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306 lines (201 loc) · 12.6 KB


Fixed a bug in $isCurrentDomain that would incorrectly report a cross-domain situation in IE11.


This release adds support for the Stormpath Client API, which allows you to authenticate the user directly with Stormpath (authentication does not require special software in your server). The user receives an access token, which can be used to authorize requests on your server. If you need to authorize requests on your server, you will will want to use one of our SDKs to make that process simpler.

Please see the Readme for the new instructions for using the Client API.

Breaking Changes

Social Login now requires the use of the Client API, you will need to enable the Client API for your Stormpath Application. This can be found under the Policies section of the application in our Admin Console.


Our UI Router integration will now look for data.authorities on UI state configuration, and apply the same behavior as This is a convenience for JHipster users, as they already use data.authorities to declare the roles that a user must have in order to access a view.


  • The $user.get() method now takes a boolean bypassCache option, e.g. $user.get(true) will make a new request of the /me endpoint, instead of returning the user data that was already cached on login.

  • Logout requests (which makes a POST to /logout on our framework integration) are now using Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, in order to prevent an un-necessary OPTIONS request.

  • Fixed #151, an un-intended catching of error responses on all HTTP responses. Now we only handle error responses that come from our known framework endpoints.


This version needs at least version 3.0.0 of express-stormpath.


  • Adding support for ngRoute. Please see the API Documentation and the new ng-route-app in the examples folder!

  • Bug fixed: you could navigate to the login form, even when logged in.

  • Updating express-stormpath versions in example projects.


  • Bug fixed: stormpath-sdk-angularjs now exports 'stormpath' instead of 'ui.router'


  • Fixed bug that displayed social login titles without any social login providers
  • Updated grunt-html2js to version 0.3.5
  • Updated grunt-contrib-clean to version 0.7.0
  • Updated grunt-contrib-uglify to version 0.10.1
  • Removed dist folder from the ignored file so we can use this lib with webpack or browserify


  • Added support for social login with Google and Facebook (requires use of Express-Stormpath as your backend)


Released on October 26th, 2015

  • Updating grunt-contrib dependencies


Released on October 8th, 2015

Fixed the ifUserInGroup and ifUserNotInGroup directives to expect the new data format (expanded account.groups) from the /me route


! ** Many Breaking Changes ** !

This library has been upgraded to conform to our framework specification, this means that many of the endpoints and default URLs have changed.

If you have built a server integration by hand, you will need to read this changelog to know which URLs and HTTP responses that you will need to change.

If you are using Stormpath Express SDK, that module is being deprecated. You will need to start using Express-Stormpath if you want to use this and future versions of this Angular SDK. We suggest that you read the Server Configuration section of our Yeoman Guide, it will show you the new way of initializing Express-Stormpath and attaching it to your application

Login Changes

The login feature now uses /login as the location where posts the login form. Previously this was /oauth/token. This can be configured with the AUTHENTICATION_ENDPOINT property in STORMPATH_CONFIG

User Context Changes

This SDK now uses the /me URL to determine the context of the current user. Previously this was /api/users/current. This can be configured with the CURRENT_USER_URI property in STORMPATH_CONFIG

Email Verification Changes

This SDK now uses the /verify URL to consume email verification tokens. Previously this was /api/emailVerificationTokens. This can be configured with the EMAIL_VERIFICATION_ENDPOINT property in STORMPATH_CONFIG

The same URL, /verify, is now used to request a re-send of a verification email. POST a JSON body with an email property to trigger this action. Previously this was /api/verificationEmails and the RESEND_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_ENDPOINT property has been removed from STORMPATH_CONFIG.

Password Reset Changes

This SDK now uses /forgot to request a password reset email, POST a JSON body to this endpoint with an email property to trigger this action. Previously this was /api/passwordResetTokens and the PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_COLLECTION_ENDPOINT property has been removed from STORMPATH_CONFIG. The new property is FORGOT_PASSWORD_ENDPOINT

The /change URL is now used to POST a new password, with a valid sptoken. Previously this feature was supported with the /api/passwordResetTokens URL and the PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_COLLECTION_ENDPOINT property has been removed from STORMPATH_CONFIG. The new property is CHANGE_PASSWORD_ENDPOINT

The default login form now links to the forgot password flow via an href link to /forgot. Previously it was using a UI Router state name of passwordResetRequest

Registration Changes

The SDK now uses /register to POST data for a new account, previously this was /api/users and the USER_COLLECTION_URI property has been removed from STORMPATH_CONFIG. The new property is REGISTER_URI.

The callback for $user.create() will now give you the entire account object. Previously it gave you a truthy value that would indicate if the account required email verification. Now that the entire account object is passed, you need to inspect the account object's status property to see if it is UNVERIFIED.

If your registration form is passing data for the new account's custom data object, you will need to change your ng-model references from formModel.customData.<FIELD> to formModel.<FIELD>. We will automaticaly find the properties that are not part of the base account object, and place them on the custom data object for you.

Error responses

This SDK now expects any HTTP call which results in a 4xx error to supply an error property on the JSON body of the response. Previously it expected an errorMessage property


Breaking Changes

Stormpath's password reset API accepts email address only, not username. This library was allowing a username to be sent, but that will not work. If using the Stormpath Express SDK you will also need to update that library to >=0.5.0


Fix a redirect loop in the state change interceptor


Fix an undefined attribute bug with the group membership directives


Adding social login support. NOTE: this is overloading oauth grant_type, and we will change this API in the future so use with this disclaimer.

Bug Fixes



  • Remove un-used $cookieStore dependency

Bug Fixes

  • The config option FORM_CONTENT_TYPE was not being used to modify the body of the request (only the content-type header)


Bug Fixes

The defaultPostLoginState option was not being used by the SDK, but now it is!


New Features

XHR requests now set the withCredentials option to true, allowing you to make cross-domain requests that will send the access_token and XSRF-TOKEN cookies. Your server must respond with the necessary Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing (CORS) headers. If you are using our Express SDK this is done by specifying Allowed Origins on spConfig


New Features

The UI Router integration now accepts a forbiddenState option, this is the state we will send the user to if they are unauthorized for a given state. This is useful if you want to show a default "Forbidden" view in these situations.

Added documentation for the $stateChangeUnauthenticated and $stateChangeUnauthorized events!


Breaking Changes

The ifUserInGroup and ifUserNotInGroup directives now requires you to pass either a string expression or a reference to a scope variable. I.E. this will now throw a parse exception unless admin is a reference to a scope property:

<div if-user-in-group="admin">Hello, Administrator</div>

It should be re-written to be a string expression with quotes:

<div if-user-in-group="'admin'">Hello, Administrator</div>

New Features

The ifUserInGroup and ifUserNotInGroup directives now support regular expressions :)

See the documentation of ifUserInGroup for more information


Breaking Changes

  • The logout directive is renamed to spLogout

  • The registration form now uses property names of givenName and surname, instead of firstName and lastName

  • Form submissions now use application/x-www-form-urlencoded as the Content Type. Your server needs to negotiate this type, if you are using our server SDKs this happens for you. If you wish to continue using application/json as the Content Type you can define STORMPATH_CONFIG.FORM_CONTENT_TYPE='application/json' in a config block

Deprecation Notices

New Features

  • Custom Data on Registration. You can now pass custom data during registration, simply reference formModel.customData.myCustomProperty in your ng-model directive. This is only possible if you are supplying a custom template to the directive. See the spRegistrationForm directive for more detail.

  • Group-Based Access Control. This can now control access to UI Routes, based on group membership. See SpStateConfig for examples. We've also introduced the ifUserInGroup and ifUserNotInGroup directives.

Bug Fixes

  • whileResolvingUser would break after logout (user state was not properly reflected after logout)