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Stryker supports a variety of mutators, which are listed below. In parentheses the names of correspondent mutations are specified, which you might need for the ignore-mutations section of the configuration.

Do you have a suggestion for a (new) mutator? Feel free to create an issue!

Arithmetic Operators (arithmetic)

Original Mutated
+ -
- +
* /
/ *
% *

Equality Operators (equality)

Original Mutated
> <
> >=
>= <
>= >
< >
< <=
<= >
<= <
== !=
!= ==
is is not
is not is

Logical Operators (logical)

Original Mutated
&& ||
|| &&
^ ==
and or
or and

Boolean Literals (boolean)

Original Mutated
true false
false true
!person.IsAdult() person.IsAdult()
if(person.IsAdult()) if(!person.IsAdult())
while(person.IsAdult()) while(!person.IsAdult())

Assignment Statements (assignment)

Original Mutated
+= -=
-= +=
*= /=
/= *=
%= *=
<<= >>=
>>= <<=
&= |=
&= ^=
|= &=
|= ^=
^= |=
^= &=
??= =

Initialization (initializer)

Original Mutated
new int[] { 1, 2 }; new int[] { };
int[] numbers = { 1, 2 }; int[] numbers = { };
new List<int> { 1, 2 }; new List<int> { };
new Collection<int> { 1, 2 }; new Collection<int> { };
new Dictionary<int, int> { { 1, 1 } }; new Dictionary<int, int> { };
new SomeClass { Foo = "Bar" }; new SomeClass { };

Removal mutators (statement, block)

Original Mutated
void Function() { Age++; } void Function() {} (block emptied)
int Function() { Age++; return Age; } void Function() { return default; } (block emptied)
return; removed
return value; removed
break; removed
continue; removed
goto; removed
throw; removed
throw exception; removed
yield return value; removed
yield break; removed
MyMethodCall(); removed

Unary Operators (unary)

Original Mutated
-variable +variable
+variable -variable
~variable variable

Update Operators (update)

Original Mutated
variable++ variable--
variable-- variable++
++variable --variable
--variable ++variable

Checked Statements (checked)

Original Mutated
checked(2 + 4) 2 + 4

Linq Methods (linq)

Original Mutated
All() Any()
Any() All()
AsEnumerable() Reverse()
Average() Min()
Concat() Except()
Count() Sum()
Except() Concat()
First() FirstOrDefault()
FirstOrDefault() First()
Intersect() Union()
IntersectBy() UnionBy()
Last() First()
Max() Min()
MaxBy() MinBy()
Min() Max()
MinBy() MaxBy()
Order() OrderDescending()
OrderBy() OrderByDescending()
OrderByDescending() OrderBy()
OrderDescending() Order()
Reverse() AsEnumerable()
Single() SingleOrDefault()
SingleOrDefault() Single()
Skip() Take()
SkipLast() TakeLast()
SkipWhile() TakeWhile()
Sum() Max()
Take() Skip()
TakeLast() SkipLast()
TakeWhile() SkipWhile()
ThenBy() ThenByDescending()
ThenByDescending() ThenBy()
Union() Intersect()
UnionBy() IntersectBy()

String Literals (string)

Original Mutated
"foo" ""
"" "Stryker was here!"
$"foo {bar}" $""
@"foo" @""
string.Empty "Stryker was here!"
string.IsNullOrEmpty(x) (x != null)
string.IsNullOrEmpty(x) (x != "")
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) (x != null)
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) (x != "")
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) (x.Trim() != "")

String Methods (stringmethod)

Original Mutated
ElementAt() '\0'
ElementAtOrDefault() '\0'
EndsWith() StartsWith()
IndexOf() LastIndexOf()
LastIndexOf() IndexOf()
PadLeft() PadRight()
PadRight() PadLeft()
StartsWith() EndsWith()
Substring() ""
ToLower() ToUpper()
ToLowerInvariant() ToUpperInvariant()
ToUpper() ToLower()
ToUpperInvariant() ToLowerInvariant()
Trim() ""
TrimEnd() TrimStart()
TrimStart() TrimEnd()

Bitwise Operators (bitwise)

Original Mutated
<< >>
>> <<
& |
| &
a^b ~(a^b)

Regular Expressions (regex)

For the full list of all available regex mutations, see the regex mutator docs.

Math Methods (math)

Original Mutated
Acos() Acosh()
Acos() Asin()
Acos() Atan()
Acosh() Acos()
Acosh() Asinh()
Acosh() Atanh()
Asin() Asinh()
Asin() Acos()
Asin() Atan()
Asinh() Asin()
Asinh() Acosh()
Asinh() Atanh()
Atan() Atanh()
Atan() Acos()
Atan() Asin()
Atanh() Atan()
Atanh() Acosh()
Atanh() Asinh()
BitDecrement() BitIncrement()
BitIncrement() BitDecrement()
Ceiling() Floor()
Cos() Cosh()
Cos() Sin()
Cos() Tan()
Cosh() Cos()
Cosh() Sinh()
Cosh() Tanh()
Exp() Log()
Floor() Ceiling()
Log() Exp()
Log() Pow()
MaxMagnitude() MinMagnitude()
MinMagnitude() MaxMagnitude()
Pow() Log()
ReciprocalEstimate() ReciprocalSqrtEstimate()
ReciprocalSqrtEstimate() ReciprocalEstimate()
ReciprocalSqrtEstimate() Sqrt()
Sin() Sinh()
Sin() Cos()
Sin() Tan()
Sinh() Sin()
Sinh() Cosh()
Sinh() Tanh()
Tan() Tanh()
Tan() Cos()
Tan() Sin()
Tanh() Tan()
Tanh() Cosh()
Tanh() Sinh()

Null-coalescing Operators (nullcoalescing)

Original Mutated
a ?? b b ?? a
a ?? b a
a ?? b b

Conditional Operators (conditional)

Original Mutated
x ? a : b true ? a : b
x ? a : b false ? a : b

Collection Expressions (collectionexpression)

Original Mutated
[] [default]
[1, 2, 3] []