diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 182cc2dea17..4702178cb22 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
   - `divnull`
   - `nullifzero`
   - `snowflake_cortex_sentiment`
+- Added `Catalog` class to manage snowflake objects. It can be accessed via `Session.catalog`.
 ### Snowpark pandas API Updates
diff --git a/docs/source/snowpark/catalog.rst b/docs/source/snowpark/catalog.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f8291b08f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/snowpark/catalog.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Catalog module for Snowpark.
+.. currentmodule:: snowflake.snowpark.catalog
+.. rubric:: Catalog
+.. autosummary::
+    :toctree: api/
+    Catalog.databaseExists
+    Catalog.database_exists
+    Catalog.dropDatabase
+    Catalog.dropSchema
+    Catalog.dropTable
+    Catalog.dropView
+    Catalog.drop_database
+    Catalog.drop_schema
+    Catalog.drop_table
+    Catalog.drop_view
+    Catalog.getCurrentDatabase
+    Catalog.getCurrentSchema
+    Catalog.getProcedure
+    Catalog.getTable
+    Catalog.getUserDefinedFunction
+    Catalog.getView
+    Catalog.get_current_database
+    Catalog.get_current_schema
+    Catalog.get_procedure
+    Catalog.get_table
+    Catalog.get_user_defined_function
+    Catalog.get_view
+    Catalog.listColumns
+    Catalog.listDatabases
+    Catalog.listProcedures
+    Catalog.listSchemas
+    Catalog.listTables
+    Catalog.listUserDefinedFunctions
+    Catalog.listViews
+    Catalog.list_columns
+    Catalog.list_databases
+    Catalog.list_procedures
+    Catalog.list_schemas
+    Catalog.list_tables
+    Catalog.list_user_defined_functions
+    Catalog.list_views
+    Catalog.procedureExists
+    Catalog.procedure_exists
+    Catalog.schemaExists
+    Catalog.schema_exists
+    Catalog.setCurrentDatabase
+    Catalog.setCurrentSchema
+    Catalog.set_current_database
+    Catalog.set_current_schema
+    Catalog.tableExists
+    Catalog.table_exists
+    Catalog.userDefinedFunctionExists
+    Catalog.user_defined_function_exists
+    Catalog.viewExists
+    Catalog.view_exists
diff --git a/docs/source/snowpark/index.rst b/docs/source/snowpark/index.rst
index ad3ad563e39..ab8125d4058 100644
--- a/docs/source/snowpark/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/snowpark/index.rst
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ Snowpark APIs
-   functions 
-   window 
-   grouping 
+   functions
+   window
+   grouping
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Snowpark APIs
+   catalog
diff --git a/docs/source/snowpark/session.rst b/docs/source/snowpark/session.rst
index 21da1f76849..3e9b046a521 100644
--- a/docs/source/snowpark/session.rst
+++ b/docs/source/snowpark/session.rst
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Snowpark Session
+      Session.catalog
diff --git a/recipe/meta.yaml b/recipe/meta.yaml
index 467593287a3..b357eda695a 100644
--- a/recipe/meta.yaml
+++ b/recipe/meta.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ requirements:
     - protobuf >=3.20,<6
     - python-dateutil
     - tzlocal
+    - snowflake.core >=1.0.0,<2
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index a1be8a8eda7..656e164570a 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
     "protobuf>=3.20, <6",  # Snowpark IR
     "python-dateutil",  # Snowpark IR
     "tzlocal",  # Snowpark IR
+    "snowflake.core>=1.0.0, <2",  # Catalog
diff --git a/src/snowflake/snowpark/catalog.py b/src/snowflake/snowpark/catalog.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0b9c226556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/snowflake/snowpark/catalog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Snowflake Computing Inc. All rights reserved.
+import re
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
+from snowflake.core import Root
+from snowflake.core.database import Database
+from snowflake.core.exceptions import NotFoundError
+from snowflake.core.function import Function
+from snowflake.core.procedure import Procedure
+from snowflake.core.schema import Schema
+from snowflake.core.table import Table, TableColumn
+from snowflake.core.user_defined_function import UserDefinedFunction
+from snowflake.core.view import View
+import snowflake.snowpark
+from snowflake.snowpark._internal.type_utils import convert_sp_to_sf_type
+from snowflake.snowpark.functions import lit, parse_json
+from snowflake.snowpark.types import DataType
+class Catalog:
+    """The Catalog class provides methods to interact with and manage the Snowflake objects.
+    It allows users to list, get, and drop various database objects such as databases, schemas, tables,
+    views, functions, etc.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, session: "snowflake.snowpark.session.Session") -> None:
+        self._session = session
+        self._root = Root(session)
+        self._python_regex_udf = None
+    def _parse_database(
+        self,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]],
+        model_obj: Optional[
+            Union[Schema, Table, View, Function, Procedure, UserDefinedFunction]
+        ] = None,
+    ) -> str:
+        if isinstance(
+            model_obj, (Schema, Table, View, Function, Procedure, UserDefinedFunction)
+        ):
+            return model_obj.database_name
+        if isinstance(database, str):
+            return database
+        if isinstance(database, Database):
+            return database.name
+        if database is None:
+            return self._session.get_current_database()
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"Unexpected type. Expected str or Database, got '{type(database)}'"
+        )
+    def _parse_schema(
+        self,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]],
+        model_obj: Optional[
+            Union[Table, View, Function, Procedure, UserDefinedFunction]
+        ] = None,
+    ) -> str:
+        if isinstance(
+            model_obj, (Table, View, Function, Procedure, UserDefinedFunction)
+        ):
+            return model_obj.schema_name
+        if isinstance(schema, str):
+            return schema
+        if isinstance(schema, Schema):
+            return schema.name
+        if schema is None:
+            return self._session.get_current_schema()
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"Unexpected type. Expected str or Schema, got '{type(schema)}'"
+        )
+    def _parse_function_or_procedure(
+        self,
+        fn: Union[str, Function, Procedure, UserDefinedFunction],
+        arg_types: Optional[List[DataType]],
+    ) -> str:
+        if isinstance(fn, str):
+            if arg_types is None:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "arg_types must be provided when function/procedure is a string"
+                )
+            arg_types_str = ", ".join(
+                [convert_sp_to_sf_type(arg_type) for arg_type in arg_types]
+            )
+            return f"{fn}({arg_types_str})"
+        arg_types_str = ", ".join(arg.datatype for arg in fn.arguments)
+        return f"{fn.name}({arg_types_str})"
+    def _initialize_regex_udf(self) -> None:
+        with self._session._lock:
+            if self._python_regex_udf is not None:
+                return
+            def python_regex_filter(pattern: str, input: str) -> bool:
+                return bool(re.match(pattern, input))
+            self._python_regex_udf = self._session.udf.register(python_regex_filter)
+    def _list_objects(
+        self,
+        *,
+        object_name: str,
+        object_class,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]],
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]],
+        pattern: Optional[str],
+    ):
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema)
+        df = self._session.sql(
+            f"SHOW AS RESOURCE {object_name} IN {db_name}.{schema_name} -- catalog api"
+        )
+        if pattern:
+            # initialize udf
+            self._initialize_regex_udf()
+            # The result of SHOW AS RESOURCE query is a json string which contains
+            # key 'name' to store the name of the object. We parse json for the returned
+            # result and apply the filter on name.
+            df = df.filter(
+                self._python_regex_udf(
+                    lit(pattern), parse_json('"As Resource"')["name"]
+                )
+            )
+        return list(map(lambda row: object_class.from_json(row[0]), df.collect()))
+    # List methods
+    def list_databases(
+        self,
+        *,
+        pattern: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> List[Database]:
+        """List databases in the current session.
+        Args:
+            pattern: the pattern of name to match. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        iter = self._root.databases.iter()
+        if pattern:
+            iter = filter(lambda x: re.match(pattern, x.name), iter)
+        return list(iter)
+    def list_schemas(
+        self,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        pattern: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> List[Schema]:
+        """List schemas in the current session. If database is provided, list schemas in the
+        database, otherwise list schemas in the current database.
+        Args:
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            pattern: the pattern of name to match. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        iter = self._root.databases[db_name].schemas.iter()
+        if pattern:
+            iter = filter(lambda x: re.match(pattern, x.name), iter)
+        return list(iter)
+    def list_tables(
+        self,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+        pattern: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> List[Table]:
+        """List tables in the current session. If database or schema are provided, list tables
+        in the given database or schema, otherwise list tables in the current database/schema.
+        Args:
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+            pattern: the pattern of name to match. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        return self._list_objects(
+            object_name="TABLES",
+            object_class=Table,
+            database=database,
+            schema=schema,
+            pattern=pattern,
+        )
+    def list_views(
+        self,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+        pattern: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> List[View]:
+        """List views in the current session. If database or schema are provided, list views
+        in the given database or schema, otherwise list views in the current database/schema.
+        Args:
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+            pattern: the pattern of name to match. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        return self._list_objects(
+            object_name="VIEWS",
+            object_class=View,
+            database=database,
+            schema=schema,
+            pattern=pattern,
+        )
+    def list_columns(
+        self,
+        table_name: Union[str, Table],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> List[TableColumn]:
+        """List columns in the given table.
+        Args:
+            table_name: table name.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        if isinstance(table_name, str):
+            table = self.get_table(table_name, database=database, schema=schema)
+        else:
+            table = table_name
+        return table.columns
+    def list_procedures(
+        self,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+        pattern: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> List[Procedure]:
+        """List of procedures in the given database and schema. If database or schema are not
+        provided, list procedures in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+            pattern: the pattern of name to match. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        return self._list_objects(
+            object_name="PROCEDURES",
+            object_class=Procedure,
+            database=database,
+            schema=schema,
+            pattern=pattern,
+        )
+    def list_user_defined_functions(
+        self,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+        pattern: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> List[UserDefinedFunction]:
+        """List of user defined functions in the given database and schema. If database or schema
+        are not provided, list user defined functions in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+            pattern: the pattern of name to match. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        return self._list_objects(
+            object_name="USER FUNCTIONS",
+            object_class=UserDefinedFunction,
+            database=database,
+            schema=schema,
+            pattern=pattern,
+        )
+    # get methods
+    def get_current_database(self) -> Database:
+        """Get the current database."""
+        current_db_name = self._session.get_current_database()
+        return self._root.databases[current_db_name]
+    def get_current_schema(self) -> Schema:
+        """Get the current schema."""
+        current_db = self.get_current_database()
+        current_schema_name = self._session.get_current_schema()
+        return current_db.schemas[current_schema_name]
+    def get_table(
+        self,
+        table_name: str,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> Table:
+        """Get the table by name in given database and schema. If database or schema are not
+        provided, get the table in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            table_name: name of the table.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema)
+        return (
+            self._root.databases[db_name]
+            .schemas[schema_name]
+            .tables[table_name]
+            .fetch()
+        )
+    def get_view(
+        self,
+        view_name: str,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> View:
+        """Get the view by name in given database and schema. If database or schema are not
+        provided, get the view in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            view_name: name of the view.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema)
+        return (
+            self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].views[view_name].fetch()
+        )
+    def get_procedure(
+        self,
+        procedure_name: str,
+        arg_types: List[DataType],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> Procedure:
+        """Get the procedure by name and argument types in given database and schema. If database or
+        schema are not provided, get the procedure in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            procedure_name: name of the procedure.
+            arg_types: list of argument types to uniquely identify the procedure.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema)
+        procedure_id = self._parse_function_or_procedure(procedure_name, arg_types)
+        return (
+            self._root.databases[db_name]
+            .schemas[schema_name]
+            .procedures[procedure_id]
+            .fetch()
+        )
+    def get_user_defined_function(
+        self,
+        udf_name: str,
+        arg_types: List[DataType],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> UserDefinedFunction:
+        """Get the user defined function by name and argument types in given database and schema.
+        If database or schema are not provided, get the user defined function in the current
+        database and schema.
+        Args:
+            udf_name: name of the user defined function.
+            arg_types: list of argument types to uniquely identify the user defined function.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema)
+        function_id = self._parse_function_or_procedure(udf_name, arg_types)
+        return (
+            self._root.databases[db_name]
+            .schemas[schema_name]
+            .user_defined_functions[function_id]
+            .fetch()
+        )
+    # set methods
+    def set_current_database(self, database: Union[str, Database]) -> None:
+        """Set the current default database for the session.
+        Args:
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        self._session.use_database(db_name)
+    def set_current_schema(self, schema: Union[str, Schema]) -> None:
+        """Set the current default schema for the session.
+        Args:
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object.
+        """
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema)
+        self._session.use_schema(schema_name)
+    # exists methods
+    def database_exists(self, database: Union[str, Database]) -> bool:
+        """Check if the given database exists.
+        Args:
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        try:
+            self._root.databases[db_name].fetch()
+            return True
+        except NotFoundError:
+            return False
+    def schema_exists(
+        self,
+        schema: Union[str, Schema],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Check if the given schema exists in the given database. If database is not provided,
+        check if the schema exists in the current database.
+        Args:
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database, schema)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema)
+        try:
+            self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].fetch()
+            return True
+        except NotFoundError:
+            return False
+    def table_exists(
+        self,
+        table: Union[str, Table],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Check if the given table exists in the given database and schema. If database or schema
+        are not provided, check if the table exists in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            table: table name or ``Table`` object.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database, table)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema, table)
+        table_name = table if isinstance(table, str) else table.name
+        try:
+            self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].tables[
+                table_name
+            ].fetch()
+            return True
+        except NotFoundError:
+            return False
+    def view_exists(
+        self,
+        view: Union[str, View],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Check if the given view exists in the given database and schema. If database or schema
+        are not provided, check if the view exists in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            view: view name or ``View`` object.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database, view)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema, view)
+        view_name = view if isinstance(view, str) else view.name
+        try:
+            self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].views[view_name].fetch()
+            return True
+        except NotFoundError:
+            return False
+    def procedure_exists(
+        self,
+        procedure: Union[str, Procedure],
+        arg_types: Optional[List[DataType]] = None,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Check if the given procedure exists in the given database and schema. If database or
+        schema are not provided, check if the procedure exists in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            procedure: procedure name or ``Procedure`` object.
+            arg_types: list of argument types to uniquely identify the procedure. Defaults to None.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database, procedure)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema, procedure)
+        procedure_id = self._parse_function_or_procedure(procedure, arg_types)
+        try:
+            self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].procedures[
+                procedure_id
+            ].fetch()
+            return True
+        except NotFoundError:
+            return False
+    def user_defined_function_exists(
+        self,
+        udf: Union[str, UserDefinedFunction],
+        arg_types: Optional[List[DataType]] = None,
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> bool:
+        """Check if the given user defined function exists in the given database and schema. If
+        database or schema are not provided, check if the user defined function exists in the
+        current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            udf: user defined function name or ``UserDefinedFunction`` object.
+            arg_types: list of argument types to uniquely identify the user defined function.
+                Defaults to None.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database, udf)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema, udf)
+        function_id = self._parse_function_or_procedure(udf, arg_types)
+        try:
+            self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].user_defined_functions[
+                function_id
+            ].fetch()
+            return True
+        except NotFoundError:
+            return False
+    # drop methods
+    def drop_database(self, database: Union[str, Database]) -> None:
+        """Drop the given database.
+        Args:
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database)
+        self._root.databases[db_name].drop()
+    def drop_schema(
+        self,
+        schema: Union[str, Schema],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Drop the given schema in the given database. If database is not provided, drop the
+        schema in the current database.
+        Args:
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database, schema)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema)
+        self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].drop()
+    def drop_table(
+        self,
+        table: Union[str, Table],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Drop the given table in the given database and schema. If database or schema are not
+        provided, drop the table in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            table: table name or ``Table`` object.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database, table)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema, table)
+        table_name = table if isinstance(table, str) else table.name
+        self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].tables[table_name].drop()
+    def drop_view(
+        self,
+        view: Union[str, View],
+        *,
+        database: Optional[Union[str, Database]] = None,
+        schema: Optional[Union[str, Schema]] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Drop the given view in the given database and schema. If database or schema are not
+        provided, drop the view in the current database and schema.
+        Args:
+            view: view name or ``View`` object.
+            database: database name or ``Database`` object. Defaults to None.
+            schema: schema name or ``Schema`` object. Defaults to None.
+        """
+        db_name = self._parse_database(database, view)
+        schema_name = self._parse_schema(schema, view)
+        view_name = view if isinstance(view, str) else view.name
+        self._root.databases[db_name].schemas[schema_name].views[view_name].drop()
+    # aliases
+    listDatabases = list_databases
+    listSchemas = list_schemas
+    listTables = list_tables
+    listViews = list_views
+    listColumns = list_columns
+    listProcedures = list_procedures
+    listUserDefinedFunctions = list_user_defined_functions
+    getCurrentDatabase = get_current_database
+    getCurrentSchema = get_current_schema
+    getTable = get_table
+    getView = get_view
+    getProcedure = get_procedure
+    getUserDefinedFunction = get_user_defined_function
+    setCurrentDatabase = set_current_database
+    setCurrentSchema = set_current_schema
+    databaseExists = database_exists
+    schemaExists = schema_exists
+    tableExists = table_exists
+    viewExists = view_exists
+    procedureExists = procedure_exists
+    userDefinedFunctionExists = user_defined_function_exists
+    dropDatabase = drop_database
+    dropSchema = drop_schema
+    dropTable = drop_table
+    dropView = drop_view
diff --git a/src/snowflake/snowpark/session.py b/src/snowflake/snowpark/session.py
index 0231ad9c870..0c57942ba2b 100644
--- a/src/snowflake/snowpark/session.py
+++ b/src/snowflake/snowpark/session.py
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
 from snowflake.snowpark.async_job import AsyncJob
+from snowflake.snowpark.catalog import Catalog
 from snowflake.snowpark.column import Column
 from snowflake.snowpark.context import (
@@ -656,6 +657,7 @@ def __init__(
         self._runtime_version_from_requirement: str = None
         self._temp_table_auto_cleaner: TempTableAutoCleaner = TempTableAutoCleaner(self)
         self._sp_profiler = StoredProcedureProfiler(session=self)
+        self._catalog = None
         self._ast_batch = AstBatch(self)
@@ -735,6 +737,18 @@ def get_active_session(cls) -> Optional["Session"]:
     getActiveSession = get_active_session
+    @property
+    def catalog(self) -> Catalog:
+        """Returns the catalog object."""
+        if self._catalog is None:
+            if isinstance(self._conn, MockServerConnection):
+                self._conn.log_not_supported_error(
+                    external_feature_name="Session.catalog",
+                    raise_error=NotImplementedError,
+                )
+            self._catalog = Catalog(self)
+        return self._catalog
     def close(self) -> None:
         """Close this session."""
         if is_in_stored_procedure():
diff --git a/tests/integ/test_catalog.py b/tests/integ/test_catalog.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b6b8726673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integ/test_catalog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Snowflake Computing Inc. All rights reserved.
+import uuid
+import pytest
+from snowflake.snowpark.catalog import Catalog
+from snowflake.snowpark.session import Session
+from snowflake.snowpark.types import IntegerType
+pytestmark = [
+    pytest.mark.xfail(
+        "config.getoption('local_testing_mode', default=False)",
+        reason="deepcopy is not supported and required by local testing",
+        run=False,
+    )
+def get_temp_name(type: str) -> str:
+    return f"{CATALOG_TEMP_OBJECT_PREFIX}_{type}_{uuid.uuid4().hex[:6]}".upper()
+def create_temp_db(session) -> str:
+    original_db = session.get_current_database()
+    temp_db = get_temp_name("DB")
+    session._run_query(f"create or replace database {temp_db}")
+    session.use_database(original_db)
+    return temp_db
+def temp_db1(session):
+    temp_db = create_temp_db(session)
+    yield temp_db
+    session._run_query(f"drop database if exists {temp_db}")
+def temp_db2(session):
+    temp_db = create_temp_db(session)
+    yield temp_db
+    session._run_query(f"drop database if exists {temp_db}")
+def create_temp_schema(session, db: str) -> str:
+    original_db = session.get_current_database()
+    original_schema = session.get_current_schema()
+    temp_schema = get_temp_name("SCHEMA")
+    session._run_query(f"create or replace schema {db}.{temp_schema}")
+    session.use_database(original_db)
+    session.use_schema(original_schema)
+    return temp_schema
+def temp_schema1(session, temp_db1):
+    temp_schema = create_temp_schema(session, temp_db1)
+    yield temp_schema
+    session._run_query(f"drop schema if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema}")
+def temp_schema2(session, temp_db1):
+    temp_schema = create_temp_schema(session, temp_db1)
+    yield temp_schema
+    session._run_query(f"drop schema if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema}")
+def create_temp_table(session, db: str, schema: str) -> str:
+    temp_table = get_temp_name("TABLE")
+    session._run_query(
+        f"create or replace temp table {db}.{schema}.{temp_table} (a int, b string)"
+    )
+    return temp_table
+def temp_table1(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    temp_table = create_temp_table(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1)
+    yield temp_table
+    session._run_query(f"drop table if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema1}.{temp_table}")
+def temp_table2(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    temp_table = create_temp_table(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1)
+    yield temp_table
+    session._run_query(f"drop table if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema1}.{temp_table}")
+def create_temp_view(session, db: str, schema: str) -> str:
+    temp_schema = get_temp_name("SCHEMA")
+    session._run_query(
+        f"create or replace temp view {db}.{schema}.{temp_schema} as select 1 as a, '2' as b"
+    )
+    return temp_schema
+def temp_view1(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    temp_view = create_temp_view(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1)
+    yield temp_view
+    session._run_query(f"drop view if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema1}.{temp_view}")
+def temp_view2(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    temp_view = create_temp_view(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1)
+    yield temp_view
+    session._run_query(f"drop view if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema1}.{temp_view}")
+def create_temp_procedure(session: Session, db, schema) -> str:
+    temp_procedure = get_temp_name("PROCEDURE")
+    session.sproc.register(
+        lambda _, x: x + 1,
+        return_type=IntegerType(),
+        input_types=[IntegerType()],
+        name=f"{db}.{schema}.{temp_procedure}",
+        packages=["snowflake-snowpark-python"],
+    )
+    return temp_procedure
+def temp_procedure1(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    temp_procedure = create_temp_procedure(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1)
+    yield temp_procedure
+    session._run_query(
+        f"drop procedure if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema1}.{temp_procedure}(int)"
+    )
+def temp_procedure2(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    temp_procedure = create_temp_procedure(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1)
+    yield temp_procedure
+    session._run_query(
+        f"drop procedure if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema1}.{temp_procedure}(int)"
+    )
+def create_temp_udf(session: Session, db, schema) -> str:
+    temp_udf = get_temp_name("UDF")
+    session.udf.register(
+        lambda x: x + 1,
+        return_type=IntegerType(),
+        input_types=[IntegerType()],
+        name=f"{db}.{schema}.{temp_udf}",
+    )
+    return temp_udf
+def temp_udf1(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    temp_udf = create_temp_udf(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1)
+    yield temp_udf
+    session._run_query(
+        f"drop function if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema1}.{temp_udf}(int)"
+    )
+def temp_udf2(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    temp_udf = create_temp_udf(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1)
+    yield temp_udf
+    session._run_query(
+        f"drop function if exists {temp_db1}.{temp_schema1}.{temp_udf}(int)"
+    )
+def test_list_db(session, temp_db1, temp_db2):
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    db_list = catalog.list_databases(pattern=f"{CATALOG_TEMP_OBJECT_PREFIX}_DB_*")
+    assert {db.name for db in db_list} >= {temp_db1, temp_db2}
+def test_list_schema(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_schema2):
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    assert (
+        len(catalog.list_databases(pattern=f"{CATALOG_TEMP_OBJECT_PREFIX}_SCHEMA_*"))
+        == 0
+    )
+    schema_list = catalog.list_schemas(
+        pattern=f"{CATALOG_TEMP_OBJECT_PREFIX}_SCHEMA_*", database=temp_db1
+    )
+    assert {schema.name for schema in schema_list} >= {temp_schema1, temp_schema2}
+def test_list_tables(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_table1, temp_table2):
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    assert len(catalog.list_tables(pattern="does_not_exist_*")) == 0
+    assert (
+        len(
+            catalog.list_tables(
+                pattern="does_not_exist_*", database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+            )
+        )
+        == 0
+    )
+    table_list = catalog.list_tables(database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert {table.name for table in table_list} == {temp_table1, temp_table2}
+    cols = catalog.list_columns(temp_table1, database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert len(cols) == 2
+    assert cols[0].name == "A"
+    assert cols[0].datatype == "NUMBER(38,0)"
+    assert cols[0].nullable is True
+    assert cols[1].name == "B"
+    assert cols[1].datatype == "VARCHAR(16777216)"
+    assert cols[1].nullable is True
+def test_list_views(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_view1, temp_view2):
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    assert len(catalog.list_views(pattern="does_not_exist_*")) == 0
+    assert (
+        len(
+            catalog.list_views(
+                pattern="does_not_exist_*", database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+            )
+        )
+        == 0
+    )
+    view_list = catalog.list_views(database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert {view.name for view in view_list} >= {temp_view1, temp_view2}
+def test_list_procedures(
+    session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_procedure1, temp_procedure2
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    assert len(catalog.list_procedures(pattern="does_not_exist_*")) == 0
+    assert (
+        len(
+            catalog.list_procedures(
+                pattern="does_not_exist_*", database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+            )
+        )
+        == 0
+    )
+    procedure_list = catalog.list_procedures(
+        database=temp_db1,
+        schema=temp_schema1,
+    )
+    assert {procedure.name for procedure in procedure_list} >= {
+        temp_procedure1,
+        temp_procedure2,
+    }
+@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SNOW-1787268: Bug in snowflake api functions iter")
+def test_list_udfs(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_udf1, temp_udf2):
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    assert len(catalog.list_functions(pattern="does_not_exist_*")) == 0
+    assert (
+        len(
+            catalog.list_functions(
+                pattern="does_not_exist_*", database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+            )
+        )
+        == 0
+    )
+    udf_list = catalog.list_functions(
+        database=temp_db1,
+        schema=temp_schema1,
+        pattern=f"{CATALOG_TEMP_OBJECT_PREFIX}_UDF_*",
+    )
+    assert {udf.name for udf in udf_list} >= {temp_udf1, temp_udf2}
+def test_get_db_schema(session):
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    current_db = session.get_current_database()
+    current_schema = session.get_current_schema()
+    assert catalog.get_current_database().name == current_db
+    assert catalog.get_current_schema().name == current_schema
+def test_get_table_view(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_table1, temp_view1):
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    table = catalog.get_table(temp_table1, database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert table.name == temp_table1
+    assert table.database_name == temp_db1
+    assert table.schema_name == temp_schema1
+    view = catalog.get_view(temp_view1, database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert view.name == temp_view1
+    assert view.database_name == temp_db1
+    assert view.schema_name == temp_schema1
+def test_get_function_procedure_udf(
+    session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_procedure1, temp_udf1
+    catalog: Catalog = session.catalog
+    procedure = catalog.get_procedure(
+        temp_procedure1, [IntegerType()], database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+    assert procedure.name == temp_procedure1
+    assert procedure.database_name == temp_db1
+    assert procedure.schema_name == temp_schema1
+    udf = catalog.get_user_defined_function(
+        temp_udf1, [IntegerType()], database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+    assert udf.name == temp_udf1
+    assert udf.database_name == temp_db1
+    assert udf.schema_name == temp_schema1
+def test_set_db_schema(session, temp_db1, temp_db2, temp_schema1, temp_schema2):
+    catalog = session.catalog
+    original_db = session.get_current_database()
+    original_schema = session.get_current_schema()
+    try:
+        catalog.set_current_database(temp_db1)
+        catalog.set_current_schema(temp_schema1)
+        assert session.get_current_database() == f'"{temp_db1}"'
+        assert session.get_current_schema() == f'"{temp_schema1}"'
+        catalog.set_current_schema(temp_schema2)
+        assert session.get_current_schema() == f'"{temp_schema2}"'
+        catalog.set_current_database(temp_db2)
+        assert session.get_current_database() == f'"{temp_db2}"'
+    finally:
+        session.use_database(original_db)
+        session.use_schema(original_schema)
+def test_exists_db_schema(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1):
+    catalog = session.catalog
+    assert catalog.database_exists(temp_db1)
+    assert not catalog.database_exists("does_not_exist")
+    assert catalog.schema_exists(temp_schema1, database=temp_db1)
+    assert not catalog.schema_exists(temp_schema1, database="does_not_exist")
+def test_exists_table_view(session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_table1, temp_view1):
+    catalog = session.catalog
+    db1_obj = catalog._root.databases[temp_db1].fetch()
+    schema1_obj = catalog._root.databases[temp_db1].schemas[temp_schema1].fetch()
+    assert catalog.table_exists(temp_table1, database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert catalog.table_exists(temp_table1, database=db1_obj, schema=schema1_obj)
+    table = catalog.get_table(temp_table1, database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert catalog.table_exists(table)
+    assert not catalog.table_exists(
+        "does_not_exist", database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+    assert catalog.view_exists(temp_view1, database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert catalog.view_exists(temp_view1, database=db1_obj, schema=schema1_obj)
+    view = catalog.get_view(temp_view1, database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1)
+    assert catalog.view_exists(view)
+    assert not catalog.view_exists(
+        "does_not_exist", database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+def test_exists_function_procedure_udf(
+    session, temp_db1, temp_schema1, temp_procedure1, temp_udf1
+    catalog = session.catalog
+    db1_obj = catalog._root.databases[temp_db1].fetch()
+    schema1_obj = catalog._root.databases[temp_db1].schemas[temp_schema1].fetch()
+    assert catalog.procedure_exists(
+        temp_procedure1, [IntegerType()], database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+    assert catalog.procedure_exists(
+        temp_procedure1, [IntegerType()], database=db1_obj, schema=schema1_obj
+    )
+    proc = catalog.get_procedure(
+        temp_procedure1, [IntegerType()], database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+    assert catalog.procedure_exists(proc)
+    assert not catalog.procedure_exists(
+        "does_not_exist", [], database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+    assert catalog.user_defined_function_exists(
+        temp_udf1, [IntegerType()], database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+    assert catalog.user_defined_function_exists(
+        temp_udf1, [IntegerType()], database=db1_obj, schema=schema1_obj
+    )
+    udf = catalog.get_user_defined_function(
+        temp_udf1, [IntegerType()], database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+    assert catalog.user_defined_function_exists(udf)
+    assert not catalog.user_defined_function_exists(
+        "does_not_exist", [], database=temp_db1, schema=temp_schema1
+    )
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_object", [True, False])
+def test_drop(session, use_object):
+    catalog = session.catalog
+    original_db = session.get_current_database()
+    original_schema = session.get_current_schema()
+    try:
+        temp_db = create_temp_db(session)
+        temp_schema = create_temp_schema(session, temp_db)
+        temp_table = create_temp_table(session, temp_db, temp_schema)
+        temp_view = create_temp_view(session, temp_db, temp_schema)
+        if use_object:
+            temp_schema = catalog._root.databases[temp_db].schemas[temp_schema].fetch()
+            temp_db = catalog._root.databases[temp_db].fetch()
+        assert catalog.database_exists(temp_db)
+        assert catalog.schema_exists(temp_schema, database=temp_db)
+        assert catalog.table_exists(temp_table, database=temp_db, schema=temp_schema)
+        assert catalog.view_exists(temp_view, database=temp_db, schema=temp_schema)
+        catalog.drop_table(temp_table, database=temp_db, schema=temp_schema)
+        catalog.drop_view(temp_view, database=temp_db, schema=temp_schema)
+        assert not catalog.table_exists(
+            temp_table, database=temp_db, schema=temp_schema
+        )
+        assert not catalog.view_exists(temp_view, database=temp_db, schema=temp_schema)
+        catalog.drop_schema(temp_schema, database=temp_db)
+        assert not catalog.schema_exists(temp_schema, database=temp_db)
+        catalog.drop_database(temp_db)
+        assert not catalog.database_exists(temp_db)
+    finally:
+        session.use_database(original_db)
+        session.use_schema(original_schema)
+def test_parse_names_negative(session):
+    catalog = session.catalog
+    with pytest.raises(
+        ValueError,
+        match="Unexpected type. Expected str or Database, got '<class 'int'>'",
+    ):
+        catalog.database_exists(123)
+    with pytest.raises(
+        ValueError, match="Unexpected type. Expected str or Schema, got '<class 'int'>'"
+    ):
+        catalog.schema_exists(123)
+    with pytest.raises(
+        ValueError,
+        match="arg_types must be provided when function/procedure is a string",
+    ):
+        catalog.procedure_exists("proc")