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+# kdump_Remote_SSH
+## High Level Design Document
+**Rev 0.1**
+## Table of Contents
+- [High Level Design Document](#high-level-design-document)
+- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
+- [List of Tables](#list-of-tables)
+- [Revision](#revision)
+- [Overview](#about-this-manual)
+- [Scope](#scope)
+- [Definitions/Abbreviations](#definitionsabbreviations)
+ - [Table 1: Abbreviations](#table-1-abbreviations)
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+- [Requirements Overview ](#requirements-overview-a-namerequirements-overviewa)
+ - [Functional Requirements ](#functional-requirements-a-namefunctional-requirementsa)
+ - [Configuration and Management Requirements](#configuration-and-management-requirements)
+ - [SSH Key Generation Requirements](#ssh-key-generation-requirement)
+- [kdump Remote Architechture](#kdump-remote-architechture)
+- [Functional Description](#functional-description)
+ - [Design Changes](#design-changes)
+- [Configurations and Management](#configuration-and-management)
+ - [CONFIG_DB Enhancements](#config_db-enhancements)
+ - [SAI API](#sai-api)
+ - [CLI/Yang MOdel Enhancements](#cliyang-model-enhancements)
+- [CLI Enhancements](#cli-enhancements)
+ - [CLI Configuration Commands](#cli-configuration-commands)
+ - [CLI Show Commands](#cli-show-commands)
+- [YANG Enhancement](#yang-enhancements)
+- [Warmboot Requirements](#warmboot-requirements)
+- [Test](#test)
+ - [Unit Test cases](#unit-test-cases)
+- [Links](#links)
+## List of Tables
+[Table 1: Abbreviations](#table-1-abbreviations)
+## Revision
+Rev | Date | Author | Change Description
+:---: | :-----: | :------: | :---------
+0.1 | 06/05/2024 | Ghulam Bahoo, Muhammad Ali Hussnain | Initial version
+## Overview
+This document outlines the configuration and usage of the kdump remote feature with ssh for the SONiC.
+## Scope
+This document describes how to configure remote kdump feature in SONiC infrastructure.
+## Definitions/Abbreviations
+### Table 1: Abbreviations
+| **Term** | **Meaning** |
+| ----------- | ---------------------- |
+| SSH | Secure Shell |
+| kdump | Kernel Dump |
+| NFS | Network File System |
+## Introduction
+Kdump, a built-in Linux kernel feature, generates and stores a crash dump file in the event of a kernel panic. Currently SONiC lacks the functionality of storing dump files on a remote server. It offloads the storage from switch by saving the crash reports to a separate designated server for offline analysis. This feature extends existing kdump feature by enabling remote dumps via ssh protocol, allowing you to transfer kernel crash data to a designated remote server.
+## Requirements Overview
+### Functional Requirements
+This section describes the SONiC requirements for kdump remote feature.
+At a high level the following should be supported:
+1. The kernel core dump files must be stored on the a remote ssh server.
+### Configuration and Management Requirements
+- CLI support for configuring remote kdump feature enable/disable via ssh.
+- CLI support for configuring username and hostname of ssh server (username@server_address).
+- CLI support for configuring SSH private key path for ssh server (SSH_private_Key_Path).
+- CLI support for displaying credentials of ssh server.
+- CLI support for displaying state of kdump remote feature (enable/disable).
+### SSH Key Generation Requirement
+The system should authenticate with the remote server using SSH keys for secure access.
+admin@sonic: ssh-keygen
+User be prompted to choose a location to save the key pair. By default, it saves the private key to ~/.ssh/id_rsa and the public key to ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
+admin@sonic: ssh-copy-id username@server_address
+ This helps automate passwordless SSH logins by copying public key to authorized servers.
+## kdump Remote Architechture
+![alt text](./images/kdump-ssh.drawio.png)
+## Functional Description
+### Design Changes
+The SONiC kernel core dump remote functionality can be divided into two categories:
+1. Kernel core-dump generation service
+2. Storing Kernel core-dump files remotely
+Current SONiC lacks remote kernel dump functionality. To add this feature, consider enabling kdump for remote storage.
+We are suggesting modifying the exisitng SONiC configuration as following sonic-buildimage files.
+1. build_debian.sh (Addition)
+ - Required for kdump_remote_ssh_dump: InItialize network interfaces and enable DHCP upon kernel crash.
+2. files/scripts/network_setup.sh (New Addition)
+ - A script to initialize the network interfaces and enable DHCP on them.
+3. files/script/network_setup.hook (New Addition)
+4. Updated exisitng hostcfg daemon file script/hostcfgd (Updation).
+## Configuration and Management
+This section describes all types of configuration and management related design. Example sub-sections for "CLI" and "Config DB" are given below.
+### CONFIG_DB Enhancements
+ New attributes will be introduced to "KDUMP" table in ConfigDB for maintaining remote kdump configurations. Below is the schema for this table.
+ KDUMP_TABLE:{{config}}
+ "enabled" :{{"false"|"true"}}
+ "memory" :{{string}}
+ "num_dumps" :{{number}}
+ "remote" :{{"false"|"true"}}
+ "ssh_string" :{{string}}
+ "ssh_path" :{{string}}
+### SAI API
+No SAI API change or addition is needed for this HLD.
+### CLI/YANG model Enhancements
+### CLI Enhancements
+#### CLI Configuration Commands
+New SONiC CLI commands are introduced to configure remote kdump feature.
+admin@sonic: sudo config kdump remote enable
+This commans will configure remote kdump feature in SONiC.
+admin@sonic: sudo config kdump remote add ssh_string username@serverip
+admin@sonic: sudo config kdump remote add ssh_path /path to ssh private key/
+admin@sonic: sudo config kdump remove ssh_sting
+admin@sonic: sudo config kdump remove ssh_path
+admin@sonic: sudo config kdump remote disable
+This command disables the remote kdump feature.
+#### CLI Show Commands
+An existing SONiC CLI command is used to display the current remote kdump feature configuraitons.
+admin@sonic: show kdump config
+Example output from the above command:
+admin@sonic:~$ show kdump config
+Kdump administrative mode: Enabled
+Kdump operational mode: Ready
+Kdump memory reservation: 512
+Maximum number of Kdump files: 3
+remote: true
+ssh_string: username@serverip
+ssh_path: /path to ssh_private key/
+### YANG Enhancements
+leaf remote {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "Enable or Disable the Kdump remote ssh mechanism";
+leaf ssh_string {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Remote ssh connection string";
+leaf ssh_path {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Remote ssh private key path";
+### Warmboot Requirements
+Configuring kdump feature always requires a cold reboot of the switch. Warmboot is not supported while generating a core file in the event of a kernel crash.
+## Test
+### Unit Test Cases
+- Enable/Disable remote kdump feature.
+- Add/Remove ssh_string i.e. username@hostname.
+- Add/Remove ssh_path.
+## Links
+ - [White Paper: Red Hat Crash Utility](https://people.redhat.com/anderson/crash_whitepaper/)
+ - [crash utility help pages](https://people.redhat.com/anderson/help.html)