Description: Backup wallet to the file from the Wallet overview screen and Settings.
Priority: 2
Test Cases:
Wallet Backup from Wallet Overview Screen
1 - Verify that clicking on the backup option from the Wallet overview screen initiates the backup process.
2 - Validate that a .json backup file is generated in the Documents directory after backup from the Wallet overview screen.
3 - Validate that an appropriate error message is displayed if the backup fails from the Wallet overview screen.
4 - Verify that the generated .json backup file can be successfully used to restore the wallet.
5 - Verify that a backup initiated from the Wallet overview screen can be canceled by the user.
Wallet Backup from Settings Screen
6 - Verify that clicking on the backup option from the Settings screen initiates the backup process.
7 - Validate that a .json backup file is generated in the Documents directory after backup from the Settings screen.
8 - Validate that an appropriate error message is displayed if the backup fails from the Settings screen.
9 - Verify that the generated .json backup file can be successfully used to restore the wallet.
10 - Verify that a backup initiated from the Settings screen can be canceled by the user.
General Backup Functionality
11 - Validate that the backup button persists on the Wallet overview screen even after using this option succesfully.
12 - Validate that the backup process does not affect the wallet's existing data and settings.
13 - Verify that an appropriate success message or notification is displayed once the backup is successful.
14 - alidate that the backup file is encrypted and requires the user's password to restore.
15 - Validate the backup functionality with insufficient disk space.
16 - Validate the backup process with insufficient permissions to the default Documents directory.
17 - Validate the backup process with custom wallet name.
18 - Validate that older backup files are not overwritten.
19 - Verify that a backup can be initiated while the wallet is performing other actions (e.g., a transaction).
20 - Verify that backup functionality work correctly on all supported operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux).
Test Data:
Expected Result: