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Documentation Generation and Publishing

For each package, the documentation is automatically generated and published using The documentation itself is generated using Sphinx, which creates the desired documentation HTML output based on source code comments and documentation structure files.

The repository files used to define and create the documentation are the following:

   +--- docs/
   |       +---      - defines the input and output behavior of Sphinx
   |       +--- index.rst    - Top level documentation structure definition 
   |       +---     *.rst    - Defines additional pages for the documentation - index.rst references these files.
   |       +--- requirements.txt   - Lists the python modules the package depends on. 
   |       `--- _static/
   |                `--- favicon.ico    - the favicon to use for the generated HTML text
   |--- .readthedocs.yml   - Defines how the ReadTheDocs environment is setup when building the documentation

To create a package's documentation, the general development pattern is as follows:

  • Documentation is added to the python source code using docstrings
  • Documentation configuration is define in docs/
  • Package dependencies are added to docs/requirements.txt
  • The file index.rst is updated for the desired documentation structure. Additional .rst files are added as needed.
  • Documentation is generated locally using Sphinx for testing
  • Validated documentation files are checked into the GitHub repository.
  • The GitHub repository is imported and linked to a project in
  • ReadTheDocs generates and publishes the documentation.
    • The documentation is updated automatically when the project is updated on GitHub

Python Docstrings

Python has a built-in language feature used to embed documentation strings in code, a feature called docstrings.

From the docstring spec (PEP-0257):

A docstring is a string literal that occurs as the first statement in a module, function, class, or method definition. Such a docstring becomes the _doc_ special attribute of that object.

These strings are enclosed by triple quotes. While the format of the text is left to the user, the Sphinx system will honor reStructured text formatting. The qwiic system python documentation formats the docstrings as reStructure Text.

An example of a docstring is the class definition for the QwiicBME280 object.

class QwiicBme280(object):

		:param address: The I2C address to use for the device. 
						If not provided, the default address is used.
		:param i2c_driver: An existing i2c driver object. If not provided 
						a driver object is created. 
		:return: The BME280 device object.
		:rtype: Object

Note that the docstring is the first statement after the class definition.

Doc strings for methods following the method declaration statement:

def setFilter(self, filterSetting):
		Set the filter bits in the BME280s config register

		:param filterSetting: The filter bits for the BME280. Acceptable values
						0 = filter off
	  					1 = coefficients = 2
	  					2 = coefficients = 4
	  					3 = coefficients = 8
	  					4 = coefficients = 16

		:return: No return value 


And you can even add docstrings to a module (file) - placing the docstring at the top (first non-comment) of the file.


Python module for the qwiic bme280 sensor, which is part of the [SparkFun Qwiic Environmental Combo Breakout](

This python package is a port of the existing [SparkFun BME280 Arduino Library](

This package can be used in conjunction with the overall [SparkFun qwiic Python Package](

New to qwiic? Take a look at the entire [SparkFun qwiic ecosystem](


import math
import qwiic_i2c

The Sphinx documentation package uses the values of the __doc___ attribute of objects to locate and generate documentation. As such, the Sphinx system (either run locally or by will instantiate the package as part of the documentation generation process. As such, the dependencies and needs of the package must be defined in the documentation configuration files.


The ````docs/``` file sets the configuration Sphinx will use when building the documentation set. Key areas of this file are:

Project Information

These are variables that describe the project. The key value being the name of the project, which should be in the form of 'sparkfun_qwiic_<package_name>'. (*Don't forget to update the copyright year.)

project = 'sparkfun_qwiic_bme280'
copyright = '2019, SparkFun Electronics'
author = 'SparkFun Electronics'

Project Extensions

This is an array that contains the names of extensions to the Sphinx system to generate the documentation. These are python packages that should be installed on your system (for local documentation builds). For the qwiic python packages, the following statement is used:

extensions = [ 

The unique package here is m2r2, which converts markdown into reStructured text. This allows the documentation system to import the GitHub files into the generated documentation page.


This variable is set to the master documentation structure file being used. For the qwiic packages, this value is set to "index", which tells Sphinx to use index.rst to define the documentation structure.

master_doc = 'index'

Static Values

The last value worth noting is the static resources that should be used in documentation generation. For SparkFun documentation we include the favion.ico file from This file is located at docs/_static/favicon.ico and documented as follows in the file.

# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ['_static']

html_favicon = '_static/favicon.ico'

docs/*.rst Files

The structure and contents of the documentation is oulined using a set of reStructured text (.rst) files, with the starting definition contained in docs/index.rst.


This file defines the entry page for the documentation. For the qwiic documentation, we include the GitHub file, and define a table of contents, which defines other pages of the documentation.

For the qwiic BME280 python package, this file contains the following:

.. mdinclude:: ../

Table of Contents

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 4
   :caption: Contents:


.. toctree:: 
   :caption: API Reference
   :maxdepth: 3


.. toctree:: 
   :caption: Examples


.. toctree::
   :caption: Other Links

	SparkFun <>
   SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout CCS811/BME280 <>
	GitHub <>
	SparkFun qwiic <>

The key elements of this file:

.. mdinclude:: ../

This includes the packages file, with mdinclude noting that the file is formatted in markdown.

**.. toctree:: **

Defines an section in the table of contents, and the content of this section.

For the main page (index.rst):

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 4
   :caption: Contents:


Note the section referances self

For the package API:

.. toctree:: 
   :caption: API Reference
   :maxdepth: 3


This section links to the file apiref.rst

And the examples section, which links to three example rst files: ex1.rst, ex4.rst, ex5.rst (*The file names (i.e. ex3.rst) should match the link names (i.e. ex3).)

.. toctree:: 
   :caption: Examples


In the other links section, update the product name and the links to the product page and package's GitHub repo.

.. toctree::
   :caption: Other Links

	SparkFun <>
   SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout CCS811/BME280 <>
	GitHub <>
	SparkFun qwiic <>

API Documentation

To document the projects API, the autodoc system of Sphinx is used. This system will crawl the specified files/packages and generate documention using the included docstrings. (*The automodule should take the form of qwiic_<package_name>. For packages with underlying classes, see the qwiic_mico_oled example below.)

For a moduled, like qwiic_bme280, the contents of apiref.rst is:

API Reference

.. automodule:: qwiic_bme280

This specifies that Sphinx should inspect the qwiic_bme280 module, and document the package members.

Got python packages, such as the qwiic_mico_oled package, the documentation is contained in module and underlying class, so the rst file takes a slightly different format:

API Reference

.. automodule:: qwiic_micro_oled

.. autoclass:: QwiicMicroOled

The Sphinx autodoc feature is extemely useful, and fully documented by the Sphinx project.

Documenting Examples

Any examples for a package are also included in the documentation. These are defined in individual rst files, which do nothing more than include the source of the example.

The following shows the format of an an example rst file, which does nothing more than inline a file, add the filename as the caption of the inline, and formats the included file with line numbers. (*The header/title is what will appear as the example code's title on the ReadtheDocs webpage and display the script from /examples/

Basic Operation
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
    :caption: examples/

The .readthedocs.yml File

This file defines the attributes and packages ReadTheDocs should use when creating the documentation generation environment. As noted above, Sphinx instantiates the contents of the package so that it can access the python docstrings during the generation process. The file .readthedocs.yml and it's associated file docs/requirements.txt define the environment to use.

The contents of .readthedocs used by the qwiic modules is:

   version: 3
      - requirements: docs/requirements.txt
   setup_py_install: true

This file tells ReadTheDocs the following:

  • Use Python version 3 to generate the docs
  • Install the modules contained in docs/requirements.txt
  • Install the package/module defined by this repository using a the contents of

The docs/requirements.txt file contains the modules this package needs to generate documentation. This is used by Sphinx when generating local documentation, and by ReadTheDocs, as noted above in the contents of the .readthedocs.yml file.

For most qwiic driver packages, this file contains the following:


The contents specifically being:

  • mr2 - the Markdown to reStructureText conversion module
  • sparkfun-qwiic-i2 - the I2C driver package used by all qwiic packages.

Local Documentation Generation

Sphinx is used to test the documentation before uploading the contents to To build locally, execute the following steps:

Insure the needed packages are installed, which are Sphinx, the sphinx read the docs theme and the markdown to reStructure Text conversion package m2r2.

sudo pip install Sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme m2r2

Additionally, the package being documented should be installed locally. Normally this is just done by running the following command in the root of the package directory.

sudo python install

Once installed, the documentatin is created as follows:

cd docs
sphinx-build -E -b html . _build/html

The output of this process is placed in the directory docs/_build/html. The generated documentation is visible by loading the file index.html in a browser.

Publishing to

To publish the documentation on, you'll need an account. Once the account is created, it needs to be linked/connected to the your SFE GitHub account. This is a standard oAuth2 connection process, which is initiated in the the Account -> Settings -> Connected Services section of

To import a project the following steps are taken:

  • First ensure the project contents are checked into GitHub and that the repository is public.
  • View "My Projects" on ReadTheDocs.
  • Select Import a Project
  • Under Filter repositories on the right of the page, select "SparkFun Electronics"
  • Either page through and find the project to import, or select "Import Manually" and enter the details of the target project.
  • Once imported, ReadTheDocs will being the build process for the documentation. The progress of this is followed by selecting the project on the My Projects page, and selected the project and once in the project, selecting the "Builds" button.
  • If the builds is successful, a link to the new documentation is made available.

If a documentation build fails, the best method to debug is to dig into the specific build (The Project -> Builds) and review the build log. If more detail is needed, the View raw link on the build page will display the raw logfile from the build run.

Documentation Update

The update process for the documentation is automatic. Whenever the project's master branch on GitHub is updated, ReadTheDocs will initiate a documentation build using the new package content.