- Discussion and demonstration format:
- We would like to promote as much interaction as possible.
- The content can easily be adapted "on the fly" depending on audience interest and participation.
- Using data described here
- Supplemented with a couple of elderly subject datasets.
The above tools depend on R and cmake.
Supported platforms include OSX and Linux variants. These may work on windows but no promises.
ITK-snap for images
Rstudio for statistics and plotting
ANTs programs
- antsSurf for surfaces
- antsVol for rendering
- CreateTiledMosaic for mosaic rendering
- A complete multi-modality subject http://files.figshare.com/1701182/PEDS012_20131101.zip
- PTBP demographics here
- PTBP tutorial data [here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/5p0vlx8en9uzbge/ ants_tutorial_data.zip?dl=1)
- Elderly subject data here
Day 1: The ANTs framework for adaptable registration and segmentation
Time | Activity | Presenter | Notes |
9:00 - 9:15 | Setup | NT | -- |
9:15 - 10:00 | Overview of 2014 Nimg paper | NT | see associated paper |
10:00 - 10:30 | Coffee and questions/discussion | -- | -- |
10:30 - 12:00 | ANTs Registration | BA | define transforms, metrics, connect to cars, C, chicken |
12:00 - 1:00 | Lunch and questions/discussion | -- | -- |
1:00 - 2:00 | Template building and mapping multiple modalities (MMM) | NT | github examples, antsmultimodality, and applying transforms to other modalities (maybe use PTBP full MM subject as example or the petSUVR example below) |
2:00 - 2:30 | Coffee and questions/discussion | -- | -- |
2:30 - 3:00 | PTBP and Joint Label Fusion / building priors | BA | Joint Label Fusion (JLF) |
3:00 - 3:30 | ANTs Segmentation: Atropos, 2nd JLF example, Multi-Resolution Voxelwise Neighborhood Random Forest (MRVNRF)/rfLesionSeg | BA + NT | setup research talk (if needed), perhaps use PTBP_Intro |
3:30 - 4:00 | Research topics and/or discussion | NT | continue segmentation discussion here: stroke, tumor, WMH? |
Day 2: The ANTsR framework for multivariate statistics and prediction
Time | Activity | Presenter | Notes |
9:00 - 10:00 | Review of previous day, address questions, intro ANTsR | NT + BA | modify as needed |
10:00 - 10:30 | Coffee and questions/discussion | -- | -- |
10:30 - 11:00 | Visualization of surfaces or volumes | NT | antsSurf, antsVol, CreateTiledMosaic, plot.antsImage |
11:00 - 12:00 | Let's perform a "real study" | BA | PTBP and VBM results |
12:00 - 1:00 | Lunch and questions/discussion | -- | -- |
1:00 - 2:00 | Functional MRI or Dimensionality reduction in ANTsR | BA | Eigenanatomy - could do ICA/blindsource |
2:00 - 2:30 | Coffee and questions/discussion | -- | -- |
2:30 - 3:00 | Prediction & visualization | NT | BrainAge ... Multiple modality age/cog prediction in PTBP |
3:00 - 4:00 | Individual/group discussion | NT + BA | review, prepare for after party? |
Backup topics
- The ANTsR manual
- ANTsR vignettes
- Anything from the FAQ pages
- Amyloid PET with ANTsR
- Resting State fMRI processing with ANTsR and/or PTBP_RSF
- ASL to CBF
- Explore the MMM subject: process each modality ....
- Longitudinal prediction/visualization (more complex .... probably not in this tutorial!) but we could discuss recent work on predicting cognitive change from baseline data.
- Revisit relevant components of RMI.
BA: antsRegistration (should be fun): generality (species, organs), priors, framework, command line
BA: rsf examples (briefly: alff, correlations, motion, nuisance) + get data!
BA: test ASL example and add data
BA: dimRed examples (use basic presentation, then follow with ANTsR examples, take some content from RMI)
BA: brainAge implementation across modalities with and without sparseness
BA: process the MMM subject in ANTsR
* ANTs history & philosophy
* ANTs origins in SyN
* collaborators
* open source and reproducibility
* competition history
* Development and interface with the user community
* Github
* sourceforge and github help forum
* documentation
* ANTs command line
* Dependencies
* CMake
* Core programs
* antsRegistration
* Atropos
* N4/N3*
* KK
* ImageMath
* antsSurf/antsVol
* antsAI
* antsJointFusion
* Core scripts
* antsRegistrationSyN(Quick).sh
* antsBrainExtraction.sh
* antsAtroposN4.sh
* antsCorticalThickness.sh
* buildtemplateparallel.sh/antsMultivariateTemplateConstruction.sh
* antsJointLabelFusion.sh
* Data
* Nature paper
* figshare
* data modifications for tutorial
* ANTsR overview
* template building
* mapping other modalities
* template building
* mapping other modalities through the T1
Questions to be addressed
* What is the history of ANTs/ANTsR?
* Where can I download ANTs/ANTsR?
* How do I install ANTs/ANTsR on my machine?
* Who are the ANTs/ANTsR developers and contributors?
* Where can I get help for problems with ANTs/ANTsR?
* Can I contribute to ANTs/ANTsR?
* How is ITK related to ANTs?
* Where can I find ANTs documentation?
* What is ANTSPATH?
* What does ANTs not do? (Motivate the use of ANTsR)
Possible interactive activities
* Explore ANTs directory structure
* Explore ANTs sourceforge/Github forum
* Look at ITK doxygen
* Update the ANTs and ANTsR repository
* Run r16/r85 registration
* Create a T1-weighted template
* Create a multivariate template
* Create a symmetric template
* Create priors for the template
* Create cortical labels for the template
* Apply priors to new data
We will first refresh topics from day one and cover material that we missed.
We will also refine day 2 material given the feedback from day 1.
Statistical analyses with ANTs and ANTsR
Questions to be addressed
How do I compute population statistics with ANTs data?
How do I visualize statistical results?
How do I perform predictive studies? E.g. compute brainAge?
Possible interactive activities
See: ANTsTutorial for an overview of material.
ANTsR brainAge
ANTsR dimensionality reduction
See the examples here.