Forney Factor Graph with representation of message passing
Factor graphs are one of the probabilistic graphical inference models, well suited for modelling and inferencing complex **estimation/optimization** problems like Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) or Structure from Motion (SFM). Formally, Factor graphs are bi-partite graphs with two nodes,
- Variable nodes, represents unknown quantities in the problem
- Factor nodes, defines the relationship between variables
SLAM problem solves two parts, Localisation (knowing where you are in the environmnet) and Mapping (How the environment looks). Factor graphs are one of the ways to solve the SLAM problem by modelling the unknown locations as nodes and their relationship between varibales or with environemnt objects (landmarks) as factors. Consider the simple SLAM problem below,
Simple SLAM example
x1, x2 and x3 are nodes which are unknown locations l1 and l2 are the location of landmarks (which will be extracted from the environment using sensors) f1, f2, f3 are factors which defines the relationship between nodes and landmarks
git clone
Then, in the root folder of the library, execute the following commands
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make check (optional, runs unit tests)
$ make install
Pre-requisite libraries: Boost, CMake
If not, install it with the following commands
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
$ sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-aruco-detect
Using the GTSAM library, planar SLAM is implemented. This uses the data extracted from the robot's ros topics such as '/odom', '/tf'. From the topic '/odom', the robot's position can be found. From the topic '/tf', the aruco marker distance and orientation from the robot's baselink can be found. These are the two data required by the planar SLAM to estimate the robot's Position. The documentation can be found here
A ROS node for SLAM is implemented using the GTSAM library and its source code and documentation can be found here
The generation and inferencing from the FFG is implemented in python. This allows the user to create a FFG with Boolean random variables and infer any variable from the created graph
The modules (GTSAM not required) needed and the sample code for forney factor graph generation and inferecing can be found here