Thanks for taking the time to contribute to Start9! To make sure that your efforts are used effectively, please take the time to read over these guidelines.
We use GitHub issue tracking to manage problems and suggestions with Start9. If you've found a bug in Start9, this is where you should go. The only prerequisite for submiting a problem or suggestion is to create a free GitHub account. Creating a GitHub account is free and takes minutes.
The issues page can be found here:
- Do not report the issue using GitHub
- Contact a Core Developer privately on Discord in a responsible manner.
- Please check if the issue has been already posted on the issues page
- Include the exact version of Start9 you are using
- Use a clear title and description
- Add steps on how to reproduce your issue
- Add the "bug" label
The easiest way to have your suggestion implemented into Start9 quickly is for you or someone else write code and create a pull request. However, you may also suggest ideas using GitHub issues tracking, although it may take much longer for a feature to be added. See "Writing Code."
- Include a clear title and description of what you want in Start9
- Add concepts or mockups if needed
- Add the "suggestion" label
Please save us time by complying to our code guidelines.
In general, just respect the rules that are used in C# in other places. You can see the C# design guidelines here. To summarize:
- Allman style bracketing.
- Everything uses
.- Exceptions: Parameters and locals use
. Private instance fields use_camelCase.
- Exceptions: Parameters and locals use
- Use
only if the type is apparent.
However, we ask that you use tabs instead of spaces.
- Write hard to read code
- Refuse to write documentation for the code you write for Start9
- Spam pull requests if your first one was rejected, unless you've fixed the problem pointed out.
Please comment on all your code, including functions, using XML documentation. Fill out as much information about the member or type as you can.
Would you want to improve these guidelines? Please edit this guide with your proposed changes and submit a pull request.