- Redis
- Python 3
- Arancino Toolscripts and Upload Tools.
In Arancino OS and Arancino Stack (containered version) this prerequisites are already satisfied, but if you are running an old version you probably miss stm32, nrf52 and rp2040 and only have samd21. Tools.
During development you could have only one instance, in Production it's mandatory to have two instances; the second one in peristent mode. From version 2.4.0 you must install the Redis TimeSeries Plugin in the first instance.
Is the runtime environment on which Arancino Daemon runs.
Arancino Toolscripts and Upload Tools are a set of scripts and thirdy part softwares used to upload firmware binaries into the connected microcontrollers.
Following the instruction to manually install Toolscripts and Upload:
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install hex2bin-cli
- bossac-cli
- hex2bin
- run-arancino-bossac
> sudo apt install bossa-cli
> sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smartmeio/arancino-daemon-toolscripts/main/run-arancino-bossac -P /usr/bin/
> sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/run-arancino-bossac
- arduinoSTM32load
- dfu-util
- run-arancino-arduinoSTM32load
> sudo apt install arduinostm32load dfu-util-stm32
> sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smartmeio/arancino-daemon-toolscripts/main/run-arancino-arduinoSTM32load -P /usr/bin/
> sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/run-arduinoSTM32load
- adafruit-nrfutil
- run-arancino-adafruit
> sudo apt install python3-adafruit-nrfutil
> sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smartmeio/arancino-daemon-toolscripts/main/run-arancino-adafruit -P /usr/bin/
> sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/run-arancino-adafruit
- python3-uf2conv.py
- run-arancino-uf2conv
> sudo apt install python3-uf2conv
> sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smartmeio/arancino-daemon-toolscripts/main/run-arancino-uf2conv -P /usr/bin/
> sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/run-arancino-uf2conv
Note: if you previously installed one of the previous versions (1. *. *) it is recommended that you flush the redis databases. Many keys have different names and others have been eliminated.
There are two repositories, one for release packages and one for development (snapshot), both are available in packages.smartme.io.
In the latest versions of Arancino OS file system is in Read Only mode, turn it in Read Write mode with the following command:
$ rootrw
Open a terminal window in Arancino OS and run the following:
Specific version (eg. 2.1.1
$ pip3 install --no-cache-dir --no-dependencies arancino==2.1.1
Specific test/dev version (e.g. 2.1.1-test.1
$ pip3 install --no-cache-dir --no-dependencies arancino==2.1.1-test.1
Latest stable version:
$ pip3 install --no-cache-dir --no-dependencies arancino
Please note that in Arancino OS releases earlier than 1.1.0
, the Arancino Package Repository is not included as default entry in the extra-index-url list. So, for this reason, you have to manually create or edit the general purpose /etc/pip.conf
settings file and add the following section to it:
extra-index-url= https://packages.smartme.io/repository/pypi/simple
after that, please follow the steps listed above to install the module.
Arancino Daemon sets up 4 environmental variables during installation. Some of they referes to Arancino OS file system. These variables are setted up by systemd arancino service:
To run locally Arancino Daemon please set up the same variables and change the values based on your environment
Following a configuration for launch.json
of Visual Studio Code
"configurations": [
"name": "Arancino Run",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"env": {
"ARANCINO": "${cwd}",
"ARANCINOCONF": "${cwd}/config",
"ARANCINOLOG": "${cwd}/log",
"program": "${cwd}/start.sh",
"console": "integratedTerminal"
Please go to Run -> Edit Configurations. In the new configuration setup, please ad the following line into the Environment -> Environment Variables field:
During installation a systemd service for Arancino will be set up. The Arancino service, as explained above, will set up some environment variables. These are visibile only to Arancino. To start Arancino, systemd make a call to /usr/local/bin/arancino/
which is the binary distributed during installation.
Please don't run directly
from the terminal$ arancinoThis will doesn't work because making a direct call will not set environmental variables.
The pypi installation will finally enable and start the Aracnino service. You can run ps
or systemctl status
to check if Arancino daemon is up and running:
$ systemctl status arancino
● arancino.service - Arancino
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/arancino.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-11-19 11:23:18 UTC; 33min ago
Main PID: 31125 (arancino)
CGroup: /system.slice/arancino.service
└─31125 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/arancino
$ sudo systemctl start arancino
$ sudo systemctl stop arancino