diff --git a/templates/ContentGenerator/Instructor/AchievementList/filter_form.html.ep b/templates/ContentGenerator/Instructor/AchievementList/filter_form.html.ep
index c4234f0309..089cea2428 100644
--- a/templates/ContentGenerator/Instructor/AchievementList/filter_form.html.ep
+++ b/templates/ContentGenerator/Instructor/AchievementList/filter_form.html.ep
@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@
<%= maketext('Please enter a list of IDs to match.') %>
+ % my @categories = sort(keys(%{ {map{$_->category => ''} @$achievements} }));
+ % for (@categories) {
+ % $_ = [$_ => $_];
+ % }
<%= label_for 'filter_category', class => 'col-form-label col-form-label-sm col-sm-auto', begin =%>
- <%= maketext('Match on which category? (enter in exact match)') =%>
+ <%= maketext('Match on which category?') =%>
<% end =%>
- <%= text_field 'action.filter.category' => '', id => 'filter_category', 'aria-required' => 'true',
- class => 'form-control form-control-sm', dir => 'ltr' =%>
+ <%= select_field 'action.filter.category' => \@categories,
+ id => 'filter_category', class => 'form-select form-select-sm' =%>
- <%= maketext('Please enter a category to match.') %>