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Docker authentication and authorisation on Kubernetes cluster

This is a description of the steps to deploy a microservice on a kubernetes cluster with persistent storage via a database pod.

I'm using an existing microservice I created for storing session details, described here.

Based on the Kubernetes Using Persistent Disks tutorial.



  1. Build microservices and copy jar/config into volumes
gradle buildJar

You can test DB access locally by spinning up a MySql container, setting the database environment variable to create the session DB, then starting the microservice container linked to the MySql container. This mirrors how it will connect to the Kubernetes data Pod when it is run as a Service (connecting by Service host name).

# MySql container with environment variable to create DB and link to session microservice container
docker run --name session-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=session -d mysql:latest
docker run -it --link session-mysql:session-mysql --rm -p 8084:8084 stevena/persistent-disks-session:latest
  1. Login to gcloud and set project/zone
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project PROJECTID
gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west1-b
  1. Build the container images and publish to Google Container Registry

These container images are largely the same as the definitions from the Development Docker Compose file with the exception that the jars/config files are copied into the images to avoid needing mounted volumes.

# Build
docker build -t stevena/persistent-disks-session:latest -f kubernetes/persistent-disks/Dockerfile-session .

# Tag
docker tag stevena/persistent-disks-session

# Publish
gcloud preview docker push
  1. Create the Google Cloud persistent disk for MySql
# size is 200GB for performance recommendations
gcloud compute disks create --size 200GB persistent-disks-session-mysql-disk
  1. Create the Cluster, Pod and allow external web access
# Create cluster
gcloud alpha container clusters create session-persist --num-nodes 2 --machine-type g1-small
gcloud config set container/cluster session-persist

# MySql pod and Service
gcloud alpha container kubectl create -f kubernetes/persistent-disks/mysql-pod.yaml
gcloud alpha container kubectl create -f kubernetes/persistent-disks/mysql-service.yaml

# Session pod
gcloud alpha container kubectl create -f kubernetes/persistent-disks/session-pod.yaml
# see pod and get external IP from HOST column `gcloud alpha container kubectl get pods`

# Allow external web access
gcloud compute firewall-rules create k8s-session-persist-node-80 --allow tcp:80 --target-tags k8s-session-persist-node

# cURL service
curl 'http://PODIP/api/sessions' --data-binary '1234'
curl 'http://PODIP/api/sessions/ACCESSTOKENFROMABOVE'

# check pod logs with `gcloud alpha container kubectl log single-session-persist session`,
# ssh onto node with `gcloud compute ssh k8s-session-persist-node-1`, access container `sudo docker exec -it CONTAINERID bash`

# Delete MySql pod and restart to test persisted data
gcloud alpha container kubectl delete -f kubernetes/persistent-disks/mysql-pod.yaml
# curl service and see error as DB is down
gcloud alpha container kubectl create -f kubernetes/persistent-disks/mysql-pod.yaml
# curl service with previously created token and see it has restarted with data from persistent disk

Clean up

gcloud alpha container clusters delete session-persist
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete k8s-session-persist-node-80
gcloud compute disks delete persistent-disks-session-mysql-disk


I like the idea of easily creating database containers per microservice, saving all persisted data on a store that can be easily backed up and controlled. Using this approach avoids the performance trap of a monolithic database saving all your data from the entire solution. The MySql pod started up extremely fast and there were no problems when I deleted then restarted the pod.

Still a lot of things would need to be considered, replication, user control (I used root access for simplicity) and data migration/updates. Most likely you would need to make custom Dockerfile database containers per store, which includes logic for how to setup/control the container. Think I would need to sit down with a DBA to discuss how you could manange and maintain production databases when using this approach.