diff --git a/hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials/euslisp/hrpsys-gazebo-utils.l b/hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials/euslisp/hrpsys-gazebo-utils.l
index 31e3e87c..9df9a722 100644
--- a/hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials/euslisp/hrpsys-gazebo-utils.l
+++ b/hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials/euslisp/hrpsys-gazebo-utils.l
@@ -94,38 +94,23 @@
(generate-room-models (format nil "room~a" name)))
(return-from generate-room-models))
;; check the model is derived from the room class
- (let* ((robot-list (list "SampleRobot" "HRP2JSK" "HRP2JSKNT" "HRP2JSKNTS"))
- (world-file-path-list)
- (room (funcall (read-from-string name))))
+ (let* ((world-file-path-list)
+ (room (funcall (read-from-string name))))
(unless (derivedp room scene)
(warn "[ERROR] room (~a) is not room the model.~%" name)
(return-from generate-room-models))
;; generate the world file
- (dolist (robot-name robot-list)
- (let* ((room-name (string-downcase (send room :name)))
- (package-dir-path (string-downcase (read (piped-fork "rospack find hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials"))))
- (world-src-file-path (format nil "~a/worlds/world_source.world" package-dir-path))
- (world-new-file-path (format nil "~a/worlds/~a_~a.world" package-dir-path robot-name room-name)))
- (unix:system (format nil "rm -rf ~a" world-new-file-path))
- (unix:system (format nil "cp ~a ~a" world-src-file-path world-new-file-path))
- (unix:system (format nil "sed -i -e \"s@ @ \\n \\n model://~a\\n 1.0 0 0.73 0 0 0\\n @g\" ~a" robot-name world-new-file-path))
- (push world-new-file-path world-file-path-list)))
+ (let* ((room-name (string-downcase (send room :name)))
+ (package-dir-path (string-downcase (read (piped-fork "rospack find hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials"))))
+ (world-src-file-path (format nil "~a/worlds/world_source.world" package-dir-path))
+ (world-new-file-path (format nil "~a/worlds/~a.world" package-dir-path room-name)))
+ (unix:system (format nil "rm -rf ~a" world-new-file-path))
+ (unix:system (format nil "cp ~a ~a" world-src-file-path world-new-file-path))
+ (push world-new-file-path world-file-path-list))
;; convert models
- (eus2urdf-room-for-gazebo room
- :make-static t :make-fixed t :world-file-path-list world-file-path-list)
- ;; generate the launch file
- (dolist (robot-name robot-list)
- (let* ((room-name (string-downcase (send room :name)))
- (package-dir-path (string-downcase (read (piped-fork "rospack find hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials"))))
- (launch-src-file-path (format nil "~a/launch/gazebo_launch_source.launch" package-dir-path))
- (launch-new-file-path (format nil "~a/launch/gazebo_~a_no_controllers_in_~a.launch" package-dir-path (string-downcase robot-name) room-name)))
- (unix:system (format nil "rm -rf ~a" launch-new-file-path))
- (unix:system (format nil "cp ~a ~a" launch-src-file-path launch-new-file-path))
- (unix:system (format nil "sed -i -e \"s@__world_name__@~a_~a.world@g\" ~a" robot-name room-name launch-new-file-path))
- (unix:system (format nil "sed -i -e \"s@__robot_name__@~a@g\" ~a" (string-downcase robot-name) launch-new-file-path))
- (warning-message 2 "You can start simulation with following command:~%roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_~a_no_controllers_in_~a.launch~%" (string-downcase robot-name) room-name))))
- )
+ (eus2urdf-room-for-gazebo room
+ :make-static t :make-fixed t :world-file-path-list world-file-path-list)
+ ))
(warn "(generate-room-models \"room73b2\")~%")
diff --git a/hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials/worlds/world_source.world b/hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials/worlds/world_source.world
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a977b2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials/worlds/world_source.world
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ 0 0 -9.81
+ quick
+ 50
+ 1.4
+ 0.0
+ 0.2
+ 100.0
+ 0.0
+ 1000
+ 0.001
+ model://sun
+ model://ground_plane