2.0.0 (2023-08-02)
- strm-2570: The component-level kafkaAuth configurations have been removed in favour of a global kafka security config.
1.26.0 (2023-07-27)
1.25.1 (2023-06-22)
- release: running batch jobs were redeployed when the image version changed (f20cacf)
1.25.0 (2023-06-20)
- release: fixed batch-job-runner for micro-aggregations (18283b6)
1.24.0 (2023-06-09)
- various agent dependency upgrades (663e86d)
1.23.2 (2023-06-06)
1.23.1 (2023-05-30)
- helm gcs plugin on master is broken, use fixed version (5cb0e64)
1.23.0 (2023-05-30)
- update various dependencies of data plane applications (74732fb)
1.22.1 (2023-04-24)
- update version for batch-jobs-agent (962d70e)
1.22.0 (2023-04-11)
- strm-2343: allow configuration of resources; add default metrics and dashboards (6747d28)
1.21.2 (2023-03-31)
- ensure servicemonitors are only installed when prometheus and the component are enabled (960b725)
1.21.1 (2023-02-03)
1.21.0 (2023-01-31)
- strm-2020: support for private registries (2e52b04)
1.20.2 (2022-11-14)
1.20.1 (2022-10-26)
- add optional service account name (4ef857b)
1.20.0 (2022-10-24)
- aws marketplace payg support (dad7a7c)
1.19.1 (2022-10-24)
- length of marketplace override parameter label > 50 (bad4383)
1.19.0 (2022-10-24)
- aws Marketplace payg support (452526f)
1.18.1 (2022-10-24)
- jq flatten (9f25d3a)
1.18.0 (2022-10-24)
1.17.3 (2022-10-18)
- strm-1779: retry marketplace sa account test (08fa7f3)
1.17.2 (2022-10-18)
- strm-1779: add the aws mp sa to the values.yaml (ec67582)
1.17.1 (2022-10-18)
- strm-1779: retry with different default value (05a8386)
1.17.0 (2022-10-18)
- strm-1779: add override parameter for PAYG product listing (e04bcb1)
1.16.0 (2022-10-14)
1.15.0 (2022-09-14)
1.14.1 (2022-09-13)
- master: publish to aws; missing comma (8641178)
1.14.0 (2022-09-13)
1.13.0 (2022-09-05)
- strm-1586: allow routing traffic via load balancer (b8ead9d)
1.12.0 (2022-07-15)
1.11.0 (2022-07-01)
- strm-1130: authenticated Kafka access (2e73f7d)
1.10.1 (2022-06-29)
- disable quicklaunch as it does not work after several attempts (7ea0305)
1.10.0 (2022-06-28)
1.9.0 (2022-06-27)
- strm-1278: add override parameters to version (24dc610)
1.8.4 (2022-06-27)
- strm-1278: assign id to get release step (1770110)
1.8.3 (2022-06-27)
- strm-1278: output should be unquoted (8fa8e74)
1.8.2 (2022-06-27)
- strm-1278: secret should be an env var (53aa973)
1.8.1 (2022-06-27)
- strm-1278: missing $ breaks script (b37d432)
1.8.0 (2022-06-27)
- strm-1278: create new aws version for each release (d3351c8)
1.7.5 (2022-06-17)
- strm-1247: changed permissions for AWS ECR publisher creds (eb9ff84)
1.7.4 (2022-06-17)
- strm-1247: try it with the aws cli (2c56aec)
1.7.3 (2022-06-17)
- strm-1247: aWS ECR is picky when publishing Helm charts (a7007cf)
1.7.2 (2022-06-17)
- strm-1247: change to correct oci path (a3a9120)
1.7.1 (2022-06-17)
- strm-1247: helm chart command does not exist (45a22be)
1.7.0 (2022-06-16)
- strm-1247: push helm chart to AWS ECR for marketplace installations (e038300)
1.6.0 (2022-06-16)
- strm-1272: add installation type; enable/disable parts based on installation type (f489626)
- strm-1272: add values schema; add environment variable for installation type (4c90e65)
- strm-1272: toggle image and imagepullsecrets based on installation type (4ac670c)
- strm-1272: update default installation type to SELF_HOSTED (51a359c)
1.5.0 (2022-05-31)
1.4.1 (2022-05-19)
- add semantic release for github (3acf603)
1.4.0 (2022-05-16)
- update ci node version (1bf85b6)
- update github ci (e31ed95)
1.3.0 (2022-05-13)
1.2.0 (2022-05-11)
1.1.0 (2022-05-10)
- docs and version upgrades (0c2e370)
- envoy audience for event-gateway and web-socket (fd91a49)