The GitHub issue tracker is for reporting bugs in django-paypal, or proposed features. It is not for support requests - please see the django-paypal docs , or the relevant PayPal docs. Issues (or emails to the maintainers) that are really support requests and do not involve fixing django-paypal (or its docs) will be ignored/closed. If you do not know why your code does not work, we're afraid we cannot provide any help, and your issue will be closed immediately if you open one.
If, however, you have found the cause of the problem and it is a bug with django-paypal (including anything lacking in the documentation), or another suggestion for how django-paypal can be improved, please do open a ticket.
If you want to contribute (yay!), please create a fork and start a branch off 'master' for your changes. Submit a PR on GitHub to request that it is merged.
Since this project is in maintenance mode, the maintainers will merge patches, but not ones that make more work for them in future, or do not benefit the other users of the project - for example, code that is not covered by automated tests, or large backwards incompatible changes that aren't necessary.
Remember that a new feature that is neither documented nor covered by tests is not actually a contribution to the project, but only benefits the person who “contributed” it, and so won't be accepted.
Patches that are not of sufficient quality will be labelled
in GitHub with comments added explaining why, and in
general the original author, not the maintainers, will be expected to do this
In more detail, please see the following guidelines and hints:
Clone your GitHub repo
Create a virtualenv, using one of the supported versions of Python.
python develop
Install development tools:
pip install -r requirements-test.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
Strongly recommended: Install pre-commit and set up the hooks:
pre-commit install
This will run linters automatically when you commit.
isort keeps imports in order. Run tox -e isort-check to check your imports, and isort <PATHPATH> to fix them. Use # isort:skip to get imports to be ignored by isort.
All bug fixes and new features will require tests to accompany them, unless it is very difficult to write the test (e.g. non deterministic behaviour). The tests should fail without the fix/feature.
Please add to docs/release_notes.rst
for any significant bug fixes or new features.
New features need documentation adding in docs/
See docs/tests.rst
for info about running the test suite.
If you make changes to the models, please create migrations e.g.:
./ makemigrations ipn
If a pull request doesn't meet these requirements, and is not updated for 6 months after feedback is given to the author, it will be assumed they have lost interest and the PR will be closed.
Contributors of any kind are expected to act with politeness to all other contributors, in pull requests, issue trackers etc., and harassing behaviour will not be tolerated.