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Solarwinds Exporter

Stability development: traces, metrics, logs
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SolarWinds Exporter is a convenience wrapper around OTLP gRPC Exporter to transport your telemetry to SolarWinds Observability SaaS in an easy-to-configure manner.

Getting Started

You just need to include the SolarWinds Exporter in your exporter definitions and provide the following minimal configuration:

    data_center: "na-01"
  • token (mandatory) - You can generate your token in your SolarWinds Observability SaaS account under Settings / API Tokens / Create API Token. The type is "Ingestion". You can find the complete documentation here.
  • data_center (mandatory) - Data center is the region you picked during the sign-up process. You can easily see in URLs after logging in to SolarWinds Observability SaaS - it's either na-01, na-02 or eu-01. Please refer to the documentation for details.

Full configuration

Example with Defaults

    token: "YOUR-INGESTION-TOKEN" # No default (mandatory field).
    data_center: "na-01" # No default (mandatory field).
    timeout: "10s"
      enabled: true
      num_consumers: 10
      queue_size: 1000
      enabled: true
      initial_interval: "5s"
      randomization_factor: 0.5
      multiplier: 1.5
      max_interval: "30s"
      max_elapsed_time: "300s"
  • timeout (optional) - Timeout for each attempt to send data to the SaaS service. A timeout of zero disables the timeout. The default is 5s.
  • retry_on_failure (optional) - These options configure the retry behavior. Please refer to the Exporter Helper documentation.
  • sending_queue (optional) - These are the options to set queuing in the exporter. A full descriptions can be similarly found in Exporter Helper documentation.


The format of all durations above follow the time.ParseDuration format of "Duration" strings.


  • Tests can be executed with make test.
  • After changes to metadata.yaml generated files need to be re-generated with make generate. The mdatagen tool has to be in the PATH.