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Releases: streamingfast/firehose-core


20 Mar 15:22
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  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks default range when -r <range> is not provided to now be [0, +∞] (was previously [HEAD, +∞]).

  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks to be able to run without a block range provided.

  • Added API Key authentication to client.NewFirehoseFetchClient and client.NewFirehoseClient.

    If you were using or, this will be a minor breaking change, refer to upgrade notes for details if it affects you.

  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks examples using block range (range should be specified as [<start>]?:[<end>]).

  • Added --substreams-tier2-max-concurrent-requests to limit the number of concurrent requests to the tier2 Substreams service.


01 Mar 16:09
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Substreams improvements

  • Performance: prevent reprocessing jobs when there is only a mapper in production mode and everything is already cached
  • Performance: prevent "UpdateStats" from running too often and stalling other operations when running with a high parallel jobs count
  • Performance: fixed bug in scheduler ramp-up function sometimes waiting before raising the number of workers
  • Added the output module's hash to the "incoming request" log

Reader node and Beacon blocks

  • The reader-node-bootstrap-url gained the ability to be bootstrapped from a bash script.

    If the bootstrap URL is of the form bash:///<path/to/script>?<parameters>, the bash script at
    <path/to/script> will be executed. The script is going to receive in environment variables the resolved
    reader node variables in the form of READER_NODE_<VARIABLE_NAME>. The fully resolved node arguments
    (from reader-node-arguments) are passed as args to the bash script. The query parameters accepted are:

    • arg=<value> | Pass as extra argument to the script, prepended to the list of resolved node arguments
    • env=<key>%!d(MISSING)<value> | Pass as extra environment variable as <key>=<value> with key being upper-cased (multiple(s) allowed)
    • env_<key>=<value> | Pass as extra environment variable as <key>=<value> with key being upper-cased (multiple(s) allowed)
    • cwd=<path> | Change the working directory to <path> before running the script
    • interpreter=<path> | Use <path> as the interpreter to run the script
    • interpreter_arg=<arg> | Pass <interpreter_arg> as arguments to the interpreter before the script path (multiple(s) allowed)


The bash:/// script support is currently experimental and might change in upcoming releases, the behavior changes will be clearly documented here.

  • The reader-node-bootstrap-url gained the ability to be bootstrapped from a pre-made archive file ending with tar.zst or tar.zstd.

  • The reader-node-bootstrap-data-url is now added automatically if firecore.Chain#ReaderNodeBootstrapperFactory is non-nil.

    If the bootstrap URL ends with tar.zst or tar.zstd, the archive is read and extracted into the
    reader-node-data-dir location. The archive is expected to contain the full content of the 'reader-node-data-dir'
    and is expanded as is.

  • Added Beacon to known list of Block model.


26 Feb 14:53
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  • Fix marshalling of blocks to JSON in tools like firehose-client and print merged-blocks


23 Feb 18:46
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Auth and metering

  • Add missing metering events for sf.firehose.v2.Fetch/Block responses.
  • Changed default polling interval in 'continuous authentication' from 10s to 60s, added 'interval' query param to URL.


  • Fixed bug in scheduler ramp-up function sometimes waiting before raising the number of workers
  • Fixed load-balancing from tier1 to tier2 when using dns:/// (round-robin policy was not set correctly)
  • Added trace_id in grpc authentication calls
  • Bumped connect-go library to new "" location


16 Feb 21:47
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  • Fixed tools firehose-client which was broken because of bad flag handling


  • Added --api-key-env-var flag to firehose-clients, which allows you to pass your API Key from an environment variable (HTTP header x-api-key) instead of a JWT (Authorization: bearer), where supported.


16 Feb 16:24
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  • Poller is now fetching blocks in an optimized way, it will fetch several blocks at once and then process them.

  • Poller is now handling skipped blocks, it will fetch the next blocks until it find a none skipped block.

  • Poller now has default retry value of infinite.

  • Compare tool is now using dynamic protobuf unmarshaler, it will be able to compare any block type.

  • Print tool is now using dynamic protobuf unmarshaler, it will be able to print any block type.

  • Print tool is encoding bytes in base64 by default, it can be changed to hex or base58 by using parameter bytes-encoding.

  • Added 'x-trace-id' header to auth requests when using --common-auth-plugin=grpc

  • Fixed Substreams scheduler sometimes taking a long time to spawn more than a single worker.

  • Added ACCEPT_SOLANA_LEGACY_BLOCK_FORMAT env var to allow special tweak operations


06 Feb 13:48
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  • Removed useless chainLatestFinalizeBlock from blockPoller initialization


01 Feb 17:40
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  • Added Arweave to known list of Block model.


29 Jan 20:23
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  • Added FORCE_FINALITY_AFTER_BLOCKS environment variable to override block finality information at the reader/poller level. This allows an operator to pretend that finality is still progressing, N blocks behind HEAD, in the case where a beacon chain fails to do so and is intended as a workaround for deprecated chains like Goerli.


24 Jan 21:13
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  • Updated substreams and dgrpc to latest versions to reduce logging.

  • Tools printing Firehose Block model to JSON now have --proto-paths take higher precedence over well-known types and even the chain itself, the order is --proto-paths > chain > well-known (so well-known is lookup last).

  • The tools print one-block now works correctly on blocks generated by omni-chain firecore binary.

  • The various health endpoint now sets Content-Type: application/json header prior sending back their response to the client.

  • The firehose, substreams-tier1 and substream-tier2 health endpoint now respects the common-system-shutdown-signal-delay configuration value meaning that the health endpoint will return false now if SIGINT has been received but we are still in the shutdown unready period defined by the config value. If you use some sort of load balancer, you should make sure they are configured to use the health endpoint and you should common-system-shutdown-signal-delay to something like 15s.

  • The firecore.ConsoleReader gained the ability to print stats as it ingest blocks.

  • The firecore.ConsoleReader has been made stricter by ensuring Firehose chain exchange protocol is respected.

  • Changed reader logger back to reader-node to fit with the app's name which is reader-node.

  • Fix -c "" not working properly when no arguments are present when invoking start command.

  • Fix tools compare-blocks that would fail on new format.

  • Fix substreams to correctly delete .partial files when serving a request that is not on a boundary.

  • Add Antelope types to the blockchain's known types.