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MIDI Class

spessasus edited this page Jul 18, 2024 · 36 revisions

MIDI Class

This is the module responsible for parsing MIDI files into objects readable by Sequencer class.


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import {MIDI} from "./spessasynth_lib/midi_parser/midi_loader.js";


const parsedMIDI = new MIDI(arrayBuffer);
  • arrayBuffer - an arrayBuffer anstance of the midi file.



The amount of tracks in the file.

console.log(`this file has ${parsedMIDI.tracksAmount}`);


The time division of the midi file. Used by the Sequencer class

console.log(`this sequence's time division is ${parsedMIDI.timeDivision}`);


The sequence's name. The first track's Track Name's event text.

console.log(`This sequence is named "${parsedMIDI.midiName}"`);


The decoded copyright and description of the file. Also includes the Sound Canvas display messages.

console.log(`Midi file description: ${parsedMIDI.copyright}`);


Ordered from last to first, all the tempo changes in the file. Will always contain at least 1 tempo (the default 120BPM).

       tempo: 140 /* tempo in BPM */,
       ticks: 5437 /* absolute amount of MIDI Ticks from the start */


       tempo: 120,
       ticks: 0


The points of the loop detected in the MIDI file in ticks. If there's nothing detected, the loop will start from the first note on event and end will be the last note off. Current looping detection is: CC 2/4, 116/117 and "start", "loopStart" and "loopEnd" markers.

console.log(parsedMIDI.loop); // {start: 1294, end: 49573}


The MIDI file format. Usually 0 or 1.

console.log(parsedMIDI.format); // 1


The tick number of the first noteOn event in the sequence. Can be used to skip the initial silence.

console.log(parsedMIDI.firstNoteOn); // 1294


The sequence's duration in seconds.

console.log(parsedMIDI.duration); // 125.64;


The detected midi ports for each track. Each port represents a batch of 16 channels.

console.log(parsedMIDI.midiPorts); // [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, ...]


The actual MIDI sequence data. Described below.

How the file is stored

The file is stored as an array of tracks, accesible via parsedMIDI.tracks. Each track is an array of events. Each event is a MidiMessage class, which is defined as follows;

class MidiMessage
    constructor(ticks, byte, data) {
        this.ticks = ticks;
        this.messageStatusByte = byte;
        this.messageData = data;
  • ticks - absolute amount of MIDI Ticks from the start of the track.
  • messageStatusByte - the status byte of the message as a number from 0 to 255. Learn more here and here.


Note that for Meta Events, the status byte is the SECOND status byte, not the 0xFF!

  • messageData - a ShiftableByteArray(Pretty much exactly the same as Uint8Array) instance of the event's data.

Exporting a .mid file


Renders the sequence as a .mid file.

  • midi - the MIDI instance to export.

The returned value is an Uint8Array - a binary representation of the .mid file.


Allows to easily modify the sequence's programs and controllers.

modifyMIDI(midi, desiredProgramChanges, desiredControllerChanges, desiredChannelsToClear, desiredChannelsToTranspose);
  • midi - the MIDI instance to modify.
  • desiredProgramChanges - an array of objects, defined as follows:
 * @typedef desiredProgramChange {Object}
 * @property {number} channel - the channel to modify. Note that this allows going over 16 if the MIDI is a multi port file
 * @property {number} program - the MIDI program to use.
 * @property {number} bank - the bank to use.
 * @property {boolean} isDrum - if the channel is a drum channel. Will add GS Use Drums System exclusive and GS on if needed
  • desiredControllerChanges - an array of objects, defined as follows:
 * @typedef desiredControllerChange {Object}
 * @property {number} channel - same as above.
 * @property {number} controllerNumber - the MIDI CC number to use.
 * @property {number} controllerValue - the desired value of the controller.
  • desiredChannelsToClear - an array of numbers, indicating the channel number to effectively mute.
  • desiredChannelsToTranspose - an array of objects, defined as follows:
 * @typedef desiredTranspose {Object}
 * @property {number} channel - same as above.
 * @property {number} keyShift - the amount to shift the notes on this channel by. Can be negative, but must be integer.


Clearing the channel removes the messages rather than setting volume to 0! This operation is irreversible if the original midi file is lost.


Applies a SynthesizerSnapshot to the sequence in place. This means changing the programs and controllers if they are locked.

applySnapshotToMIDI(midi, snapshot);
  • midi - the MIDI instance to modify.
  • snapshot - the SynthesizerSnapshot to use.

For example if channel 1 has locked preset on Drawbar Organ, this will remove all program changes for channel 1 and add one at the start to change the program to Drawbar organ.