diff --git a/launcher/src/languages/cs.json b/launcher/src/languages/cs.json index 9712a6636..71b5538a5 100755 --- a/launcher/src/languages/cs.json +++ b/launcher/src/languages/cs.json @@ -144,7 +144,33 @@ "p2pNet": "Peer to peer síť", "selConcensus": "Vyberte klientský konsensus", "selExecution": "Vyberte klientské provedení", - "subsribeSubnet": "přihlášené podsítě" + "subsribeSubnet": "přihlášené podsítě", + "info": "INFO", + "machineNameIs": "Machine Name is {name}", + "machineIp": "Machine IP is {ip}", + "utcTime": "UTC Time is {time}", + "serverSetedTimeIs": "The time set for the server is {time}", + "cpuUsageIs": "CPU Usage is {usage}% at {time}", + "ramUsageIs": "RAM Usage is {usage} MB", + "ramTotalis": "Total RAM is {total} MB", + "receiveDataIs": "Receiving Data is {data} {unit}", + "transmitDataIs": "Transmitting Data is {data} {unit}", + "clientPairIndexIs": "Client Pair Index is {index}", + "totalClientPairs": "Total Client Pairs is {total}", + "connectValWidg": "CONNECTED VALIDATOR CLIENTS", + "keyImported": "in this validator client {imported} {key} {isAre} imported", + "portIs": "{name} port is {port} and protocol is {prot}", + "servicePort": "Service Ports", + "connectedPairsTo": "connected pairs to {client} is {peer}%", + "connectedPairs": "now there {isAre} {connected} connected pairs at {time}", + "peerNetwork": "PEER NETWORK", + "pOverTime": "Peers Over Time", + "currentEpochIs": "Current Epoch is {epoch}", + "currentSlotIs": "Current Slot is {slot}", + "correntSlotIndexIs": "Current Slot Index is {index}", + "connectedSubnets": "now there {isAre} {count} connected subnets", + "subscribedSubnets": "SUBSCRIBED SUBNETS", + "rpcDataReciv": "Data received via RPC averages {value} over time at {time}" }, "taskManager": { "clickDisplay": "Klikněte na úkoly pro zobrazení" @@ -1068,5 +1094,8 @@ "acc": "accept", "deny": "deny", "updateTo": "Updating Stereum Launcher to {version}" + }, + "setupServicesWidget": { + "text": "total services on setup" } }