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Releases: smaato/gulp-tasks


02 Dec 17:23
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Breaking change: deploy task no longer accepts env variable names

Now it just accepts the actual values for bucketName, accessKeyId, and secretAccessKey.

gulp.task('deploy', gulpTasks.deploy({
  src: `dist/**/*.*`,
  // Deploys to
  bucketName: 'smt-gulp-tasks-test',
  accessKeyId: process.env.GULP_TASKS_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.GULP_TASKS_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,

compileJs HMR port bug fixed

There was a bug in v0.2.2 which is now fixed. Specifying different hmrPort values will allow multiple compileJs tasks to run simultaneously.


01 Dec 16:05
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Bug fixes and improvements

  • compileCss tasks will no longer terminate when there's a syntax error in the SCSS.
  • compileJs compilation errors will now be displayed in the terminal.


26 Nov 13:03
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Broken release

Please use v0.3.0 instead.

Original notes

This release extends config of compileJs task with HMR port, which solves the problem of running two and more repositories using gulp-tasks dependency simultaneously.

  hmrPort: 3000,


19 Nov 18:23
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This release fixes a bug in the compileCss method, where the compassSassDir config parameter wasn't being derived correctly when not set.


17 Nov 10:31
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Breaking changes: interface overhaul.

Here's a brief example of how you can use this module to create and register gulp tasks:

var gulpTasks = require('gulp-tasks');

// Each module method returns an object with `config` and `task` properties.
//   - The config property is used for testing.
//   - The task property is a function which you can register as a gulp task.

gulp.task('demoLintJs', gulpTasks.lintJs({
  src: './src/**/*.js',

All task-generation methods:

  • copy: Copy assets from one location to another.
  • compileCss: Compile SCSS with Compass, and run the compiled CSS through PostCSS with
  • compileHtml: Compile Jade templates into HTML.
  • compileJs: Compile JS with Browserify, Browserify-HMR, and Babelify. Optionally watch for
    changes and re-compile.
  • deploy: Deploy to an AWS S3 bucket.
  • lintJs: Lint JS with ESLint.
  • minifyCss: Minify CSS with clean-css.
  • minifyJs: Minify JS with uglify.
  • serve: Serve files on localhost.
  • testE2e: Run end-to-end tests with Nightwatch in PhantomJS.
  • testUnit: Run unit tests with Karma.

Bug fixes

Fixed bug that prevented the selenium-standalone dependency from being installed.


29 Oct 10:06
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Initial set of common Gulp tasks that can be used by projects built with Gulp.