The goal is to create dedicated Execution Environment to use in AWX version 18.0.0 and above.
The following procedure describe how to create EE image and push to microk8s registry for lab purpose.
Source :
start container registry on microk8s
microk8s enable registry
In my configuration, docker is installed in a dedicated host.
System Requirement :
- docker
Allow HTTP service for registry in docker host. we can define hostname or IP address.
cat <<EOF > /etc/docker/daemon.json
"insecure-registries" : [""],
"insecure-registries" : ["microk8s.demo.local:32000"]
Restart docker service.
sudo systemctl restart docker
Source: ansible/awx#10060
prepare directory for building
mkdir awx-ee-custom
cd awx-ee-custom/
Create EE specifications file
cat <<EOF > Dockerfile
USER root
ADD requirements.yml /tmp/requirements.yml
ADD requirements.txt /tmp/requirements.txt
RUN ansible-galaxy collection install -r /tmp/requirements.yml --collections-path /usr/share/ansible/collections
RUN pip --disable-pip-version-check install -r /tmp/requirements.txt # for any Python modules the collections didn't pull in
USER 1000
create collections requirements file
cat <<EOF > requirements.yml
# With just the collection name
- f5networks.f5_modules
- community.general
create python modules requirements file
cat <<EOF > requirements.txt
Build container with docker (podman failed to create image because of /usr rights)
docker build -t microk8s.demo.local:32000/awx-ee-custom:1.1.0 .
Optional parameters to support proxy (apt command requires lowercase variable names)
--build-arg "HTTP_PROXY=$HTTP_PROXY" --build-arg "HTTPS_PROXY=$HTTPS_PROXY" --build-arg "http_proxy=$HTTP_PROXY" --build-arg "https_proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY"
push image to microk8s registry
docker push microk8s.demo.local:32000/awx-ee-custom