Converts a biochemical system of equations with the law of mass action to a system of ODEs.
Python code that generates a Matlab Code for Law of Mass action Reactions
Use: python3 StaticCoag.txt
- Can contain comments that are proceeded with "#" (will be ignored)
- Can contain whitespace (will be ignored)
- Two types of structure are allowed for biochemical reactions: Forward, Reversible
In the case of reversible reactions, two rates must be specified, the forward reaction is always FIRST, eg:
A + 2 * B <-> C , k_1 , k_2
**Warning: Any invalid reactions will be skipped (and output to the screen).
Output File: StaticCoagMatlab.m (assumes prefix).
Requirements: 1) Only the operators '*', '+', '<->', and '->' are allowed 2) Reactions should be pre-simplified, this code will NOT reduce algebra 3) Species names can only contain [0-9a-zA-Z_:] 4) Species names MUST begin with a letter - no leading numbers allowed
New Features (08/19/2024): 1) Allows for pure synthesis or pure degradation. ( -> A, B ->) 2) Handles comments/white space in the biochemical equation file. 3) Handles duplicate kinetic rates (i.e., p vector is consolidated) 4) Handles A + B -> A + C reactions (splits stochiometric matrix) 5) Checks for (and removes) duplicate reactions. (i.e., identical reaction) -> Even if the reaction is 1 side of a bi-directional reaction. 6) Checks that the dimension of reactions rates is the SAME.
Coag Specific Changes: 1) Creates variables to track active and in-active bound lipid sites (s and _st) -> Counts the number of "s" and "st" in each species name. 2) Separately creates outputs for initial conditions, parameters and code. -> Could do a --coag flag = false to do the original mode.
Other Features to Consider: 1) Keep the species/rates in the same order the StaticCoag.txt file was in <-Helpful -> Currently sorting species alphabetically, rates are not in any particular order. 2) Set the rates of reactions and initial conditions based on a file. <- Helpful -> Could have a user input values (separate file) and use 1 for missing values. 3) Original version allowed "=" operator. Not sure what this was for. 4) Text wrap for the long lines in Matlab. (Currently half-implemented)
Based on previous Python Code by: Michael Stobb (Originally written on 8/4/2023)
Current Version: Suzanne Sindi 08/19/2024
Usage: python3 StaticCoag.txt