We welcome contributions to this list! Here's how you can help:
Please make sure your suggested resource is relevant to GPT prompt engineering. It should directly involve GPT, transformers, or language model fine-tuning.
We prefer resources that are accessible for free. However, paid resources can be included if they are of high quality.
Please look through the existing categories before suggesting a new one. We want to keep the list manageable and well-organized, so we may reject new categories if they're too narrow or overlap significantly with existing ones.
To suggest a new resource, open a new PR and follow the current README format for resources.
If you see a mistake, or think you can improve the description of an existing resource, please open a new issue with your suggested changes.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Thank you for helping to make this list more awesome!