diff --git a/.bazelrc b/.bazelrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yaml b/.github/workflows/ci.yaml index 7f69011..66ea286 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yaml @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ name: CI # Controls when the action will run. on: - # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch + # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch push: - branches: [master] + branches: [main] pull_request: - branches: [master] + branches: [main] # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: diff --git a/bazel/BUILD.bazel b/bazel/BUILD.bazel index 3c8b462..3597e8e 100644 --- a/bazel/BUILD.bazel +++ b/bazel/BUILD.bazel @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ example_test_filegroup( srcs = [ "BUILD.bazel", # "container.bzl", - # "python.bzl", "repositories.bzl", "workspace0.bzl", "workspace1.bzl", diff --git a/bazel/python.bzl b/bazel/python.bzl deleted file mode 100644 index 63756af..0000000 --- a/bazel/python.bzl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", _py_binary = "py_binary") -load("@//bazel/python:py_oci_image.bzl", _pycross_oci_image = "pycross_oci_image") - -py_binary = _py_binary -pycross_image = _pycross_oci_image diff --git a/bazel/python/BUILD.bazel b/bazel/python/BUILD.bazel deleted file mode 100644 index de289b9..0000000 --- a/bazel/python/BUILD.bazel +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -load( - "@rules_pycross//pycross:defs.bzl", - "pycross_lock_file", - "pycross_poetry_lock_model", - "pycross_target_environment", -) - -_darwin_x86_64 = [ - "@platforms//os:macos", - "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", -] - -_darwin_arm64 = [ - "@platforms//os:macos", - "@platforms//cpu:arm64", -] - -_linux_x86_64 = [ - "@platforms//os:linux", - "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", -] - -platform( - name = "darwin_x86_64", - constraint_values = _darwin_x86_64, - visibility = ["//visibility:public"], -) - -platform( - name = "darwin_arm64", - constraint_values = _darwin_arm64, - visibility = ["//visibility:public"], -) - -platform( - name = "linux_x86_64", - constraint_values = _linux_x86_64, - visibility = ["//visibility:public"], -) - -pycross_target_environment( - name = "python_darwin_x86_64", - abis = ["cp310"], - platforms = ["macosx_12_0_x86_64"], - python_compatible_with = _darwin_x86_64, - version = "3.10.11", - visibility = ["//visibility:public"], -) - -pycross_target_environment( - name = "python_darwin_arm64", - abis = ["cp310"], - platforms = ["macosx_12_0_arm64"], - python_compatible_with = _darwin_arm64, - version = "3.10.11", - visibility = ["//visibility:public"], -) - -pycross_target_environment( - name = "python_linux_x86_64", - abis = ["cp310"], - platforms = [ - "linux_x86_64", - "manylinux2014_x86_64", - ] + [ - "manylinux_2_%s_x86_64" % str(i) - for i in range(17, 25) - ], - python_compatible_with = _linux_x86_64, - version = "3.10.11", - visibility = ["//visibility:public"], -) - -pycross_poetry_lock_model( - name = "poetry_lock_model", - lock_file = ":poetry.lock", - project_file = ":pyproject.toml", -) - -pycross_lock_file( - name = "poetry_lock", - out = "poetry_lock.bzl", - default_alias_single_version = True, - lock_model_file = ":poetry_lock_model", - package_build_dependencies = { - # "grpclib": [ - # "setuptools", - # "wheel", - # ], - }, - pypi_index = "https://pypi.org", - target_environments = [ - ":python_darwin_x86_64", - ":python_darwin_arm64", - ":python_linux_x86_64", - ], -) diff --git a/bazel/python/pdm/BUILD.bazel b/bazel/python/pdm/BUILD.bazel index a9b5a4f..31f6e60 100644 --- a/bazel/python/pdm/BUILD.bazel +++ b/bazel/python/pdm/BUILD.bazel @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -load("@//bazel:python.bzl", "py_binary", "pycross_image") +load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_binary") +load("@//rules:oci.bzl", "py_image") py_binary( name = "pdm", @@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ py_binary( deps = ["@pypi_deps_for_pdm//:pdm"], ) -pycross_image( +py_image( name = "image", base = "@distroless_python3_debian12", binary = ":pdm", diff --git a/bazel/python/poetry.py b/bazel/python/poetry.py deleted file mode 100644 index 60cfcf9..0000000 --- a/bazel/python/poetry.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -from __future__ import annotations - -import sys - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - from poetry.console.application import main - - sys.exit(main()) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bazel/python/poetry_lock.bzl b/bazel/python/poetry_lock.bzl deleted file mode 100755 index cb5f0ac..0000000 --- a/bazel/python/poetry_lock.bzl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4483 +0,0 @@ -# This file is generated by rules_pycross. -# It is not intended for manual editing. -"""Pycross-generated dependency targets.""" - -load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe") -load("@rules_pycross//pycross:defs.bzl", "pycross_wheel_build", "pycross_wheel_library", "pypi_file") - -PINS = { - "aiobotocore": "aiobotocore@2.0.1", - "aiohttp": "aiohttp@3.9.3", - "aioitertools": "aioitertools@0.11.0", - "aiosignal": "aiosignal@1.3.1", - "anyio": "anyio@4.2.0", - "appnope": "appnope@0.1.3", - "argon2-cffi": "argon2-cffi@23.1.0", - "argon2-cffi-bindings": "argon2-cffi-bindings@21.2.0", - "async-timeout": "async-timeout@4.0.3", - "asyncpg": "asyncpg@0.29.0", - "attrs": "attrs@23.2.0", - "backcall": "backcall@0.2.0", - "botocore": "botocore@1.22.8", - "build": "build@1.0.3", - "cachetools": "cachetools@5.3.2", - "certifi": "certifi@2024.2.2", - "cffi": "cffi@1.16.0", - "charset-normalizer": "charset-normalizer@3.3.2", - "check-manifest": "check-manifest@0.49", - "click": "click@7.1.2", - "colorama": "colorama@0.4.6", - "coloredlogs": "coloredlogs@15.0.1", - "confluent-kafka": "confluent-kafka@1.9.2", - "contourpy": "contourpy@1.1.1", - "cryptography": "cryptography@42.0.2", - "cycler": "cycler@0.12.1", - "db-dtypes": "db-dtypes@1.2.0", - "decorator": "decorator@5.1.1", - "defusedxml": "defusedxml@0.7.1", - "devpi-client": "devpi-client@7.0.2", - "devpi-common": "devpi-common@4.0.3", - "devpi-server": "devpi-server@6.10.0", - "docutils": "docutils@0.20.1", - "exceptiongroup": "exceptiongroup@1.2.0", - "fonttools": "fonttools@4.47.2", - "freezegun": "freezegun@1.4.0", - "frozenlist": "frozenlist@1.4.1", - "fsspec": "fsspec@2021.11.1", - "google-api-core": "google-api-core@2.16.2", - "google-auth": "google-auth@2.27.0", - 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"ruamel-yaml-clib": "ruamel-yaml-clib@0.2.8", - "s3fs": "s3fs@2021.11.1", - "scikit-build-core": "scikit-build-core@0.2.2", - "scipy": "scipy@1.10.1", - "secretstorage": "secretstorage@3.3.3", - "setuptools": "setuptools@69.0.3", - "six": "six@1.16.0", - "sniffio": "sniffio@1.3.0", - "source": "source@1.2.0", - "strictyaml": "strictyaml@1.7.3", - "toml": "toml@0.10.2", - "tomli": "tomli@2.0.1", - "traitlets": "traitlets@5.14.1", - "translationstring": "translationstring@1.4", - "twine": "twine@4.0.2", - "typing-extensions": "typing-extensions@4.9.0", - "urllib3": "urllib3@1.26.18", - "uvloop": "uvloop@0.19.0", - "venusian": "venusian@3.1.0", - "waitress": "waitress@3.0.0", - "wcwidth": "wcwidth@0.2.13", - "webob": "webob@1.8.7", - "wheel": "wheel@0.42.0", - "wrapt": "wrapt@1.16.0", - "yarl": "yarl@1.9.4", - "zipp": "zipp@3.17.0", - "zope-deprecation": "zope-deprecation@5.0", - "zope-interface": "zope-interface@6.1", -} - -# buildifier: disable=unnamed-macro -def targets(): - """Generated package targets.""" - - for pin_name, pin_target in PINS.items(): - native.alias( - name = pin_name, - actual = ":" + pin_target, - ) - - native.config_setting( - name = "_env_python_darwin_arm64", - constraint_values = [ - "@platforms//os:osx", - "@platforms//cpu:arm64", - ], - ) - - native.config_setting( - name = "_env_python_darwin_x86_64", - constraint_values = [ - "@platforms//os:osx", - "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", - ], - ) - - native.config_setting( - name = "_env_python_linux_x86_64", - constraint_values = [ - "@platforms//os:linux", - "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", - ], - ) - - # buildifier: disable=unused-variable - _target = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@unity//bazel_tools/python/pycross:python_darwin_arm64", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@unity//bazel_tools/python/pycross:python_darwin_x86_64", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@unity//bazel_tools/python/pycross:python_linux_x86_64", - }) - - _aiobotocore_2_0_1_deps = [ - ":aiohttp@3.9.3", - ":aioitertools@0.11.0", - ":botocore@1.22.8", - ":wrapt@1.16.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_sdist_aiobotocore@2.0.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_sdist_aiobotocore_2.0.1//file", - ) - - _aiobotocore_2_0_1_build_deps = [ - ":setuptools@69.0.3", - ":wheel@0.42.0", - ] - - pycross_wheel_build( - name = "_build_aiobotocore@2.0.1", - sdist = ":_sdist_aiobotocore@2.0.1", - target_environment = _target, - deps = _aiobotocore_2_0_1_deps + _aiobotocore_2_0_1_build_deps, - tags = ["manual"], - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_aiobotocore@2.0.1", - actual = ":_build_aiobotocore@2.0.1", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "aiobotocore@2.0.1", - deps = _aiobotocore_2_0_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_aiobotocore@2.0.1", - ) - - _aiohttp_3_9_3_deps = [ - ":aiosignal@1.3.1", - ":async-timeout@4.0.3", - ":attrs@23.2.0", - ":frozenlist@1.4.1", - ":multidict@6.0.5", - ":yarl@1.9.4", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_aiohttp@3.9.3", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_aiohttp_3.9.3_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_aiohttp_3.9.3_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_aiohttp_3.9.3_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "aiohttp@3.9.3", - deps = _aiohttp_3_9_3_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_aiohttp@3.9.3", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_aioitertools@0.11.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_aioitertools_0.11.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "aioitertools@0.11.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_aioitertools@0.11.0", - ) - - _aiosignal_1_3_1_deps = [ - ":frozenlist@1.4.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_aiosignal@1.3.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_aiosignal_1.3.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "aiosignal@1.3.1", - deps = _aiosignal_1_3_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_aiosignal@1.3.1", - ) - - _anyio_4_2_0_deps = [ - ":exceptiongroup@1.2.0", - ":idna@3.6", - ":sniffio@1.3.0", - ":typing-extensions@4.9.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_anyio@4.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_anyio_4.2.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "anyio@4.2.0", - deps = _anyio_4_2_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_anyio@4.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_appnope@0.1.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_appnope_0.1.3_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "appnope@0.1.3", - wheel = ":_wheel_appnope@0.1.3", - ) - - _argon2_cffi_23_1_0_deps = [ - ":argon2-cffi-bindings@21.2.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_argon2-cffi@23.1.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_argon2_cffi_23.1.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "argon2-cffi@23.1.0", - deps = _argon2_cffi_23_1_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_argon2-cffi@23.1.0", - ) - - _argon2_cffi_bindings_21_2_0_deps = [ - ":cffi@1.16.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_argon2-cffi-bindings@21.2.0", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_argon2_cffi_bindings_21.2.0_cp38_abi3_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_argon2_cffi_bindings_21.2.0_cp38_abi3_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_argon2_cffi_bindings_21.2.0_cp36_abi3_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "argon2-cffi-bindings@21.2.0", - deps = _argon2_cffi_bindings_21_2_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_argon2-cffi-bindings@21.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_async-timeout@4.0.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_async_timeout_4.0.3_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "async-timeout@4.0.3", - wheel = ":_wheel_async-timeout@4.0.3", - ) - - _asyncpg_0_29_0_deps = [ - ":async-timeout@4.0.3", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_asyncpg@0.29.0", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_asyncpg_0.29.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_asyncpg_0.29.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_asyncpg_0.29.0_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "asyncpg@0.29.0", - deps = _asyncpg_0_29_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_asyncpg@0.29.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_attrs@23.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_attrs_23.2.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "attrs@23.2.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_attrs@23.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_backcall@0.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_backcall_0.2.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "backcall@0.2.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_backcall@0.2.0", - ) - - _botocore_1_22_8_deps = [ - ":jmespath@0.10.0", - ":python-dateutil@2.8.2", - ":urllib3@1.26.18", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_botocore@1.22.8", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_botocore_1.22.8_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "botocore@1.22.8", - deps = _botocore_1_22_8_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_botocore@1.22.8", - ) - - _build_1_0_3_deps = [ - ":packaging@23.2", - ":pyproject-hooks@1.0.0", - ":tomli@2.0.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_build@1.0.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_build_1.0.3_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "build@1.0.3", - deps = _build_1_0_3_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_build@1.0.3", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_cachetools@5.3.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_cachetools_5.3.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "cachetools@5.3.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_cachetools@5.3.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_certifi@2024.2.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_certifi_2024.2.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "certifi@2024.2.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_certifi@2024.2.2", - ) - - _cffi_1_16_0_deps = [ - ":pycparser@2.21", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_cffi@1.16.0", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_cffi_1.16.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_cffi_1.16.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_cffi_1.16.0_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "cffi@1.16.0", - deps = _cffi_1_16_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_cffi@1.16.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_charset-normalizer@3.3.2", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_charset_normalizer_3.3.2_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_charset_normalizer_3.3.2_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_charset_normalizer_3.3.2_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "charset-normalizer@3.3.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_charset-normalizer@3.3.2", - ) - - _check_manifest_0_49_deps = [ - ":build@1.0.3", - ":setuptools@69.0.3", - ":tomli@2.0.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_check-manifest@0.49", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_check_manifest_0.49_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "check-manifest@0.49", - deps = _check_manifest_0_49_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_check-manifest@0.49", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_click@7.1.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_click_7.1.2_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "click@7.1.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_click@7.1.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_colorama@0.4.6", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_colorama_0.4.6_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "colorama@0.4.6", - wheel = ":_wheel_colorama@0.4.6", - ) - - _coloredlogs_15_0_1_deps = [ - ":humanfriendly@10.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_coloredlogs@15.0.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_coloredlogs_15.0.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "coloredlogs@15.0.1", - deps = _coloredlogs_15_0_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_coloredlogs@15.0.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_confluent-kafka@1.9.2", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_confluent_kafka_1.9.2_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_confluent_kafka_1.9.2_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_confluent_kafka_1.9.2_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "confluent-kafka@1.9.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_confluent-kafka@1.9.2", - ) - - _contourpy_1_1_1_deps = [ - ":numpy@1.24.4", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_contourpy@1.1.1", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_contourpy_1.1.1_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_contourpy_1.1.1_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_contourpy_1.1.1_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "contourpy@1.1.1", - deps = _contourpy_1_1_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_contourpy@1.1.1", - ) - - _cryptography_42_0_2_deps = [ - ":cffi@1.16.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_cryptography@42.0.2", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_cryptography_42.0.2_cp39_abi3_macosx_10_12_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_cryptography_42.0.2_cp39_abi3_macosx_10_12_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_cryptography_42.0.2_cp39_abi3_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "cryptography@42.0.2", - deps = _cryptography_42_0_2_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_cryptography@42.0.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_cycler@0.12.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_cycler_0.12.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "cycler@0.12.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_cycler@0.12.1", - ) - - _db_dtypes_1_2_0_deps = [ - ":numpy@1.24.4", - ":packaging@23.2", - ":pandas@1.5.3", - ":pyarrow@9.0.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_db-dtypes@1.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_db_dtypes_1.2.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "db-dtypes@1.2.0", - deps = _db_dtypes_1_2_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_db-dtypes@1.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_decorator@5.1.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_decorator_5.1.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "decorator@5.1.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_decorator@5.1.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_defusedxml@0.7.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_defusedxml_0.7.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "defusedxml@0.7.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_defusedxml@0.7.1", - ) - - _devpi_client_7_0_2_deps = [ - ":build@1.0.3", - ":check-manifest@0.49", - ":devpi-common@4.0.3", - ":iniconfig@2.0.0", - ":pkginfo@1.9.6", - ":platformdirs@4.2.0", - ":pluggy@1.4.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_devpi-client@7.0.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_devpi_client_7.0.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "devpi-client@7.0.2", - deps = _devpi_client_7_0_2_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_devpi-client@7.0.2", - ) - - _devpi_common_4_0_3_deps = [ - ":lazy@1.6", - ":packaging@23.2", - ":requests@2.31.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_devpi-common@4.0.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_devpi_common_4.0.3_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "devpi-common@4.0.3", - deps = _devpi_common_4_0_3_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_devpi-common@4.0.3", - ) - - _devpi_server_6_10_0_deps = [ - ":argon2-cffi@23.1.0", - ":attrs@23.2.0", - ":defusedxml@0.7.1", - ":devpi-common@4.0.3", - ":httpx@0.24.1", - ":itsdangerous@2.1.2", - ":lazy@1.6", - ":passlib@1.7.4", - ":platformdirs@4.2.0", - ":pluggy@1.4.0", - ":py@1.11.0", - ":pyramid@2.0.2", - ":repoze-lru@0.7", - ":ruamel-yaml@0.18.5", - ":strictyaml@1.7.3", - ":waitress@3.0.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_devpi-server@6.10.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_devpi_server_6.10.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "devpi-server@6.10.0", - deps = _devpi_server_6_10_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_devpi-server@6.10.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_docutils@0.20.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_docutils_0.20.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "docutils@0.20.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_docutils@0.20.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_exceptiongroup@1.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_exceptiongroup_1.2.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "exceptiongroup@1.2.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_exceptiongroup@1.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_fonttools@4.47.2", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_fonttools_4.47.2_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_fonttools_4.47.2_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_fonttools_4.47.2_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "fonttools@4.47.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_fonttools@4.47.2", - ) - - _freezegun_1_4_0_deps = [ - ":python-dateutil@2.8.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_freezegun@1.4.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_freezegun_1.4.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "freezegun@1.4.0", - deps = _freezegun_1_4_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_freezegun@1.4.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_frozenlist@1.4.1", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_frozenlist_1.4.1_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_frozenlist_1.4.1_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_frozenlist_1.4.1_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "frozenlist@1.4.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_frozenlist@1.4.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_fsspec@2021.11.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_fsspec_2021.11.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "fsspec@2021.11.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_fsspec@2021.11.1", - ) - - _google_api_core_2_16_2_deps = [ - ":google-auth@2.27.0", - ":googleapis-common-protos@1.62.0", - ":grpcio@1.60.1", - ":grpcio-status@1.60.1", - ":protobuf@4.25.2", - ":requests@2.31.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_google-api-core@2.16.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_api_core_2.16.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "google-api-core@2.16.2", - deps = _google_api_core_2_16_2_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_google-api-core@2.16.2", - ) - - _google_auth_2_27_0_deps = [ - ":cachetools@5.3.2", - ":pyasn1-modules@0.3.0", - ":rsa@4.9", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_google-auth@2.27.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_auth_2.27.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "google-auth@2.27.0", - deps = _google_auth_2_27_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_google-auth@2.27.0", - ) - - _google_auth_oauthlib_1_2_0_deps = [ - ":google-auth@2.27.0", - ":requests-oauthlib@1.3.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_google-auth-oauthlib@1.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_auth_oauthlib_1.2.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "google-auth-oauthlib@1.2.0", - deps = _google_auth_oauthlib_1_2_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_google-auth-oauthlib@1.2.0", - ) - - _google_cloud_bigquery_3_17_1_deps = [ - ":google-api-core@2.16.2", - ":google-cloud-core@2.4.1", - ":google-resumable-media@2.7.0", - ":packaging@23.2", - ":python-dateutil@2.8.2", - ":requests@2.31.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_google-cloud-bigquery@3.17.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_cloud_bigquery_3.17.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "google-cloud-bigquery@3.17.1", - deps = _google_cloud_bigquery_3_17_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_google-cloud-bigquery@3.17.1", - ) - - _google_cloud_bigquery_storage_2_24_0_deps = [ - ":google-api-core@2.16.2", - ":proto-plus@1.23.0", - ":protobuf@4.25.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_google-cloud-bigquery-storage@2.24.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_cloud_bigquery_storage_2.24.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "google-cloud-bigquery-storage@2.24.0", - deps = _google_cloud_bigquery_storage_2_24_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_google-cloud-bigquery-storage@2.24.0", - ) - - _google_cloud_core_2_4_1_deps = [ - ":google-api-core@2.16.2", - ":google-auth@2.27.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_google-cloud-core@2.4.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_cloud_core_2.4.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "google-cloud-core@2.4.1", - deps = _google_cloud_core_2_4_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_google-cloud-core@2.4.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_google-crc32c@1.5.0", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_crc32c_1.5.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_crc32c_1.5.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_crc32c_1.5.0_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "google-crc32c@1.5.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_google-crc32c@1.5.0", - ) - - _google_resumable_media_2_7_0_deps = [ - ":google-crc32c@1.5.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_google-resumable-media@2.7.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_google_resumable_media_2.7.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "google-resumable-media@2.7.0", - deps = _google_resumable_media_2_7_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_google-resumable-media@2.7.0", - ) - - _googleapis_common_protos_1_62_0_deps = [ - ":protobuf@4.25.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_googleapis-common-protos@1.62.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_googleapis_common_protos_1.62.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "googleapis-common-protos@1.62.0", - deps = _googleapis_common_protos_1_62_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_googleapis-common-protos@1.62.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_grpcio@1.60.1", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_grpcio_1.60.1_cp310_cp310_macosx_12_0_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_grpcio_1.60.1_cp310_cp310_macosx_12_0_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_grpcio_1.60.1_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "grpcio@1.60.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_grpcio@1.60.1", - ) - - _grpcio_status_1_60_1_deps = [ - ":googleapis-common-protos@1.62.0", - ":grpcio@1.60.1", - ":protobuf@4.25.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_grpcio-status@1.60.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_grpcio_status_1.60.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "grpcio-status@1.60.1", - deps = _grpcio_status_1_60_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_grpcio-status@1.60.1", - ) - - _grpclib_0_4_7_deps = [ - ":h2@3.2.0", - ":multidict@6.0.5", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_sdist_grpclib@0.4.7", - actual = "@poetry_lock_sdist_grpclib_0.4.7//file", - ) - - _grpclib_0_4_7_build_deps = [ - ":setuptools@69.0.3", - ":wheel@0.42.0", - ] - - pycross_wheel_build( - name = "_build_grpclib@0.4.7", - sdist = ":_sdist_grpclib@0.4.7", - target_environment = _target, - deps = _grpclib_0_4_7_deps + _grpclib_0_4_7_build_deps, - tags = ["manual"], - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_grpclib@0.4.7", - actual = ":_build_grpclib@0.4.7", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "grpclib@0.4.7", - deps = _grpclib_0_4_7_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_grpclib@0.4.7", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_h11@0.14.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_h11_0.14.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "h11@0.14.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_h11@0.14.0", - ) - - _h2_3_2_0_deps = [ - ":hpack@3.0.0", - ":hyperframe@5.2.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_h2@3.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_h2_3.2.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "h2@3.2.0", - deps = _h2_3_2_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_h2@3.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_hpack@3.0.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_hpack_3.0.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "hpack@3.0.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_hpack@3.0.0", - ) - - _httpcore_0_17_3_deps = [ - ":anyio@4.2.0", - ":certifi@2024.2.2", - ":h11@0.14.0", - ":sniffio@1.3.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_httpcore@0.17.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_httpcore_0.17.3_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "httpcore@0.17.3", - deps = _httpcore_0_17_3_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_httpcore@0.17.3", - ) - - _httpx_0_24_1_deps = [ - ":certifi@2024.2.2", - ":httpcore@0.17.3", - ":idna@3.6", - ":sniffio@1.3.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_httpx@0.24.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_httpx_0.24.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "httpx@0.24.1", - deps = _httpx_0_24_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_httpx@0.24.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_humanfriendly@10.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_humanfriendly_10.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "humanfriendly@10.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_humanfriendly@10.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_hupper@1.12.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_hupper_1.12.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "hupper@1.12.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_hupper@1.12.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_hyperframe@5.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_hyperframe_5.2.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "hyperframe@5.2.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_hyperframe@5.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_idna@3.6", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_idna_3.6_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "idna@3.6", - wheel = ":_wheel_idna@3.6", - ) - - _importlib_metadata_7_0_1_deps = [ - ":zipp@3.17.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_importlib-metadata@7.0.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_importlib_metadata_7.0.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "importlib-metadata@7.0.1", - deps = _importlib_metadata_7_0_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_importlib-metadata@7.0.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_iniconfig@2.0.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_iniconfig_2.0.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "iniconfig@2.0.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_iniconfig@2.0.0", - ) - - _ipython_7_34_0_deps = [ - ":backcall@0.2.0", - ":decorator@5.1.1", - ":jedi@0.19.1", - ":matplotlib-inline@0.1.6", - ":pexpect@4.9.0", - ":pickleshare@0.7.5", - ":prompt-toolkit@3.0.43", - ":pygments@2.17.2", - ":setuptools@69.0.3", - ":traitlets@5.14.1", - ] + select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": [ - ":appnope@0.1.3", - ], - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": [ - ":appnope@0.1.3", - ], - "//conditions:default": [], - }) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_ipython@7.34.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_ipython_7.34.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "ipython@7.34.0", - deps = _ipython_7_34_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_ipython@7.34.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_itsdangerous@2.1.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_itsdangerous_2.1.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "itsdangerous@2.1.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_itsdangerous@2.1.2", - ) - - _jaraco_classes_3_3_0_deps = [ - ":more-itertools@10.2.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_jaraco-classes@3.3.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_jaraco.classes_3.3.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "jaraco-classes@3.3.0", - deps = _jaraco_classes_3_3_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_jaraco-classes@3.3.0", - ) - - _jedi_0_19_1_deps = [ - ":parso@0.8.3", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_jedi@0.19.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_jedi_0.19.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "jedi@0.19.1", - deps = _jedi_0_19_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_jedi@0.19.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_jeepney@0.8.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_jeepney_0.8.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "jeepney@0.8.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_jeepney@0.8.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_jmespath@0.10.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_jmespath_0.10.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "jmespath@0.10.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_jmespath@0.10.0", - ) - - _keyring_24_3_0_deps = [ - ":importlib-metadata@7.0.1", - ":jaraco-classes@3.3.0", - ] + select({ - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": [ - ":jeepney@0.8.0", - ":secretstorage@3.3.3", - ], - "//conditions:default": [], - }) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_keyring@24.3.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_keyring_24.3.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "keyring@24.3.0", - deps = _keyring_24_3_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_keyring@24.3.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_kiwisolver@1.4.5", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_kiwisolver_1.4.5_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_kiwisolver_1.4.5_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_kiwisolver_1.4.5_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "kiwisolver@1.4.5", - wheel = ":_wheel_kiwisolver@1.4.5", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_lazy@1.6", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_lazy_1.6_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "lazy@1.6", - wheel = ":_wheel_lazy@1.6", - ) - - _lightgbm_4_3_0_deps = [ - ":numpy@1.24.4", - ":scipy@1.10.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_sdist_lightgbm@4.3.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_sdist_lightgbm_4.3.0//file", - ) - - _lightgbm_4_3_0_build_deps = [ - ":scikit-build-core@0.2.2", - ":setuptools@69.0.3", - ":wheel@0.42.0", - ] - - pycross_wheel_build( - name = "_build_lightgbm@4.3.0", - sdist = ":_sdist_lightgbm@4.3.0", - target_environment = _target, - deps = _lightgbm_4_3_0_deps + _lightgbm_4_3_0_build_deps, - tags = ["manual"], - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_lightgbm@4.3.0", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": ":_build_lightgbm@4.3.0", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_lightgbm_4.3.0_py3_none_macosx_10_15_x86_64.macosx_11_6_x86_64.macosx_12_5_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": ":_build_lightgbm@4.3.0", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "lightgbm@4.3.0", - deps = _lightgbm_4_3_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_lightgbm@4.3.0", - ) - - _markdown_it_py_3_0_0_deps = [ - ":mdurl@0.1.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_markdown-it-py@3.0.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_markdown_it_py_3.0.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "markdown-it-py@3.0.0", - deps = _markdown_it_py_3_0_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_markdown-it-py@3.0.0", - ) - - _matplotlib_3_7_4_deps = [ - ":contourpy@1.1.1", - ":cycler@0.12.1", - ":fonttools@4.47.2", - ":kiwisolver@1.4.5", - ":numpy@1.24.4", - ":packaging@23.2", - ":pillow@10.2.0", - ":pyparsing@3.1.1", - ":python-dateutil@2.8.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_matplotlib@3.7.4", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_matplotlib_3.7.4_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_matplotlib_3.7.4_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_12_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_matplotlib_3.7.4_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "matplotlib@3.7.4", - deps = _matplotlib_3_7_4_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_matplotlib@3.7.4", - ) - - _matplotlib_inline_0_1_6_deps = [ - ":traitlets@5.14.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_matplotlib-inline@0.1.6", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_matplotlib_inline_0.1.6_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "matplotlib-inline@0.1.6", - deps = _matplotlib_inline_0_1_6_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_matplotlib-inline@0.1.6", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_mdurl@0.1.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_mdurl_0.1.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "mdurl@0.1.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_mdurl@0.1.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_more-itertools@10.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_more_itertools_10.2.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "more-itertools@10.2.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_more-itertools@10.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_multidict@6.0.5", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_multidict_6.0.5_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_multidict_6.0.5_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_multidict_6.0.5_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "multidict@6.0.5", - wheel = ":_wheel_multidict@6.0.5", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_nh3@0.2.15", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_nh3_0.2.15_cp37_abi3_macosx_10_12_x86_64.macosx_11_0_arm64.macosx_10_12_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_nh3_0.2.15_cp37_abi3_macosx_10_12_x86_64.macosx_11_0_arm64.macosx_10_12_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_nh3_0.2.15_cp37_abi3_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "nh3@0.2.15", - wheel = ":_wheel_nh3@0.2.15", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_numpy@1.24.4", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_numpy_1.24.4_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_numpy_1.24.4_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_numpy_1.24.4_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "numpy@1.24.4", - wheel = ":_wheel_numpy@1.24.4", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_oauthlib@3.2.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_oauthlib_3.2.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "oauthlib@3.2.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_oauthlib@3.2.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_packaging@23.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_packaging_23.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "packaging@23.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_packaging@23.2", - ) - - _pandas_1_5_3_deps = [ - ":numpy@1.24.4", - ":python-dateutil@2.8.2", - ":pytz@2024.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pandas@1.5.3", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pandas_1.5.3_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pandas_1.5.3_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pandas_1.5.3_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pandas@1.5.3", - deps = _pandas_1_5_3_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pandas@1.5.3", - ) - - _pandas_gbq_0_17_9_deps = [ - ":db-dtypes@1.2.0", - ":google-api-core@2.16.2", - ":google-auth@2.27.0", - ":google-auth-oauthlib@1.2.0", - ":google-cloud-bigquery@3.17.1", - ":google-cloud-bigquery-storage@2.24.0", - ":numpy@1.24.4", - ":pandas@1.5.3", - ":pyarrow@9.0.0", - ":pydata-google-auth@1.8.2", - ":setuptools@69.0.3", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pandas-gbq@0.17.9", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pandas_gbq_0.17.9_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pandas-gbq@0.17.9", - deps = _pandas_gbq_0_17_9_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pandas-gbq@0.17.9", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_parso@0.8.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_parso_0.8.3_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "parso@0.8.3", - wheel = ":_wheel_parso@0.8.3", - ) - - _passlib_1_7_4_deps = [ - ":argon2-cffi@23.1.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_passlib@1.7.4", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_passlib_1.7.4_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "passlib@1.7.4", - deps = _passlib_1_7_4_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_passlib@1.7.4", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pastedeploy@3.1.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pastedeploy_3.1.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pastedeploy@3.1.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_pastedeploy@3.1.0", - ) - - _pexpect_4_9_0_deps = [ - ":ptyprocess@0.7.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pexpect@4.9.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pexpect_4.9.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pexpect@4.9.0", - deps = _pexpect_4_9_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pexpect@4.9.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pickleshare@0.7.5", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pickleshare_0.7.5_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pickleshare@0.7.5", - wheel = ":_wheel_pickleshare@0.7.5", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pillow@10.2.0", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pillow_10.2.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pillow_10.2.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_10_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pillow_10.2.0_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pillow@10.2.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_pillow@10.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pkginfo@1.9.6", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pkginfo_1.9.6_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pkginfo@1.9.6", - wheel = ":_wheel_pkginfo@1.9.6", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_plaster@1.1.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_plaster_1.1.2_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "plaster@1.1.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_plaster@1.1.2", - ) - - _plaster_pastedeploy_1_0_1_deps = [ - ":pastedeploy@3.1.0", - ":plaster@1.1.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_plaster-pastedeploy@1.0.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_plaster_pastedeploy_1.0.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "plaster-pastedeploy@1.0.1", - deps = _plaster_pastedeploy_1_0_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_plaster-pastedeploy@1.0.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_platformdirs@4.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_platformdirs_4.2.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "platformdirs@4.2.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_platformdirs@4.2.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pluggy@1.4.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pluggy_1.4.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pluggy@1.4.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_pluggy@1.4.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_prometheus-client@0.10.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_prometheus_client_0.10.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "prometheus-client@0.10.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_prometheus-client@0.10.1", - ) - - _prompt_toolkit_3_0_43_deps = [ - ":wcwidth@0.2.13", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_prompt-toolkit@3.0.43", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_prompt_toolkit_3.0.43_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "prompt-toolkit@3.0.43", - deps = _prompt_toolkit_3_0_43_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_prompt-toolkit@3.0.43", - ) - - _proto_plus_1_23_0_deps = [ - ":protobuf@4.25.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_proto-plus@1.23.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_proto_plus_1.23.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "proto-plus@1.23.0", - deps = _proto_plus_1_23_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_proto-plus@1.23.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_protobuf@4.25.2", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_protobuf_4.25.2_cp37_abi3_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_protobuf_4.25.2_cp37_abi3_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_protobuf_4.25.2_cp37_abi3_manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "protobuf@4.25.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_protobuf@4.25.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_psycopg2-binary@2.9.9", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_psycopg2_binary_2.9.9_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_psycopg2_binary_2.9.9_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_psycopg2_binary_2.9.9_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "psycopg2-binary@2.9.9", - wheel = ":_wheel_psycopg2-binary@2.9.9", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_ptyprocess@0.7.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_ptyprocess_0.7.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "ptyprocess@0.7.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_ptyprocess@0.7.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_py@1.11.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_py_1.11.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "py@1.11.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_py@1.11.0", - ) - - _pyarrow_9_0_0_deps = [ - ":numpy@1.24.4", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pyarrow@9.0.0", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pyarrow_9.0.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_11_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pyarrow_9.0.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_13_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_pyarrow_9.0.0_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pyarrow@9.0.0", - deps = _pyarrow_9_0_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pyarrow@9.0.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pyasn1@0.5.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pyasn1_0.5.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pyasn1@0.5.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_pyasn1@0.5.1", - ) - - _pyasn1_modules_0_3_0_deps = [ - ":pyasn1@0.5.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pyasn1-modules@0.3.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pyasn1_modules_0.3.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pyasn1-modules@0.3.0", - deps = _pyasn1_modules_0_3_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pyasn1-modules@0.3.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pycparser@2.21", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pycparser_2.21_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pycparser@2.21", - wheel = ":_wheel_pycparser@2.21", - ) - - _pydata_google_auth_1_8_2_deps = [ - ":google-auth@2.27.0", - ":google-auth-oauthlib@1.2.0", - ":setuptools@69.0.3", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pydata-google-auth@1.8.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pydata_google_auth_1.8.2_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pydata-google-auth@1.8.2", - deps = _pydata_google_auth_1_8_2_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pydata-google-auth@1.8.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pygments@2.17.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pygments_2.17.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pygments@2.17.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_pygments@2.17.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pyparsing@3.1.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pyparsing_3.1.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pyparsing@3.1.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_pyparsing@3.1.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_sdist_pypi@2.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_sdist_pypi_2.1//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_build( - name = "_build_pypi@2.1", - sdist = ":_sdist_pypi@2.1", - target_environment = _target, - tags = ["manual"], - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pypi@2.1", - actual = ":_build_pypi@2.1", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pypi@2.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_pypi@2.1", - ) - - _pyproject_hooks_1_0_0_deps = [ - ":tomli@2.0.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pyproject-hooks@1.0.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pyproject_hooks_1.0.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pyproject-hooks@1.0.0", - deps = _pyproject_hooks_1_0_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pyproject-hooks@1.0.0", - ) - - _pyramid_2_0_2_deps = [ - ":hupper@1.12.1", - ":plaster@1.1.2", - ":plaster-pastedeploy@1.0.1", - ":setuptools@69.0.3", - ":translationstring@1.4", - ":venusian@3.1.0", - ":webob@1.8.7", - ":zope-deprecation@5.0", - ":zope-interface@6.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pyramid@2.0.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pyramid_2.0.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pyramid@2.0.2", - deps = _pyramid_2_0_2_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pyramid@2.0.2", - ) - - _pytest_6_2_5_deps = [ - ":attrs@23.2.0", - ":iniconfig@2.0.0", - ":packaging@23.2", - ":pluggy@1.4.0", - ":py@1.11.0", - ":toml@0.10.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pytest@6.2.5", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pytest_6.2.5_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pytest@6.2.5", - deps = _pytest_6_2_5_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_pytest@6.2.5", - ) - - _python_dateutil_2_8_2_deps = [ - ":six@1.16.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_python-dateutil@2.8.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_python_dateutil_2.8.2_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "python-dateutil@2.8.2", - deps = _python_dateutil_2_8_2_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_python-dateutil@2.8.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_python-json-logger@2.0.7", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_python_json_logger_2.0.7_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "python-json-logger@2.0.7", - wheel = ":_wheel_python-json-logger@2.0.7", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_pytz@2024.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_pytz_2024.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "pytz@2024.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_pytz@2024.1", - ) - - _readme_renderer_42_0_deps = [ - ":docutils@0.20.1", - ":nh3@0.2.15", - ":pygments@2.17.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_readme-renderer@42.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_readme_renderer_42.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "readme-renderer@42.0", - deps = _readme_renderer_42_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_readme-renderer@42.0", - ) - - _redis_4_6_0_deps = [ - ":async-timeout@4.0.3", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_redis@4.6.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_redis_4.6.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "redis@4.6.0", - deps = _redis_4_6_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_redis@4.6.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_repoze-lru@0.7", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_repoze.lru_0.7_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "repoze-lru@0.7", - wheel = ":_wheel_repoze-lru@0.7", - ) - - _requests_2_31_0_deps = [ - ":certifi@2024.2.2", - ":charset-normalizer@3.3.2", - ":idna@3.6", - ":urllib3@1.26.18", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_requests@2.31.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_requests_2.31.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "requests@2.31.0", - deps = _requests_2_31_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_requests@2.31.0", - ) - - _requests_oauthlib_1_3_1_deps = [ - ":oauthlib@3.2.2", - ":requests@2.31.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_requests-oauthlib@1.3.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_requests_oauthlib_1.3.1_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "requests-oauthlib@1.3.1", - deps = _requests_oauthlib_1_3_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_requests-oauthlib@1.3.1", - ) - - _requests_toolbelt_1_0_0_deps = [ - ":requests@2.31.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_requests-toolbelt@1.0.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_requests_toolbelt_1.0.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "requests-toolbelt@1.0.0", - deps = _requests_toolbelt_1_0_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_requests-toolbelt@1.0.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_rfc3986@2.0.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_rfc3986_2.0.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "rfc3986@2.0.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_rfc3986@2.0.0", - ) - - _rich_13_7_0_deps = [ - ":markdown-it-py@3.0.0", - ":pygments@2.17.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_rich@13.7.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_rich_13.7.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "rich@13.7.0", - deps = _rich_13_7_0_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_rich@13.7.0", - ) - - _rsa_4_9_deps = [ - ":pyasn1@0.5.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_rsa@4.9", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_rsa_4.9_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "rsa@4.9", - deps = _rsa_4_9_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_rsa@4.9", - ) - - _ruamel_yaml_0_18_5_deps = [ - ":ruamel-yaml-clib@0.2.8", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_ruamel-yaml@0.18.5", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_ruamel.yaml_0.18.5_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "ruamel-yaml@0.18.5", - deps = _ruamel_yaml_0_18_5_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_ruamel-yaml@0.18.5", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_ruamel-yaml-clib@0.2.8", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_ruamel.yaml.clib_0.2.8_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_ruamel.yaml.clib_0.2.8_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_ruamel.yaml.clib_0.2.8_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_24_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "ruamel-yaml-clib@0.2.8", - wheel = ":_wheel_ruamel-yaml-clib@0.2.8", - ) - - _s3fs_2021_11_1_deps = [ - ":aiobotocore@2.0.1", - ":aiohttp@3.9.3", - ":fsspec@2021.11.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_s3fs@2021.11.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_s3fs_2021.11.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "s3fs@2021.11.1", - deps = _s3fs_2021_11_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_s3fs@2021.11.1", - ) - - _scikit_build_core_0_2_2_deps = [ - ":exceptiongroup@1.2.0", - ":packaging@23.2", - ":tomli@2.0.1", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_scikit-build-core@0.2.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_scikit_build_core_0.2.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "scikit-build-core@0.2.2", - deps = _scikit_build_core_0_2_2_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_scikit-build-core@0.2.2", - ) - - _scipy_1_10_1_deps = [ - ":numpy@1.24.4", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_scipy@1.10.1", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_scipy_1.10.1_cp310_cp310_macosx_12_0_arm64//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_scipy_1.10.1_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_scipy_1.10.1_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "scipy@1.10.1", - deps = _scipy_1_10_1_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_scipy@1.10.1", - ) - - _secretstorage_3_3_3_deps = [ - ":cryptography@42.0.2", - ":jeepney@0.8.0", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_secretstorage@3.3.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_secretstorage_3.3.3_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "secretstorage@3.3.3", - deps = _secretstorage_3_3_3_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_secretstorage@3.3.3", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_setuptools@69.0.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_setuptools_69.0.3_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "setuptools@69.0.3", - wheel = ":_wheel_setuptools@69.0.3", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_six@1.16.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_six_1.16.0_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "six@1.16.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_six@1.16.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_sniffio@1.3.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_sniffio_1.3.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "sniffio@1.3.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_sniffio@1.3.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_sdist_source@1.2.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_sdist_source_1.2.0//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_build( - name = "_build_source@1.2.0", - sdist = ":_sdist_source@1.2.0", - target_environment = _target, - tags = ["manual"], - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_source@1.2.0", - actual = ":_build_source@1.2.0", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "source@1.2.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_source@1.2.0", - ) - - _strictyaml_1_7_3_deps = [ - ":python-dateutil@2.8.2", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_strictyaml@1.7.3", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_strictyaml_1.7.3_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "strictyaml@1.7.3", - deps = _strictyaml_1_7_3_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_strictyaml@1.7.3", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_toml@0.10.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_toml_0.10.2_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "toml@0.10.2", - wheel = ":_wheel_toml@0.10.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_tomli@2.0.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_tomli_2.0.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "tomli@2.0.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_tomli@2.0.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_traitlets@5.14.1", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_traitlets_5.14.1_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "traitlets@5.14.1", - wheel = ":_wheel_traitlets@5.14.1", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_translationstring@1.4", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_translationstring_1.4_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "translationstring@1.4", - wheel = ":_wheel_translationstring@1.4", - ) - - _twine_4_0_2_deps = [ - ":importlib-metadata@7.0.1", - ":keyring@24.3.0", - ":pkginfo@1.9.6", - ":readme-renderer@42.0", - ":requests@2.31.0", - ":requests-toolbelt@1.0.0", - ":rfc3986@2.0.0", - ":rich@13.7.0", - ":urllib3@1.26.18", - ] - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_twine@4.0.2", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_twine_4.0.2_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "twine@4.0.2", - deps = _twine_4_0_2_deps, - wheel = ":_wheel_twine@4.0.2", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_typing-extensions@4.9.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_typing_extensions_4.9.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "typing-extensions@4.9.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_typing-extensions@4.9.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_urllib3@1.26.18", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_urllib3_1.26.18_py2.py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "urllib3@1.26.18", - wheel = ":_wheel_urllib3@1.26.18", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_uvloop@0.19.0", - actual = select({ - ":_env_python_darwin_arm64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_uvloop_0.19.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_universal2//file", - ":_env_python_darwin_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_uvloop_0.19.0_cp310_cp310_macosx_10_9_x86_64//file", - ":_env_python_linux_x86_64": "@poetry_lock_wheel_uvloop_0.19.0_cp310_cp310_manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64//file", - }), - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "uvloop@0.19.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_uvloop@0.19.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_venusian@3.1.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_venusian_3.1.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "venusian@3.1.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_venusian@3.1.0", - ) - - native.alias( - name = "_wheel_waitress@3.0.0", - actual = "@poetry_lock_wheel_waitress_3.0.0_py3_none_any//file", - ) - - pycross_wheel_library( - name = "waitress@3.0.0", - wheel = ":_wheel_waitress@3.0.0", - ) - - native.alias( - 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Also used as a name prefix for supporting rules declared within this one. - binary: [String] The label name of the binary target to wrap (for py_image_layer.binary) - base: for the container_image.base attribute - package: [String] the label package of the rule. Needed for the entrypoint. - root: [String] root directory for the app - **kwargs: additional kwargs for the container_image rule - """ - layers_name = name + "_layers" - app_tar_name = name + "_app_tar" - app_layer_name = name + "_app_layer" - site_packages_tar_name = name + "_site_packages_tar" - site_packages_layer_name = name + "_site_packages_layer" - python3_tar_name = name + "_python3_tar" - python3_layer_name = name + "_python3_layer" - - # py_image_layer collects all the data/runfiles from the given py_binary (or - # actually any DefaultInfo-providing label) and partitions thise files into - # site_packages/ and non-site_packages files. These are placed in the - # "site_packages" and "app" output groups respectively. - py_image_layer( - name = layers_name, - binary = binary, - root = root, - visibility = ["//visibility:__pkg__"], - ) - - native.filegroup( - name = app_tar_name, - srcs = [layers_name], - output_group = "app", - ) - native.filegroup( - name = site_packages_tar_name, - srcs = [layers_name], - output_group = "site_packages", - ) - native.filegroup( - name = python3_tar_name, - srcs = [layers_name], - output_group = "python3", - ) - - container_layer( - name = app_layer_name, - tars = [app_tar_name], - ) - container_layer( - name = site_packages_layer_name, - tars = [site_packages_tar_name], - ) - container_layer( - name = python3_layer_name, - tars = [python3_tar_name], - ) - - # The default image is the linux amd version. If user requested arm, select - # on the config setting. If user requested a specific base, override and use - # that. - - container_image( - name = name, - base = base, - layers = [ - app_layer_name, - site_packages_layer_name, - python3_layer_name, - ], - workdir = "%s/%s/%s.runfiles/unity" % (root, package, binary), - # entrypoint = ["%s/%s" % (package, binary)], - cmd = ["%s/%s" % (package, binary)], - **kwargs - ) diff --git a/bazel/python/py_image_layer.bzl b/bazel/python/py_image_layer.bzl deleted file mode 100644 index 7d21d65..0000000 --- a/bazel/python/py_image_layer.bzl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,329 +0,0 @@ -"""Rules for creating container image layers from py_binary targets - -For example, this py_image_layer target outputs `site_packages.tar` and `app.tar` with `/app` prefix. - -```starlark -load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "py_image_layer") - -py_image_layer( - name = "layers", - binary = "//label/to:py_binary", - root = "/app", -) -``` -""" - -load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:paths.bzl", "to_rlocation_path") -load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths") -load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:utils.bzl", "is_bazel_6_or_greater") - -_DOC = """Create container image layers from py_binary targets. - -By design, py_image_layer doesn't have any preference over which rule assembles the container image. -This means the downstream rule (`oci_image`, or `container_image` in this case) must set a proper `workdir` and `cmd` to for the container work. -A proper `cmd` usually looks like /`[ root of py_image_layer ]`/`[ relative path to BUILD file from WORKSPACE or package_name() ]/[ name of py_binary ]`, -unless you have a launcher script that invokes the entry_point of the `py_binary` in a different path. -On the other hand, `workdir` has to be set to `runfiles tree root` which would be exactly `cmd` **but with `.runfiles/[ name of the workspace or __main__ if empty ]` suffix**. If `workdir` is not set correctly, some -attributes such as `chdir` might not work properly. - -py_image_layer supports transitioning to specific `platform` to allow building multi-platform container images. - -> WARNING: Structure of the resulting layers are not subject to semver guarantees and may change without a notice. However, it is guaranteed to work when provided together in the `app` and `site_packages` order - -**A partial example using rules_oci with transition to linux/amd64 platform.** - -```starlark -load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_image_layer") -load("@rules_oci//oci:defs.bzl", "oci_image") - -py_binary( - name = "binary", - entry_point = "main.js", -) - -platform( - name = "amd64_linux", - constraint_values = [ - "@platforms//os:linux", - "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", - ], -) - -py_image_layer( - name = "layers", - binary = ":binary", - platform = ":amd64_linux", - root = "/app" -) - -oci_image( - name = "image", - cmd = ["/app/main"], - entrypoint = ["bash"], - tars = [ - ":layers" - ] -) -``` - -**A partial example using rules_oci to create multi-platform images.** - - -```starlark -load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_image_layer") -load("@rules_oci//oci:defs.bzl", "oci_image", "oci_image_index") - -py_binary( - name = "binary", - entry_point = "main.js", -) - -[ - platform( - name = "linux_{}".format(arch), - constraint_values = [ - "@platforms//os:linux", - "@platforms//cpu:{}".format(arch if arch != "amd64" else "x86_64"), - ], - ) - py_image_layer( - name = "{}_layers".format(arch), - binary = ":binary", - platform = ":linux_{arch}", - root = "/app" - ) - oci_image( - name = "{}_image".format(arch), - cmd = ["/app/main"], - entrypoint = ["bash"], - tars = [ - ":{}_layers".format(arch) - ] - ) - for arch in ["amd64", "arm64"] -] - -oci_image_index( - name = "image", - images = [ - ":arm64_image", - ":amd64_image" - ] -) - -``` - -**An example using legacy rules_docker** - -See `e2e/js_image_rules_docker` for full example. - -```starlark -load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_image_layer") -load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image") - -py_binary( - name = "main", - data = [ - "//:site_packages/args-parser", - ], - entry_point = "main.js", -) - - -py_image_layer( - name = "layers", - binary = ":main", - root = "/app", - visibility = ["//visibility:__pkg__"], -) - -filegroup( - name = "app_tar", - srcs = [":layers"], - output_group = "app" -) -container_layer( - name = "app_layer", - tars = [":app_tar"], -) - -filegroup( - name = "site_packages_tar", - srcs = [":layers"], - output_group = "site_packages" -) -container_layer( - name = "site_packages_layer", - tars = [":site_packages_tar"], -) - -container_image( - name = "image", - cmd = ["/app/main"], - entrypoint = ["bash"], - layers = [ - ":app_layer", - ":site_packages_layer", - ], -) -``` -""" - -def _runfile_path(ctx, file, runfiles_dir): - return paths.join(runfiles_dir, to_rlocation_path(ctx, file)) - -def _runfiles_dir(root, default_info): - manifest = default_info.files_to_run.runfiles_manifest - - nobuild_runfile_links_is_set = manifest.short_path.endswith("_manifest") - - if nobuild_runfile_links_is_set: - # When `--nobuild_runfile_links` is set, runfiles_manifest points to the manifest - # file sitting adjacent to the runfiles tree rather than within it. - runfiles = default_info.files_to_run.runfiles_manifest.short_path.replace("_manifest", "") - else: - runfiles = manifest.short_path.replace(manifest.basename, "")[:-1] - - return paths.join(root, runfiles.replace(".sh", "")) - -def _build_layer(ctx, type, entries, inputs): - entries_output = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}_{}_entries.json".format(ctx.label.name, type)) - ctx.actions.write(entries_output, content = json.encode(entries)) - - extension = "tar.gz" if ctx.attr.compression == "gzip" else "tar" - output = ctx.actions.declare_file("{name}_{type}.{extension}".format(name = ctx.label.name, type = type, extension = extension)) - - args = ctx.actions.args() - args.add(entries_output) - args.add(output) - args.add(ctx.attr.compression) - if not is_bazel_6_or_greater(): - args.add("true") - - ctx.actions.run( - inputs = inputs + [entries_output], - outputs = [output], - arguments = [args], - executable = ctx.executable._builder, - progress_message = "PyImageLayer %{label}", - env = { - "BAZEL_BINDIR": ".", - }, - ) - - return output - -def _should_be_in_site_packages_layer(destination, _file): - is_site_packages = "/site-packages/" in destination - return is_site_packages - -def _should_be_in_python3_layer(destination, _file): - # print("destination!", destination) - is_python3 = "/python_3_10_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/" in destination - return is_python3 - -def _py_image_layer_impl(ctx): - if len(ctx.attr.binary) != 1: - fail("binary attribute has more than one transition") - - default_info = ctx.attr.binary[0][DefaultInfo] - # default_info = ctx.attr.binary[DefaultInfo] - - runfiles_dir = _runfiles_dir(ctx.attr.root, default_info) - # executable = default_info.files_to_run.executable - - all_files = depset(transitive = [default_info.files, default_info.default_runfiles.files]) - - app_entries = {} - app_inputs = [] - - site_packages_entries = {} - site_packages_inputs = [] - - python3_entries = {} - python3_inputs = [] - - for file in all_files.to_list(): - # print("file: %s" % file.short_path) - destination = _runfile_path(ctx, file, runfiles_dir) - entry = { - "dest": file.path, - "root": file.root.path, - "is_external": file.owner.workspace_name != "", - "is_source": file.is_source, - "is_directory": file.is_directory, - } - - if _should_be_in_python3_layer(destination, file): - python3_entries[destination] = entry - python3_inputs.append(file) - elif _should_be_in_site_packages_layer(destination, file): - site_packages_entries[destination] = entry - site_packages_inputs.append(file) - else: - app_entries[destination] = entry - app_inputs.append(file) - - app = _build_layer(ctx, type = "app", entries = app_entries, inputs = app_inputs) - site_packages = _build_layer(ctx, type = "site_packages", entries = site_packages_entries, inputs = site_packages_inputs) - python3 = _build_layer(ctx, type = "python3", entries = python3_entries, inputs = python3_inputs) - - return [ - DefaultInfo(files = depset([app, site_packages, python3])), - OutputGroupInfo( - app = depset([app]), - site_packages = depset([site_packages]), - python3 = depset([python3]), - ), - ] - -def _py_image_layer_transition_impl(settings, attr): - # buildifier: disable=unused-variable - _ignore = (settings) - if not attr.platform: - return {} - return { - "//command_line_option:platforms": str(attr.platform), - } - -_py_image_layer_transition = transition( - implementation = _py_image_layer_transition_impl, - inputs = [], - outputs = ["//command_line_option:platforms"], -) - -py_image_layer_lib = struct( - implementation = _py_image_layer_impl, - attrs = { - "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label( - default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist", - ), - "binary": attr.label( - mandatory = True, - cfg = _py_image_layer_transition, - doc = "Label to a py_binary target", - ), - "_builder": attr.label( - default = "@aspect_rules_js//js/private:js_image_layer_builder", - executable = True, - cfg = "exec", - ), - "root": attr.string( - doc = "Path where the files from py_binary will reside in. eg: /apps/app1 or /app", - ), - "compression": attr.string( - doc = "Compression algorithm. Can be one of `gzip`, `none`.", - values = ["gzip", "none"], - default = "gzip", - ), - "platform": attr.label( - doc = "Platform to transition.", - ), - }, -) - -py_image_layer = rule( - implementation = py_image_layer_lib.implementation, - attrs = py_image_layer_lib.attrs, - doc = _DOC, -) diff --git a/bazel/python/py_oci_image.bzl b/bazel/python/py_oci_image.bzl deleted file mode 100644 index 3cd793c..0000000 --- a/bazel/python/py_oci_image.bzl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -""" -Wrapper macro to make three separate layers for python applications - -based on: https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-examples/blob/a25b6c0ba307545aff6c4b5feb4ae875d7d507f1/oci_python_image/py_layer.bzl -""" - -load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:tar.bzl", "mtree_spec", "tar") -load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:transitions.bzl", "platform_transition_binary") -load("@rules_oci//oci:defs.bzl", "oci_image", "oci_tarball") -load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image", "container_layer") - -def py_layers(name, binary): - """Create three layers for a py_binary target: interpreter, third-party dependencies, and application code. - - This allows a container image to have smaller uploads, since the application layer usually changes more - than the other two. - - Args: - name: prefix for generated targets, to ensure they are unique within the package - binary: a py_binary target - Returns: - a list of labels for the layers, which are tar files - """ - - # Produce the manifest for a tar file of our py_binary, but don't tar it up yet, so we can split - # into fine-grained layers for better docker performance. - mtree_spec( - name = name + ".mf", - srcs = [binary], - ) - - # match *only* external repositories that have the string "python" - # e.g. this will match - # `/hello_world/hello_world_bin.runfiles/rules_python~0.21.0~python~python3_9_aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/python3` - # but not match - # `/hello_world/hello_world_bin.runfiles/_main/python_app` - py_interpreter_regex = "\\.runfiles/.*python.*-.*" - - # match *only* external pip like repositories that contain the string "site-packages" - site_packages_regex = "\\.runfiles/.*/site-packages/.*" - - native.genrule( - name = name + ".interpreter_tar_manifest", - srcs = [name + ".mf"], - outs = [name + ".interpreter_tar_manifest.spec"], - cmd = "grep '{}' $< >$@".format(py_interpreter_regex), - ) - - native.genrule( - name = name + ".packages_tar_manifest", - srcs = [name + ".mf"], - outs = [name + ".packages_tar_manifest.spec"], - cmd = "grep '{}' $< >$@".format(site_packages_regex), - ) - - # Any lines that didn't match one of the two grep above - native.genrule( - name = name + ".app_tar_manifest", - srcs = [name + ".mf"], - outs = [name + ".app_tar_manifest.spec"], - cmd = "grep -v '{}' $< | grep -v '{}' >$@".format(site_packages_regex, py_interpreter_regex), - ) - - # Produce layers in this order, as the app changes most often - result = [] - for layer in ["interpreter", "packages", "app"]: - layer_target = "{}.{}_layer".format(name, layer) - result.append(layer_target) - tar( - name = layer_target, - srcs = [binary], - mtree = "{}.{}_tar_manifest".format(name, layer), - ) - - return result - -def _make_entrypoint(toolchain_config_setting_label, workdir, cmd): - label = Label(toolchain_config_setting_label) - return "{workdir}/{cmd}.runfiles/{python_toolchains_workspace_name}_{python_toolchains_config_setting}/bin/python3".format( - workdir = workdir, - cmd = cmd, - python_toolchains_workspace_name = label.workspace_name, - python_toolchains_config_setting = label.name, - ) - -def pycross_oci_image( - name, - binary, - tars = [], - config = "@python//:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", - target_platform = "@//bazel/python:linux_x86_64", - **kwargs): - """ - pycross_oci_image is a macro that instantiates an oci_image from a py_binary rule - - Given a pycross_oci_image rule `//my:image` wrapping a py_binary rule `//my:app`, the following targets are defined: - - | Kind | Label | Description | - |---------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| - | oci_image rule | //my:image | The target container image | - | oci_tarball rule | //my:image.tar | Tarball rule that can be `bazel run` to `docker load` it | - | tar rule | //my:image.app_layer | Image layer for the application code | - | tar rule | //my:image.packages_layer | Image layer for site-packages | - | tar rule | //my:image.interpreter_layer | Image layer for the python3 interpreter | - | platform_transition_binary rule | //my:xapp | The transitioned "cross" py_binary | - | py_binary rule | //my:app | The source py_binary app | - - `docker inspect` yields the following (subset): - - ```json - [ - { - "RepoTags": [ - "my/app:latest", - ], - "Config": { - "Env": [ - "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", - "SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", - "LANG=C.UTF-8" - ], - "Cmd": [ - "app" - ], - "WorkingDir": "/my/xapp", - "Entrypoint": [ - "/my/xapp/app.runfiles/python_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/python3" - ], - }, - "Architecture": "amd64", - "Os": "linux" - } - ] - ``` - - Args: - name: (String) name for the oci_image rule - binary: (Label) target label of the py_binary rule - tars: (Label List) optional additional tars for the image - config: (Label) target label for the python toolchains repo config setting that determines the python entrypoint name - target_platform: (Label) target label for the image platform (for the platform_transition_binary rule) - **kwargs: (Dict) additional argument for the oci_image rule - """ - - name_tar = name + ".tar" - target = Label(binary) - cmd = target.name - cross_binary = "x" + cmd - repo_tag = "%s/%s:latest" % (target.package, target.name) - workdir = "/%s/%s/%s" % (target.package, target.name, cross_binary) - entrypoint = _make_entrypoint(config, workdir, cmd) - layer_tars = py_layers(name, cross_binary) - - platform_transition_binary( - name = cross_binary, - binary = binary, - target_platform = target_platform, - ) - - oci_image( - name = name, - tars = tars + layer_tars, - workdir = workdir, - entrypoint = [entrypoint], - cmd = [cmd], - **kwargs - ) - - oci_tarball( - name = name_tar, - image = name, - repo_tags = [repo_tag], - ) - - for tar in layer_tars: - container_layer( - name = tar + "_layer", - tars = [tar], - ) - - container_image( - name = name + "_container", - base = "@python3-debian12//image", - layers = [tar + "_layer" for tar in layer_tars], - workdir = workdir, - entrypoint = [entrypoint], - cmd = [cmd], - ) diff --git a/bazel/repositories.bzl b/bazel/repositories.bzl index 794ab21..82a5b3e 100644 --- a/bazel/repositories.bzl +++ b/bazel/repositories.bzl @@ -73,16 +73,17 @@ def repositories(): urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_docker/archive/v0.25.0.tar.gz"], ) - # Release: v2.3.0 - # TargetCommitish: main - # Date: 2024-01-10 23:07:03 +0000 UTC - # URL: https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-lib/releases/tag/v2.3.0 - # Size: 190487 (190 kB) + # Commit: aa6a58f73cfc7b6833e2d5f7a0c289f293e96637 + # Date: 2024-02-27 18:10:08 +0000 UTC + # URL: https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-lib/commit/aa6a58f73cfc7b6833e2d5f7a0c289f293e96637 + # + # chore: bump libxml2 deb to USN-6658-1 (#768) + # Size: 195433 (195 kB) http_archive( name = "aspect_bazel_lib", - sha256 = "bda4a69fa50411b5feef473b423719d88992514d259dadba7d8218a1d02c7883", - strip_prefix = "bazel-lib-2.3.0", - urls = ["https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-lib/archive/v2.3.0.tar.gz"], + sha256 = "97eb5dc00b7c767544cbb5aaeb4d12ada6cef7b154dd7da6cbfe87aa823a1556", + strip_prefix = "bazel-lib-aa6a58f73cfc7b6833e2d5f7a0c289f293e96637", + urls = ["https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-lib/archive/aa6a58f73cfc7b6833e2d5f7a0c289f293e96637.tar.gz"], ) # Release: v1.7.0 diff --git a/example/BUILD.bazel b/example/BUILD.bazel index f541eab..e2b518b 100644 --- a/example/BUILD.bazel +++ b/example/BUILD.bazel @@ -5,3 +5,9 @@ example_test( srcs = glob(["oci/**/*"]), workspace_template = "local.WORKSPACE", ) + +example_test( + name = "docker", + srcs = glob(["oci/**/*"]), + workspace_template = "local.WORKSPACE", +) diff --git a/example/oci/.vscode/settings.json b/example/oci/.vscode/settings.json deleted file mode 100644 index df22ae7..0000000 --- a/example/oci/.vscode/settings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -{ - "workbench.colorCustomizations": { - "activityBar.background": "#0A1D87", - "titleBar.activeBackground": "#0E28BD", - "titleBar.activeForeground": "#F8F9FF" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/rules/docker.bzl b/rules/docker.bzl index e69de29..9c8e0e9 100644 --- a/rules/docker.bzl +++ b/rules/docker.bzl @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +""" +Wrapper macro to make three separate layers for python applications + +based on: https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-examples/blob/a25b6c0ba307545aff6c4b5feb4ae875d7d507f1/oci_python_image/py_layer.bzl +""" + +load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:transitions.bzl", "platform_transition_binary") +load(":py_layers.bzl", "py_layers") +load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image", "container_layer") + +def _make_entrypoint(toolchain_config_setting_label, workdir, cmd): + label = Label(toolchain_config_setting_label) + return "{workdir}/{cmd}.runfiles/{python_toolchains_workspace_name}_{python_toolchains_config_setting}/bin/python3".format( + workdir = workdir, + cmd = cmd, + python_toolchains_workspace_name = label.workspace_name, + python_toolchains_config_setting = label.name, + ) + +def py_image( + name, + binary, + base = "@distroless_python3_debian12", + tars = [], + config = "@python//:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", + target_platform = "@pycross_image//platform:linux_x86_64", + **kwargs): + """ + pycross_oci_image is a macro that instantiates an oci_image from a py_binary rule + + Given a pycross_oci_image rule `//my:image` wrapping a py_binary rule `//my:app`, the following targets are defined: + + | Kind | Label | Description | + |---------------------------------|------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| + | oci_image rule | //my:image | The target container image | + | oci_tarball rule | //my:image.tar | Tarball rule that can be `bazel run` to `docker load` it | + | tar rule | //my:image.app_layer | Image layer for the application code | + | tar rule | //my:image.packages_layer | Image layer for site-packages | + | tar rule | //my:image.interpreter_layer | Image layer for the python3 interpreter | + | platform_transition_binary rule | //my:xapp | The transitioned "cross" py_binary | + | py_binary rule | //my:app | The source py_binary app | + + `docker inspect` yields the following (subset): + + ```json + [ + { + "RepoTags": [ + "my/app:latest", + ], + "Config": { + "Env": [ + "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", + "SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", + "LANG=C.UTF-8" + ], + "Cmd": [ + "app" + ], + "WorkingDir": "/my/xapp", + "Entrypoint": [ + "/my/xapp/app.runfiles/python_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/python3" + ], + }, + "Architecture": "amd64", + "Os": "linux" + } + ] + ``` + + Args: + name: (String) name for the oci_image rule + binary: (Label) target label of the py_binary rule + base: (Label) target label of the base image + tars: (Label List) optional additional tars for the image + config: (Label) target label for the python toolchains repo config setting that determines the python entrypoint name + target_platform: (Label) target label for the image platform (for the platform_transition_binary rule) + **kwargs: (Dict) additional argument for the oci_image rule + """ + + target = Label(binary) + cmd = target.name + cross_binary = cmd + "_cross_binary" + repo_tag = "%s/%s:latest" % (target.package, target.name) + + workdir = "/%s/%s/%s" % (target.package, target.name, cross_binary) + entrypoint = _make_entrypoint(config, workdir, cmd) + + layer_tars = py_layers(name, cross_binary) + layer_tars = [] + + platform_transition_binary( + name = cross_binary, + binary = binary, + target_platform = target_platform, + ) + + for tar in layer_tars: + container_layer( + name = tar + "_layer", + tars = [tar], + ) + + container_image( + name = name + "_container", + base = "@python3-debian12//image", + layers = [tar + "_layer" for tar in layer_tars], + workdir = workdir, + entrypoint = [entrypoint], + tags = [repo_tag], + cmd = [cmd], + ) diff --git a/rules/oci.bzl b/rules/oci.bzl index 1227657..92f3d03 100644 --- a/rules/oci.bzl +++ b/rules/oci.bzl @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ based on: https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-examples/blob/a25b6c0ba307545aff load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:transitions.bzl", "platform_transition_binary") load("@rules_oci//oci:defs.bzl", "oci_image", "oci_tarball") -# load(":py_layers.bzl", "py_layers") +load(":py_layers.bzl", "py_layers") def _make_entrypoint(toolchain_config_setting_label, workdir, cmd): print("workdir:", workdir) @@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ def py_image( name_tar = name + ".tar" target = Label(binary) - print("target:", target) cmd = target.name cross_binary = cmd + "_cross_binary" repo_tag = "%s/%s:latest" % (target.package, target.name) @@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ def py_image( workdir = "/%s/%s/%s" % (target.package, target.name, cross_binary) entrypoint = _make_entrypoint(config, workdir, cmd) - # layer_tars = py_layers(name, cross_binary) + layer_tars = py_layers(name, cross_binary) layer_tars = [] platform_transition_binary( diff --git a/src/app/BUILD.bazel b/src/app/BUILD.bazel index e09e26f..1db11f5 100644 --- a/src/app/BUILD.bazel +++ b/src/app/BUILD.bazel @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -load("@//bazel:python.bzl", "py_binary") +load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_binary") py_binary( name = "app",