Releases: stefvanschie/IF
V 0.9.9
+ Add 1.17 support
* Prevent cursor from being reset when gui updates
V 0.9.8
- Add PatternPane
V 0.9.7
* Fix empty pages throwing error on click
V 0.9.6
+ Add ToggleButton#isEnabled
* Component clicks will be fired after their state has been changed
V 0.9.5
* Fix percentage bar and slider having length of zero
V 0.9.4
* Fix items sometimes failing to apply UUID correctly
V 0.9.3
* Fix overriding item meta on a created gui item breaks click functionality
V 0.9.2
* Fix inventory components not being cleared before re-rendering
* Allow for subclasses of InventoryClickEvent as optional parameter in XML-bound click methods
* Throw exception for panes with lengths or heights of zero
V 0.9.1
* Fix coordinate calculation for pane clicks
* Fix inability to open gui within a gui
* Don't unnecessarily reset players' items
* Fix close event not firing
* Fix paginated pane throwing errors upon rendering
* Correct players' off hand item after closing/updating a gui
V 0.9.0
- Add support for drag events
- Fix click events not firing
- Fix empty tag throwing errors upon loading
This is a breaking version, please review the wiki to see how to update to this version from previous versions.