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DataTalksClub DE Zoomcamp

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DWD-Weatherdata project

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A Problem, that I chose is straightforward but is also very important. It is climate change. In the example of Germany, I would like to show, that this problem is real. I used a dataset from, thanks for this opportunity. I chose to use some pre-aggregated historical data from 1961 to nowadays. Also as a stream part of my project, I used some real-time data about precipitation.






- Terraform - for building cloud part of the project in my case in Google Cloud Platform
- Docker - for building "local" part of the project, where you want
  1. At first you should prove you have a terraform installed locally. You could do it with this command on linux terraform --version . On Windows/ MacOS and others OS please check Terraform site.
  2. In the file you should setup your own variables.
  3. Other steps are clearly written in the manual from DataTalksClub, you could check it here: Terraform Setup DataTalksClub
  4. In file ./build/docker-compose.yaml You should minimum setup your CGP-credentials and GCP-variables: GCP_PROJECT_ID and GCP_GCS_BUCKET. Without these changes you can't run all of the containers.
  5. After Setup just go to ./build and run a command docker-compose build, after that you can run docker-compose up -d (I am waiting, that you already have docker and docker-compose, and when you use Windows or MacOS, then you could use docker in this OS without external help.)

Docker-compose content

File contents all airflow images, and also images to spark-cluster and kafka-cluster with kafka-ui as user interface. You could change every port, when you want to do it. Of course after changes please run again docker compose down and docker-compose run -d. When you would like to change something in the Dockerfile or in the requirements.txt, then please run after that docker-compose build once again.

Batch-part of the project


As workflow in the project is used Airflow. For the running check please the section Docker-compose content. After running docker compose up -d the user interface should be on the address http://host:8080 by default. So when you're trying to run it locally, then the address would be http://localhost:8080. The user and the password by default are airflow. All dags could be runnable with parameters. All of them are in the folder ./build/dags/ From UI you should provide these parameters with the help of Trigger DAG with a config and there set up all parameters to json. For Example for the DAG create_empty_dataset_in_bigquery_v1 should be set the parameter dataset_name. create_external_tables_from_gcs_files_dag_v1 is waiting for parameters prefix and dataset_name and dwd_historical_data_v1 is waiting for years_string and filename. For the last one as years_string should be one of the values: mean_61-90, mean_71-00, mean_81-10, mean_91-20. The filename should be one of Eistage_1961-1990.txt, Frosttage_1961-1990.txt, Heissetage_1961-1990.txt , Niederschlag_1961-1990.txt, Sommertage_1961-1990.txt, Sonnenscheindauer_1961-1990.txt, Temperatur_1961-1990.txt . When years_string or filename are different from these values, it'll raise an error. All of DAGS are with a setting schedule=@once, this means, that you should run everytime DAGS manually. dwd_historical_data_v1 loads data from web to gcs. create_empty_dataset_in_bigquery_v1 creates an empty dataset in bigquery DWH. create_external_tables_from_gcs_files_dag_v1 uploads data from GCS-datalake to biqguery tables.

Data-Transformation and Versioning

For these purposes in the project is used DBT. You can find everywhere in the ./dbt folder. The Folder contains some .csv files with a constant data and also description of the models. For checking DBT please set up your own project and just copy code from ./dbt folder.

Streaming-part of the project

Kafka local cluster

Kafka was used for saving a messages from producers and for allowing of reading these messages to consumers. There are two test topics, it was in docker-compose.yaml described and you could change it, if you want to do it. By default UI of kafka availible on http://localhost:8888. Kafka-producer was described in the file ./streaming/producer/ Kafka-consumer was described in the file ./streaming/consumer/ For the run of producer just execute python3 ./streaming/producer/, for the run of consumer check please all arguments, with which this script should be run: python3 --credentials_path="~/google_credentials.json" --topic="test_topic" --bootstrap_servers="localhost:5555" --bq_project="test" --bq_dataset="foo" --bq_table="bar"

Spark-cluster with pyspark

I used spark-cluster for aggregation a real-time data. The technology names spark-streaming. This spark-job in file ./streaming/ For the executing just run python3 ./streaming/

For testing the streaming-part of the project please run producer, spark-stream and consumer together. Of course kafka should collect some data from producer at the first topic, spark-strem should write some aggregated data from the first to the second topic and consumer should write this aggregated data to BigQuery.


All of python files have some basic tests, as CI/CD is used Github Actions. You can find all kind of information in the ./github/workflows/ folder. The folder contents a couple of .yaml files. In these files were described how airflow dags shoud be tested and how all of other python files should be tested. In the future a delpoy step would be added. All tests are run with pytest

Python packages

You can find all of python packages in the requirements.txt

Any other questions

When you have some questions, you could ask me in telegram: @hh8814hh. Thanks for your attention.