em-ucengine is a Ruby library for U.C.Engine powered by EventMachine. It can connect, subscribe and publish events to U.C.Engine.
Install with Rubygems:
gem install em-ucengine
If you use bundler, add it to your Gemfile
gem "em-ucengine", "~> 0.3"
We have a classic block style API:
require "em-ucengine"
EventMachine::UCEngine::Client.run do |uce|
uce.connect("participant", "pwd") do |err, session|
EM.add_periodic_timer(1) { session.publish("em-ucengine.example.ping", "demo") }
session.subscribe("demo") do |err, event|
puts "Hey, we received an event: #{event.inspect}"
Each method call return a deferable.
require "em-ucengine"
EventMachine::UCEngine::Client.run do |uce|
req = uce.connect("participant", "pwd")
req.callback do |session|
session.publish("em-ucengine.example.ping", "demo")
req.errback do |error|
puts "error"
require "em-ucengine"
uce = UCEngine::Client.new
session = uce.connect("participant", "pwd")
session.publish("em-ucengine.example.ping", "demo")
require "em-ucengine"
require "em-ucengine/brick"
class MyBrick
include EM::UCEngine::Brick
on "ping" do |event|
puts event
brick = MyBrick.run
Don't hesitate to look at the specs for more examples ;-)
- Release the gem with another name
- Complete the specs
- Implements the download and upload methods for the Net::HTTP backend
Found an issue or have a suggestion? Please report it on Github's issue tracker.
First you must have an ucengine instance goto the source directory and start:
make run
Once the console started successfully, in an other shell
./rel/ucengine/bin/demo.sh localhost
If you wants to make a pull request, please check the specs before:
rake test
Copyright (c) 2011 af83, released under the LGPL license