aws-cloud-account-name |
The name of your AWS account as assigned in Palette |
string |
"" |
no |
aws-hello-universe-api-uri |
The URI of the hello-universe-api service deployed to AWS. |
string |
"http://REPLACE_ME:3000" |
no |
aws-key-pair-name |
The name of the AWS key pair to use for SSH access to the cluster. Refer to EC2 Key Pairs to learn more. |
string |
"" |
no |
aws-region |
AWS region |
string |
"us-east-1" |
no |
aws_control_plane_nodes |
AWS control nodes configuration. |
object({ count = string control_plane = bool instance_type = string disk_size_gb = string availability_zones = list(string) }) |
{ "availability_zones": [ "us-east-1a" ], "control_plane": true, "count": "1", "disk_size_gb": "60", "instance_type": "m4.2xlarge" } |
no |
aws_worker_nodes |
AWS worker nodes configuration. |
object({ count = string control_plane = bool instance_type = string disk_size_gb = string availability_zones = list(string) }) |
{ "availability_zones": [ "us-east-1a" ], "control_plane": false, "count": "1", "disk_size_gb": "60", "instance_type": "m4.2xlarge" } |
no |
azure-cloud-account-name |
The name of your Azure account as assigned in Palette |
string |
"" |
no |
azure-hello-universe-api-uri |
The URI of the hello-universe-api service deployed to Azure. |
string |
"http://REPLACE_ME:3000" |
no |
azure-region |
Azure region |
string |
"eastus" |
no |
azure-use-azs |
A flag for configuring whether to use Azure Availability Zones. Check if your Azure region supports availability zones by reviewing the Azure Regions and Availability Zones resource |
bool |
n/a |
yes |
azure_control_plane_nodes |
Azure control plane nodes configuration. |
object({ count = string control_plane = bool instance_type = string disk_size_gb = string azs = list(string) is_system_node_pool = bool }) |
{ "azs": [ "1" ], "control_plane": true, "count": "1", "disk_size_gb": "60", "instance_type": "Standard_A8_v2", "is_system_node_pool": false } |
no |
azure_resource_group |
Azure resource group |
string |
"" |
no |
azure_subscription_id |
Azure subscription ID |
string |
"" |
no |
azure_worker_nodes |
Azure worker nodes configuration. |
object({ count = string control_plane = bool instance_type = string disk_size_gb = string azs = list(string) is_system_node_pool = bool }) |
{ "azs": [ "1" ], "control_plane": false, "count": "1", "disk_size_gb": "60", "instance_type": "Standard_A8_v2", "is_system_node_pool": false } |
no |
deploy-aws |
A flag for enabling a deployment on AWS |
bool |
n/a |
yes |
deploy-azure |
A flag for enabling a deployment on Azure |
bool |
n/a |
yes |
deploy-gcp |
A flag for enabling a deployment on GCP |
bool |
n/a |
yes |
gcp-cloud-account-name |
The name of your GCP account as assigned in Palette |
string |
"" |
no |
gcp-hello-universe-api-uri |
The URI of the hello-universe-api service deployed to GCP. |
string |
"http://REPLACE_ME:3000" |
no |
gcp-region |
GCP region |
string |
"us-central1" |
no |
gcp_control_plane_nodes |
GCP control plane nodes configuration. |
object({ count = string control_plane = bool instance_type = string disk_size_gb = string availability_zones = list(string) }) |
{ "availability_zones": [ "us-central1-a" ], "control_plane": true, "count": "1", "disk_size_gb": "60", "instance_type": "n1-standard-4" } |
no |
gcp_project_name |
The name of your GCP project |
string |
"" |
no |
gcp_worker_nodes |
GCP worker nodes configuration. |
object({ count = string control_plane = bool instance_type = string disk_size_gb = string availability_zones = list(string) }) |
{ "availability_zones": [ "us-central1-a" ], "control_plane": false, "count": "1", "disk_size_gb": "60", "instance_type": "n1-standard-4" } |
no |
tags |
The default tags to apply to Palette resources |
list(string) |
[ "spectro-cloud-education", "app:hello-universe", "repository:spectrocloud:tutorials", "terraform_managed:true", "tutorial:iaas-cluster-deployment-tf" ] |
no |