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File metadata and controls

263 lines (173 loc) · 5.65 KB


Spotify.js is Universal wrapper for Spotify web API

  1. 🧰 No dependencies

  2. ✨ Universal (React.js hook , Vue.js Plugin, Anywhere )

  3. 🍐Lightweight

  4. 🔐 Support multiple Auth flows to spotify API (Authorization Code, Implicit Grant,Client Credentials)


yarn add @soubai/spotifyjs



import { useSpotify } from  "@soubai/spotifyjs";

function  MyComponent(){
const { client } =  useSpotify({
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET
const  res  =  await'Fur Elise', 'track')
return  <div  />;
  • OR
import useSpotify from  "@soubai/spotifyjs";
const [data, setData] =  useState([]);
const [q, setQ] =  useState("");
const { client , isAuthorized } =  useSpotify(
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET

const  search  =  async () => {
// query take search string and limit results (default 20)
const  data  =  await;


import { vueSpotify } from  "@soubai/spotifyjs";
const  opts  = {
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET
Vue.use(vueSpotify, opts)
const  res  =  await  this.$'21Savage','Artist',20)


import { Client } from  "@soubai/spotifyjs";
const  opts  = {
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET
const  client  =  Client(opts)
const  res  =  await client.getArtist('some id')


Install dependencies

$ yarn
$ cd spotifyjs && yarn

rename .env file

$ cp .env.local.dist .env.local

And fill CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET with your Spotify App id and secret

$ cp .env.local.dist .env.local
$ yarn watch


The client is typical javascript class that take object with a combinasion of property depending on how you want to authenticate:


  1. Authorization Code :
const  opts  = {
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID, // REQUIRED | Spotify app client id
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET  // REQUIRED | Spotify app client secret
redirectURI : 'http://localhost:3000/callback'  // Spotify app client redirect URI

const  client  =  Client(opts)
const  scopes  = ['user-read-private', 'user-read-email']
const  state  =  'some-state-of-my-app'
const  authorizationUrl  = client.createAuthorizeURL(scopes,state)

  1. Implicit Grant :
const  opts  = {

clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID, // Spotify app client id

clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET  // Spotify app client secret

redirectURI : 'localhost:3000/callback'  // Spotify app client redirect URI



const  client  =  Client(opts)

const  scopes  = ['user-read-private', 'user-read-email']

const  state  =  'some-state-of-my-app'

const  authorizationUrl  = client.createAuthorizeURL(scopes,state,true) // set the 3th param to true (isImplicit)
  1. Client Credential flow:
const  opts  = {

clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID, // Spotify app client id

clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET  // Spotify app client secret



const  client  =  Client(opts)

Plus the client instance expose a promise-based method authenticate(credentials: Object) that take object as param with different types of credentials :

  1. const accessToken = await client.authenticate({ code }) : Issued from Authorization Code

  2. const accessToken = await client.authenticate({ accessToken }) If you have access token stored some where

  3. const accessToken = await client.authenticate({ refreshToken }) if you want refresh your access token after expiration

If success the client is automatically authenticated.

Methods signature

// search
async search(query, type: "track" | "artist" ='track', limit: Number =20, offset: Number =0)

// Albums
async getAlbums(id: Strings: Array<string>)
async getAlbum(id: String)
async getAlbumTracks(id: String, limit: Number =20)

// Show
async getShows(id: Strings: Array<string>
async getShow(id: String)
async getShowEpisodes(id: String, limit: Number =20)

// Artist
async getArtist(id: String)
async getArtists(id: Strings: Array<string>)
async getArtistAlbums(id: String, limit: Number =20, offset: Number =0)
async getArtistTopTracks(id: String)
async getArtistRelatedArtists(id: String)

// Users
async getCurrentUser()
async getCurrentUserPersonalization(type, limit: Number =20, offset: Number =0)
async getUser(id: String)

// Browse
async getCategory(id: String)
async getCategoryPlaylist(id: String, limit: Number =20, offset: Number =0)
async getCategories(limit: Number =20, offset: Number =0)
async getFeaturedPlaylists(limit: Number =20, offset: Number =0)
async getNewReleases(limit: Number =20, offset: Number =0)
async getRecommendations(limit: Number =20, offset: Number =0)

// Episodes
async getCategory(id: String)
async getEpisode(id: String)
async getEpisode(id: Strings: Array<string>)

// Follow
async isFollowUserOrArtist(id: Strings: Array<string>, type)
async isFollowPlaylist(playlist_id, ids)

// Tracks
async getTrack(id: String)
async getTracks(id: Strings: Array<string>)

// Player
async getDevices()
async getCurrentPlayback()
async getRecentlyPlayed(limit: Number =20)

Next :

  • Complate list of methods.
  • Add Vue.js Example
  • Improve code documentation
  • Add unit test