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SNOW-1460351: [v1.17 - v1.18] Can't create dataframe "withcolumn" when column value can have varying length #1725

jeromesubs opened this issue Jun 3, 2024 · 3 comments
bug Something isn't working local testing Local Testing issues/PRs triaged


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Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

  1. What version of Python are you using?

    Python 3.11.8 (main, Feb 26 2024, 21:39:34) [GCC 11.2.0]

  2. What are the Snowpark Python and pandas versions in the environment?


  3. What did you do?

    Create a dataframe
    Create a second dataframe adding a new column with conditions, the column value can be one of two string of different length

  4. What did you expect to see?

    I would expect the second dataframe to be created without error

Here is the code:

class TestBr135(TestCase):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestBr135, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__session = Session.builder.config('local_testing', True).create()

    def test_br135(self):
        input_data = [
            ("SSSS", 12344322, date(2019, 12, 22), date(2019, 12, 30))

        schema = T.StructType([
            T.StructField('COLUMN1', T.StringType()),
            T.StructField('COLUMN2', T.IntegerType()),
            T.StructField('DATE1', T.DateType()),
            T.StructField('DATE2', T.DateType())

        df_input = self.__session.create_dataframe(input_data, schema)

        df_result = df_input.withColumn("NEWCOLUMN", f.when((f.col("DATE1").is_not_null and
                                                                        f.col("DATE2").is_not_null and
                                                                       (f.datediff("day", f.col("DATE1"), f.col("DATE2")) <= 365)), f.lit("String Length")).otherwise(f.lit("String with different length")))

The show command is where the test crash, but even by debugging and looking at df_result properties, you can see the error:
"CaseWhen expressions have conflicting data types: StringType(13) != StringType(28)"

@jeromesubs jeromesubs added bug Something isn't working local testing Local Testing issues/PRs needs triage Initial RCA is required labels Jun 3, 2024
@github-actions github-actions bot changed the title [v1.17 - v1.18] Can't create dataframe "withcolumn" when column can have varying length SNOW-1460351: [v1.17 - v1.18] Can't create dataframe "withcolumn" when column can have varying length Jun 3, 2024
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Here is the stack trace:


../../../../miniconda3/envs/venv311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/snowflake/snowpark/_internal/ in wrap
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
../../../../miniconda3/envs/venv311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/snowflake/snowpark/ in show
../../../../miniconda3/envs/venv311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/snowflake/snowpark/ in _show_string
result, meta = self._session._conn.get_result_and_metadata(
../../../../miniconda3/envs/venv311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/snowflake/snowpark/mock/ in get_result_and_metadata
res = execute_mock_plan(plan, plan.expr_to_alias)
../../../../miniconda3/envs/venv311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/snowflake/snowpark/mock/ in execute_mock_plan
column_series = calculate_expression(
../../../../miniconda3/envs/venv311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/snowflake/snowpark/mock/ in calculate_expression
return calculate_expression(exp.child, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)

exp = <snowflake.snowpark._internal.analyzer.expression.CaseWhen object at 0x7f283d6541d0>
input_data = "COLUMN1" "COLUMN2" "DATE1" "DATE2"
0 SSSS 12344322 2019-12-22 2019-12-30
analyzer = <snowflake.snowpark.mock._analyzer.MockAnalyzer object at 0x7f283d61b650>
expr_to_alias = {}

def calculate_expression(
    exp: Expression,
    input_data: Union[TableEmulator, ColumnEmulator],
    analyzer: "MockAnalyzer",
    expr_to_alias: Dict[str, str],
    keep_literal: bool = False,
) -> ColumnEmulator:
    Returns the calculated expression evaluated based on input table/column
    setting keep_literal to true returns Python datatype
    setting keep_literal to false returns a ColumnEmulator wrapping the Python datatype of a Literal
    import numpy as np

    if isinstance(exp, Attribute):
            return input_data[expr_to_alias.get(exp.expr_id,]
        except KeyError:
            # expr_id maps to the projected name, but input_data might still have the
            # dealing with the KeyError here, this happens in case df.union(df)
            # TODO: check SNOW-831880 for more context
            return input_data[]
    if isinstance(exp, (UnresolvedAttribute, Attribute)):
        if exp.is_sql_text:
                external_feature_name="SQL Text Expression",
                parameters_info={"exp.is_sql_text": str(exp.is_sql_text)},
            return input_data[]
        except KeyError:
            raise SnowparkLocalTestingException(f"invalid identifier {}")
    if isinstance(exp, (UnresolvedAlias, Alias)):
        return calculate_expression(exp.child, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
    if isinstance(exp, FunctionExpression):
        return handle_function_expression(exp, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
    if isinstance(exp, ListAgg):
        lhs = calculate_expression(exp.col, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
        lhs.sf_type = ColumnType(StringType(), exp.col.nullable)
        return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["listagg"](
    if isinstance(exp, IsNull):
        child_column = calculate_expression(
            exp.child, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias
        return ColumnEmulator(
            data=[bool(data is None) for data in child_column],
            sf_type=ColumnType(BooleanType(), True),
    if isinstance(exp, IsNotNull):
        child_column = calculate_expression(
            exp.child, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias
        return ColumnEmulator(
            data=[bool(data is not None) for data in child_column],
            sf_type=ColumnType(BooleanType(), True),
    if isinstance(exp, IsNaN):
        child_column = calculate_expression(
            exp.child, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias
        res = []
        for data in child_column:
            if data is None:
                except TypeError:
        return ColumnEmulator(
            data=res, dtype=object, sf_type=ColumnType(BooleanType(), True)
    if isinstance(exp, Not):
        child_column = calculate_expression(
            exp.child, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias
        return ~child_column
    if isinstance(exp, UnresolvedAttribute):
        return analyzer.analyze(exp, expr_to_alias)
    if isinstance(exp, Literal):
        if not keep_literal:
            if isinstance(exp.datatype, StringType):
                # in live session, literal of string type will have size auto inferred
                exp.datatype = StringType(len(exp.value))
            res = ColumnEmulator(
                data=[exp.value for _ in range(len(input_data))],
                sf_type=ColumnType(exp.datatype, False),
            res.index = input_data.index
            return res
        return exp.value
    if isinstance(exp, BinaryExpression):
        left = fix_drift_between_column_sf_type_and_dtype(
            calculate_expression(exp.left, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
        right = fix_drift_between_column_sf_type_and_dtype(
            calculate_expression(exp.right, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
        # TODO: Address mixed type calculation here. For instance Snowflake allows to add a date to a number, but
        #  pandas doesn't allow. Type coercion will address it.
        if isinstance(exp, Multiply):
            new_column = left * right
        elif isinstance(exp, Divide):
            new_column = left / right
        elif isinstance(exp, Add):
            new_column = left + right
        elif isinstance(exp, Subtract):
            new_column = left - right
        elif isinstance(exp, Remainder):
            new_column = left % right
        elif isinstance(exp, Pow):
            new_column = left**right
        elif isinstance(exp, EqualTo):
            new_column = left == right
            if left.hasnans and right.hasnans:
                    left.apply(lambda x: x is None) & right.apply(lambda x: x is None)
                ] = True
                    left.apply(lambda x: x is not None and np.isnan(x))
                    & right.apply(lambda x: x is not None and np.isnan(x))
                ] = True
                # NaN == NaN evaluates to False in pandas, but True in Snowflake
                new_column[new_column.isna() | new_column.isnull()] = False
        elif isinstance(exp, NotEqualTo):
            new_column = left != right
        elif isinstance(exp, GreaterThanOrEqual):
            new_column = left >= right
        elif isinstance(exp, GreaterThan):
            new_column = left > right
        elif isinstance(exp, LessThanOrEqual):
            new_column = left <= right
        elif isinstance(exp, LessThan):
            new_column = left < right
        elif isinstance(exp, And):
            new_column = (
                (left & right)
                if isinstance(input_data, TableEmulator) or not input_data
                else (left & right) & input_data
        elif isinstance(exp, Or):
            new_column = (
                (left | right)
                if isinstance(input_data, TableEmulator) or not input_data
                else (left | right) & input_data
        elif isinstance(exp, EqualNullSafe):
            either_isna = left.isna() | right.isna() | left.isnull() | right.isnull()
            both_isna = (left.isna() & right.isna()) | (left.isnull() & right.isnull())
            new_column = ColumnEmulator(
                [False] * len(left),
                sf_type=ColumnType(BooleanType(), False),
            new_column[either_isna] = False
            new_column[~either_isna] = left[~either_isna] == right[~either_isna]
            new_column[both_isna] = True
        elif isinstance(exp, BitwiseOr):
            new_column = left | right
        elif isinstance(exp, BitwiseXor):
            new_column = left ^ right
        elif isinstance(exp, BitwiseAnd):
            new_column = left & right
                external_feature_name=f"Binary Expression {type(exp).__name__}",
        return new_column
    if isinstance(exp, UnaryMinus):
        res = calculate_expression(exp.child, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
        return -res
    if isinstance(exp, RegExp):
        lhs = calculate_expression(exp.expr, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
        raw_pattern = calculate_expression(
            exp.pattern, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias
        arguments = TableEmulator({"LHS": lhs, "PATTERN": raw_pattern})

        def _match_pattern(row) -> bool:
            input_str = row["LHS"]
            raw_pattern = row["PATTERN"]
            _pattern = (
                f"^{raw_pattern}" if not raw_pattern.startswith("^") else raw_pattern
            _pattern = f"{_pattern}$" if not _pattern.endswith("$") else _pattern

            except re.error:
                raise SnowparkLocalTestingException(
                    f"Invalid regular expression {raw_pattern}"

            return bool(re.match(_pattern, input_str))

        result = arguments.apply(_match_pattern, axis=1)
        result.sf_type = ColumnType(BooleanType(), True)
        return result
    if isinstance(exp, Like):
        lhs = calculate_expression(exp.expr, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
        pattern = convert_wildcard_to_regex(
                calculate_expression(exp.pattern, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)[
        result = lhs.str.match(pattern)
        result.sf_type = ColumnType(BooleanType(), True)
        return result
    if isinstance(exp, InExpression):
        lhs = calculate_expression(exp.columns, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
        res = ColumnEmulator([False] * len(lhs), dtype=object)
        res.sf_type = ColumnType(BooleanType(), True)
        for val in exp.values:
            rhs = calculate_expression(val, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
            if isinstance(lhs, ColumnEmulator):
                if isinstance(rhs, ColumnEmulator):
                    res = res | lhs.isin(rhs)
                elif isinstance(rhs, TableEmulator):
                    res = res | lhs.isin(rhs.iloc[:, 0])
                        external_feature_name=f"IN expression with type {type(rhs).__name__} on the right",
                        parameters_info={"rhs": type(rhs).__name__},
                exists = lhs.apply(tuple, 1).isin(rhs.apply(tuple, 1))
                exists.sf_type = ColumnType(BooleanType(), False)
                res = res | exists
        return res
    if isinstance(exp, ScalarSubquery):
        return execute_mock_plan(exp.plan, expr_to_alias)
    if isinstance(exp, MultipleExpression):
        res = TableEmulator()
        for e in exp.expressions:
            res[analyzer.analyze(e, expr_to_alias)] = calculate_expression(
                e, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias
        return res
    if isinstance(exp, Cast):
        column = calculate_expression(exp.child, input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)
        if isinstance(, DateType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_date"](
                column, try_cast=exp.try_
        elif isinstance(, TimeType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_time"](
                column, try_cast=exp.try_
        elif isinstance(, TimestampType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_timestamp"](
                column, try_cast=exp.try_
        elif isinstance(, DecimalType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_decimal"](
        elif isinstance(
  , _IntegralType
        ):  # includes ByteType, ShortType, IntegerType, LongType
            res = _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_decimal"](
                column, try_cast=exp.try_
            res.set_sf_type(ColumnType(, nullable=column.sf_type.nullable))
            return res
        elif isinstance(, BinaryType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_binary"](
                column, try_cast=exp.try_
        elif isinstance(, BooleanType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_boolean"](
                column, try_cast=exp.try_
        elif isinstance(, StringType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_char"](
                column, try_cast=exp.try_
        elif isinstance(, (DoubleType, FloatType)):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_double"](
                column, try_cast=exp.try_
        elif isinstance(, MapType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_object"](column)
        elif isinstance(, ArrayType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_array"](column)
        elif isinstance(, VariantType):
            return _MOCK_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MAP["to_variant"](column)
                external_feature_name=f"Cast to {type(}",
                parameters_info={"": type(},
    if isinstance(exp, CaseWhen):
        remaining = input_data
        output_data = ColumnEmulator([None] * len(input_data))
        for case in exp.branches:
            if len(remaining) == 0:
            condition = calculate_expression(
                case[0], input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias
            value = calculate_expression(case[1], input_data, analyzer, expr_to_alias)

            true_index = remaining[condition].index
            output_data[true_index] = value[true_index]
            remaining = remaining[~remaining.index.isin(true_index)]

            if output_data.sf_type:
                if (
                    not isinstance(output_data.sf_type.datatype, NullType)
                    and output_data.sf_type != value.sf_type
                    raise SnowparkLocalTestingException(
                        f"CaseWhen expressions have conflicting data types: {output_data.sf_type} != {value.sf_type}"
                output_data.sf_type = value.sf_type

        if len(remaining) > 0 and exp.else_value:
            value = calculate_expression(
                exp.else_value, remaining, analyzer, expr_to_alias
            output_data[remaining.index] = value[remaining.index]
            if output_data.sf_type:
                if (
                    not isinstance(output_data.sf_type.datatype, NullType)
                    and output_data.sf_type.datatype != value.sf_type.datatype
                  raise SnowparkLocalTestingException(
                        f"CaseWhen expressions have conflicting data types: {output_data.sf_type.datatype} != {value.sf_type.datatype}"

E snowflake.snowpark.mock.exceptions.SnowparkLocalTestingException: CaseWhen expressions have conflicting data types: StringType(13) != StringType(28)

../../../../miniconda3/envs/venv311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/snowflake/snowpark/mock/ SnowparkLocalTestingException

@sfc-gh-aling sfc-gh-aling added triaged and removed needs triage Initial RCA is required labels Jun 3, 2024
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thanking for reaching out! we will take a look at this ASAP

@sfc-gh-aling sfc-gh-aling self-assigned this Jun 3, 2024
@jeromesubs jeromesubs changed the title SNOW-1460351: [v1.17 - v1.18] Can't create dataframe "withcolumn" when column can have varying length SNOW-1460351: [v1.17 - v1.18] Can't create dataframe "withcolumn" when column value can have varying length Jun 4, 2024
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hey @jeromesubs , we have fixed the issue in the latest release 1.19.0. please upgrade and let us know how it goes!

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