What are two points from the Growth Mindset article and/or video that either resonated with you, or were brand new to you?
The concept of focusing on the process really resonates with me because this is the way I have always approached learning. I always strive to form a solid base of knowledge and focus on understanding the full system/workflow. I think it is really important to know what each little step is doing to the big picture. Everything that we do in our lives is part of the learning process and we can't escape that. All we can do is embrace it.
Being open to feedback is also something that I have always focused on. I think it is important to always keep in mind that you are only looking at something from your best perspective. Even if you try your hardest to see all angles of an issue, you will miss something. The only way to counter this is to seek out the opinions and feedback of your peers. That will always help you build a more comprehensive view of a problem that you are facing.
In which ways do you currently demonstrate a Growth Mindset? In which ways do you not?
I generally have a growth mindset when I work. I am very good at really spending time with an issue and coming up with an answer. I have a lot of patience and can pursue a question for a long time without getting frustrated because even if I am finding the wrong answer everywhere, I am still learning.
My issue with my growth mindset is probably in asking for help. I really like to spend a lot of time working things on my own and don't often seek help from my peers. This also means that my approaches can end up very one directional.
- What is a conditional statement? Give three examples.
- A conditional statement is a statement that says, if this expression is true, run this block of code, if it is not, skip this block of code.
- if = if the conditional is true, run the code below
- elsif = if the conditional above is false, and this is true, run this code
- else = a terminal statement. if all other conditions are false, run this code. This is sort of a default response.
if x > y
run this
elsif x == y
run this
run this
- Why might you want to use an if-statement?
- You might want to use an if-statement so your code can respond to different values being put into it. You can use them to make your code adaptable and function in different ways based on the input.
- What is the Ruby syntax for an if statement?
if conditional
elsif conditional
- How do you add multiple conditions to an if statement?
- You can have multiple conditions either by using || (or) and && (and) to separate the conditions on the if line. The || operator will run the code if either of the conditions is true and the && operator will only run the code if both conditions are true.
- Provide an example of the Ruby syntax for an if/elsif/else statement:
- I accidentally did this already above.
if conditional
elsif conditional