- 🐛[bug] Comment length out of the preview box (fdab120)
- client: try compatable with safari 13, close #531 (#557) (a13ab21)
- vercel: add version export on response header fix #279 (a643d87)
- [FEATURE] Uniform avatar configure by AVATAR_PROXY (#555) (ff0958e)
- add sticky comment support, need upgrade to latest client and server #509 (e4225d3)
- doc: add api doc https://waline.js.org/api/ (39de903)
- client: Remove
configuration for client and addAVATAR_PROXY
for server.
- client: add wordLimit support (#219) (97c47cb)
- compat with NexT theme 8.4.0 (e297524)
- client: add short lang 'zh' support in i18n, close #209 (#210) (2332f6f)
- vercel: compat pgsql column case insensitive (613323c)
- client: fix #164 remove dark mode scheme (c9c543f)
- client: article list count show error fix #157 (7a429ac)
- admin: dashboard time zone miss (87efb46)
- admin: keyword search btn click resp (48feb8b)
- vercel: LIKE query typo (090230c)
- vercel: await error (71d93ce)
- client: show vistor count by post return val (b00dc64)
- vercel: stor update func return updated value (59cc1c5)
- vercel: github store write header error (dd41f52)
- admin: add i18n support, zh-cn and en-us now (3f49034)
- client: fix typo link check start with http (8759f0f)
- vercel: change github oauth scope to limit access (19ad4e2)
- client: comment list return comment count to reduce api request times (ac4fdb9)
- vercel: comment and article count api support multiple url query (3fc206b)
- admin: compat avatar sever return (9482e83)
- client: compat avatar server return (86a0f0a)
- vercel: add avatar return support (1ab3c9f)
- vercel: fix a serie of bugs when github oauth return email empty
- doc: add user_id, github, avatar field for sqlite (f027784)
- vercel: optimize docker build image (#131)
- add github social login (050f6be)
- vercel: add sender_email env to custom mail from (e5e9af8, closes #120
- admin: fix recursive login bug (8ad1fde, closes #121)
- admin: add profile setting page for dashboard and client (aaf7836)
- client: add admin comment badge for client (#118), closes #115)
- add client login support (#109)
- Add
config variable (7f81112)
- doc: Migration tool add disqus support (9b965ed)
- vercel: compat with empty ua (f39d777)
- vercel: add COMMENT_AUDIT env to audit comment before approved (#94)
- vercel: QQ notification support (10d08af)
- doc: migration tool compat leancloud cn output file (1f25902)
- doc: fix csv migration miss first line data bug (3f7c3b3)
- admin: fix url redirect with double slash bug (f5560eb), closes #80
- vercel: fix dashboard waline config serverURL error with pathname (9bb9385), closes #85
- vercel: add Telegram notification (#83)
- vercel: blog Author Email notify disable when wechat notify enabled (f71a6d1)
- client: post comment without reload page (353a14c)
- client: fix paste upload image can't update preview area after success (2103295)
- vercel: fix childcomment with order asc (f8c65e4)
- hexo-next: add
parameter to custom cdn url (67653ce)
- vercel: compat server url not root pathname (17d402c)
- client: update image upload to alexchu (4e7be34)
- client: add uplodImage custom method (35abb56)
- vercel: compat postgresql (2b70144)
- hexo/next: add hexo-next-waline plugin (1364169)
- client: add recent comment widget (1f43c13)
- vercel & client: add mathjax support with katex (9518679), closes #58