To delete container docker rm testvm
Can we remove the container that is already running. No, container needs to be stopped first.
FROM ubuntu WORKDIR /tmp RUN echo "Hare Krishna" > /tmp/testfile ENV myname Sujith COPY testfile1 /tmp ADD test.tar.gz /tmp
Docker Volumes
Volume is simply a directory inside the container. Declare directory as Volume and then share the Volume. Even if we stop the container, we can access the Volume. Volume will be created in one container. You can declare directory as a volume only while creating the container. You cant create a Volume from an existing container. You can share volumes across any number of containers. Volume will not be included when you update an image. You can map volume in 2 ways:-
Container --> Container Host --> Container
Volumes can be shared Host to Container and Container to Host.
Benefits of Docker Volume
Decoupling container from storage. On deleting container Volume does not delete. Share Volume among different containers. Attach volume to containers.
docker run -it --name container2 --privileged=true --volumes-from radheradhe222 ubuntu /bin/bash
touch krishna.txt
docker start radheradhe222
docker attach radheradhe222
cd /volume2
Logical Ports - 0 - 65535 Logical ports work at transport layer.
docker attach vs docker exec
docker expose vs publish 4 hr session
FROM AS build WORKDIR /src
RUN useradd -u 1234 -m svcio &&
mkdir -p /etc/ssl/sedaesp &&
mkdir -p /usr/lib/ssl &&
chown -R svcio:svcio /etc/ssl/sedaesp /usr/lib/ssl
COPY ["webapp.sln", "webapp/"] COPY ["webapp/webapp/webapp.csproj", "webapp/webapp/"] COPY ["webapp/dal/dal.csproj", "webapp/dal/"] COPY ["webapp/bl/bl.csproj", "webapp/bl/"] COPY ["webapp/nuget.config", "webapp/"]
USER svcio
RUN dotnet restore "webapp.sln"
COPY ["webapp/webapp/", "webapp/webapp/"] COPY ["webapp/dal/", "webapp/dal/"] COPY ["webapp/bl/", "webapp/bl/"]
RUN sed -i 's/oldtext/newtext/' /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
COPY ["src/certificates/in-lan.pem", "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca-cert.crt"]
RUN update-ca-certificates
WORKDIR "/src/webapp" RUN dotnet build "webapp.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build
FROM build AS publish RUN dotnet publish "webapp.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish
FROM base AS final WORKDIR /app COPY --from=publish /app/publish . ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "webapp.dll"]
RUN groupadd -g 1001 myusergroup && useradd -u 1001 -g myusergroup -m -s /bin/bash myuser
RUN chown -R myuser:myusergroup /app
USER myuser
COPY --chown=myuser:myusergroup [your-published-app-directory] .
CMD ["dotnet", "[YourApp.dll]"]