StarkEx v3.0
Features Additions and Changes
L1 Trading
StarkEx V3 allows external contracts or users without STARK Keys to trade in StarkExchange as L1 users. L1 users may deposit funds into L1 vaults, submit L1 Limit Orders and withdraw funds from L1 vaults.
L1 Vaults
The balance of any L1 vault is explicitly available to query as part of the global state, no parsing or dependency on data availability under validium. Funds may be withdrawn from an unlocked L1 vault at any time, no STARK proof needs be awaited.
L1 Limit Order
Enable an L1 address to swap tokens with any StarkExchange user (including L2 users).
Flash Loans
Allow the operator to have a momentarily negative balance of tokens in L1 vaults as long as the value at the end of the batch is positive.
Forced Actions ABI
A new interface is available for querying ForcedActions.
Register & Deposit ABI
Users can now register and deposit in a single transaction