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Script to build Siren9C in Squeak6.1-alpha Do not file this in - step through the blocks 1 by 1Set-upUse the Squeak customization process.STP world file-ins (Edit the relative paths below to suit your installation)[ #( 'Squeak-Siren-pre-build.cs' "minor fixes and extensions" 'SirenSystemChanges.st' 'SirenChanges-230116.cs' 'SirenChanges-230122.cs' 'Siren-230123-last-minute.cs' 'Siren-230123..cs' 'TheWorldMenu.stp.230116.cs' 'NewWorldMenu2.230117.cs' 'PackagePaneBrowser-packageListFix-stp-230117.st' 'ZPoint.st' 'WorkbookWindowSqueak.st') do: [ :file | Transcript show: 'Filing in ', file; cr. (FileStream fileNamed: ('./Siren9C/FileIns/', file)) fileIn]]Reorganize system categories (for better 6-paned browsing) before continuingSystem reorg from ./Siren9C/FileIns/SqueakSystemReorg.st (file it in)[#( 'Music-Models-Representation.st' 'Music-Models-Implementation.st' 'Music-Events.st' 'Music-EventGenerators.st' 'Music-EventModifiers.st' 'Music-Functions.st' 'Music-Sound.st' 'Music-PitchScales.st' 'Music-PitchClasses.st' 'Music-Support.st' 'MusicIO-Voices.st' 'MusicIO-OSC.st' 'MusicIO-MIDI.st' 'MusicUI-DisplayLists.st' 'MusicUI-DisplayListViews.st' 'MusicUI-Editors.st' 'MusicUI-Layout.st' 'MusicUI-Functions.st') do: [ :file | Transcript show: 'Filing in ', file; cr. (FileStream fileNamed: ('./Siren9C/Siren9C_Sources_Squeak/', file)) fileIn]].]Make a new change setClass initializations [you may have to quit and restart before this for the MIDI prims to work)[ MusicEvent initialize. EventList initialize. MIDIPitch initialize. MIDIVelocity initialize. SymbolicLoudness initialize. SymbolicPitch initialize. MusicModel initialize. Amplitude initialize. MDuration initialize. Pitch initialize. PitchClass initialize. Scale initialize. EventScheduler initialize. PortModel initialize. SEventQueue initialize. SirenUtility initialize. SirenSession initialize. Voice initialize. MIDIDevice initialize. MIDIPort initialize. MIDIVoice initialize. PortMIDILibrary initialize. OSCBundle initialize. OSCVoice initialize. FunctionView initialize. SirenSession new. "instantiate singleton"]Load some new fonts[TTCFont installFromFileNames: (((FileDirectory default directoryNamed: 'Siren9C/Data/Fonts') fileNamesMatching: '*.ttf') collect: [ :nam | 'Siren9C/Data/Fonts/', nam])]Load music icons from the font[(FileStream fileNamed: './Siren9C/FileIns/MusicConstants.st') fileIn. DisplayListView loadNoteGlyphsFromFontSized: 100. DisplayListView loadTransportGlyphs]Simplest icon tests[DisplayVisual displayMusicGlyphs: #StdNoteIcons][DisplayVisual displayMusicGlyphs: #NewNoteHeads][DisplayVisual displayMusicGlyphs: #Transport][HauerSteffensView scaleExample2][EventList accellExample edit]Set system fontsStrikeFont actualFamilyNamesPreferences chooseFixedFont [ | family base |family := 'LibreBaskerville'."family := 'Palatino'.""family := 'BitstreamVeraSerif'."base := 10.5.{ { #setButtonFontTo: . family . base }. { #setMenuFontTo: . family . base + 1.5 }. { #setListFontTo: . family . base }. { #setCodeFontTo: . family . base + 1.5 }. { #setWindowTitleFontTo: . family . base + 1.5 }.} do: [ :triplet | Preferences perform: triplet first with: (StrikeFont familyName: triplet second pointSize: triplet third)]]A few GUI prefs[Preferences loadPreferencesFrom: 'my.prefs'.MorphicProject useCompactButtons.RealEstateAgent placeWindowsAtPointer.Preferences setPreference: #reverseWindowStagger toValue: false]Screen background image[Form openAsBackground: '/Users/stp/Code/Smalltalk/Siren9C/display-lite.jpg' ]Open standard tools[WorkbookWindow openFolder: './Siren9C/Workbook' named: 'Siren Workbook'][SirenSession openUtilityVert]Clean upUndeclared inspectSmalltalk garbageCollectDone - make a snapshot here and get to work...File-out - Remember to remove the class initializations after you save these[SirenUtility fileoutCategories]