SONIA'S custom ROS messages package, containing all custom messages developed to work along with our custom ROS modules
Project can be cloned locally as an individual package, it can be done using the following command:
git clone [email protected]:sonia-auv/sonia_messages.git
It is also possible to install the whole AUV-environment using the auv-env-setup package
Finally a third option will be soon available using our custom CLI, further instruction will be provided at sonia-cli
To be able to use this project, you must install docker and docker-compose
Here are two recommended tutorials from Digital Ocean:
- To install docker see Docker Install Ubuntu 18.04
- To install docker-compose see Docker Compose Install Ubuntu 18.04
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Say what the step will be
Give the example
And repeat
until finished
End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo
Test can be run locally using the following commands:
catkin_make run_tests
catkin_make tests
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
The following packages are examples they should be replaced with project dependencies
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the Release Page.
This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details