Write your exploit (i.e. attack code) under each heading below.
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
Just read through this challenge. No need to submit a solution. AppEngine automatically "simplifies" the URL with a 302 redirect, which breaks the attack.
Just read through this challenge. No need to submit a solution. AppEngine automatically "simplifies" the URL with a 302 redirect, which breaks the attack.
TODO: Replace this with your solution
Just read through this challenge. No need to submit a solution. AppEngine doesn't seem vulnerable to path traversal which breaks the attack.
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution
TODO: Replace this with your solution