This example demonstrates how to produce messages to Apache Pulsar using generic schema, and how to consume messages from Apache Pulsar using Avro schema.
- Java 1.8 or higher to run the demo application
- Maven to compile the demo application
- Pulsar 2.3.0 or higher
Start Pulsar standalone. You can follow the detailed instructions in Pulsar documentation to start a Pulsar standalone locally.
bin/pulsar standalone
Clone the examples repo and build the schema examples.
git clone
cd pulsar-examples/clients
mvn -am -pl schema clean package
Run the Generic schema producer example to produce 10 generic records to a pulsar topic
.java -cp schema/target/pulsar-schema-examples.jar io.streamnative.examples.schema.generic.GenericSchemaProducerExample
After running this producer example, you will see the following successful message.
Successfully produced 10 messages to a topic called avro-payments
Run the Avro consumer example to receive the produced generic records from topic
.java -cp schema/target/pulsar-schema-examples.jar io.streamnative.examples.schema.avro.AvroSchemaConsumerExample
After running this consumer example, you will see the following output.
key = id-0, value = {"id": "id-0", "amount": 0.0} key = id-1, value = {"id": "id-1", "amount": 1000.0} key = id-2, value = {"id": "id-2", "amount": 2000.0} key = id-3, value = {"id": "id-3", "amount": 3000.0} key = id-4, value = {"id": "id-4", "amount": 4000.0} key = id-5, value = {"id": "id-5", "amount": 5000.0} key = id-6, value = {"id": "id-6", "amount": 6000.0} key = id-7, value = {"id": "id-7", "amount": 7000.0} key = id-8, value = {"id": "id-8", "amount": 8000.0} key = id-9, value = {"id": "id-9", "amount": 9000.0}
Then you can press "Ctrl+C" to stop the consumer example.