In addition to the ZED Hub tutorials, some sample apps are available.
Camera Viewer Sample corresponds to the app "Camera Viewer" available on each device. The source code is available and explained here. It consists in:
- A basic setup of the camera
- A video stream
- Callbacks that allow to modify video parameters of the camera (exposure, gamma, etc.)
Object Detection Sample demonstrates what can be done very simple with object detection. It consists in:
- A object detection setup of the camera
- A custom video streamed where we highlight detected person with
- Callbacks that enables / disables a few parameter : highlighting, events, telemetry, etc.
GNSS Tracker Sample show how to send GNSS data to the Maps page with a random walk. It consists in:
- A basic setup of the camera
- A video stream
- WebRTC messages simulating a random walk
- Callbacks that determine the data sending frequency and that retrieve waypoints
Multiplatform Sample shows how to create an app that can be deploy on every platform.